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Loa Elementary Engineers at Work

Loa Elementary Engineers

Loa Elementary School started focusing on STEAM last year and we loved it so much we continued it this year. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. We divide the entire school into five groups and rotate through each of these areas. On September 8th, we had a grand time in Engineering! The students learned what engineering is and some of the different types of engineers. Engineers are people who design or build something to make our lives better. Engineers usually start with a problem that needs to be solved and then find a way to solve the problem.


On September 8th, the problem we needed to solve as engineers was how to scratch our backs. You know that place that you just can't quite reach. So, the students were put into groups and could choose from a number of provided items to create their back scratcher. They could choose from toothbrushes, paint sticks, plastic bottle tops, metal bottle tops, twigs, dish scrubbies, pipe cleaners, forks, spoons, and nail brushes. The students had to design their back scratcher and test it to see if it would work, then make changes if necessary. The back scratchers were then put to the test by the Loa Elementary Staff! The staff voted for their favorite one, and the winners were awarded with a treat. The students had a great time and came up with some really creative ideas. We would like to thank Loa Builders for their donation of the paint sticks and WCHC Dental for their donation of the toothbrushes!

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