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WSD Comprehensive Plan for Student and Classroom Management and Discipline

WSD Comprehensive Plan for Student and Classroom Management and Discipline

SEL Coordinators will be responsible for the following and collaborate with Principals, WSD staff and will implement the following plan. 

High Risk Youth are defined as student characteristics including but not limited to the following: 

  • Physical disabilities and learning disabilities
  • Prolonged or persistent health issues
  • Habitual truancy, incarceration history, or adjudicated delinquency
  • Risky Behavior-Alcohol/Drug Use, promiscuity, domestic violence, court involvement 
  • Family welfare or marital status
  • Mental Health Issues-Student or Parental
  • Parental educational attainment, income levels, employment status, or immigration status
  • Households in which the primary language spoken is not English
  • Below benchmark on Acadience grades K-3
  • Below proficient on Rise or Aspire assessments
  • Sexually, physically or emotionally abused

Tier 1-

  • Collaborate with WSD SEL and principals to establish school wide PBIS including positive behavior expectations and systematic rewarding of good behavior and MTSS
  • Provide SEL curriculums used with all students:  Merrell Strong Start Curriculum (Loa and Hanksville Elementary, Wayne Middle School, Wayne High School)  
  • Collaborate with SEL Coordinator, Counselor and Principals to provide Peer Programs used to promote positive relationships and watch for at risk students- Hope Squads (elementary & middle schools) 
  • SEL coordinators will collaborate with teachers to deliver Tier 1 SEL curriculum/lessons 
  • SEL coordinators will assist with collecting data (i.e. universal screening data, office discipline referrals, incident reports, etc.)  & works with school leadership and student support teams to analyze data to drive school improvement decisions (SEL units/curriculum needed in Tier 1, referrals of students for Tier 2 interventions 

Tier 2-

  • Targeted group support for individuals identified through data collection processes (i.e. Universal Screening, SEL coordinator , teacher/parent referrals, drop-out detective, office discipline referrals, etc).  
  • SEL interventions used in Tier 2 include- Merrell Strong Start Curriculum(elementary),  ADAPT (middle & high school), & WhyTry (middle & high school), JJS
  • Refocus/Calm rooms & specialists (elementary & middle schools)
  • School SEL Coordinators will collaborate with school-level student support teams RTI Team-(Principal, WSD Social Worker, School Counselor) to structure groups to provide targeted interventions for students demonstrating multiple risk factors

Tier 3-

  • SEL Coordinators will  provide crisis-intervention counseling for students presenting with Mental Health/behavioral concerns requiring immediate/prompt attention. 
  • SEL Coordinators will refer students needing intensive, individualized on-going support to outside agencies that provide wraparound services  (public health, mental health, medical, foster care, juvenile justice, etc.) 
  • SEL coordinators will link students/families with community resources such as the Wayne Community Health Clinic, Families First, Children’s Justice Center, Central Utah Counseling Center, JJS and Mental Health for intensive on-going services. 
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13 Reasons Why

Here is a resource for parents if your children have watched or are watching 13 Reasons Why.

Screen Shot 2019 08 28 at 8.57.55 AM 

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Meet Jamie Webb, School Social Worker

STA STA WEBB JAMIEJamie earned her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Minor in Psychology from Weber State University and then went on to become a Licensed Social Services Worker in the Social Work Field.  She earned her Special Education Teaching License from Weber State University. 

Jamie has worked in the Social Work field for the last 20 years.  She began her career working with High Risk Children/Youth and families in Mental Health programs, schools, communities and provided in home counseling services. She worked as the Director of an Adolescent Substance Abuse program for several years and then began working as the Lead Social Worker for Geriatric Program, providing support, counseling and resources within the community.  Prior to moving to Wayne County, she worked in the Hospital setting as the Lead Social Worker providing assessments, resources, crisis and trauma intervention/support.  

Jamie enjoys working with children/youth and families, providing education on Mental and Emotional Health, crisis intervention, resources and support.   She enjoys spending time with her husband and 5 kids. She enjoys team roping, swimming, camping, fishing and traveling.   

As a school district we are excited to have a school social worker on staff. The following documents provide information about what school social workers do.

Elements_School_Social_Worker.pdf             School_SW_services.pdf

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