Classroom Level (Tier 1) Intervention / Accommodation for Academics
- Reading/Math (any content area) Extra practice on basic skills
- Read aloud to record it or with a partner
- Vocabulary flashcards
- Teach additional content area reading/math skills
- Pre-teach concepts
- Re-teach concepts
- Math Flashcards Pre-teach concepts
- Brain Breaks
- Use notes on quizzes / tests
- Use graphic organizer for content area reading
- Provide copies of notes
- Provide guided notes
- Allow oral response for answers
- Extended time for assessment
- Tests / assignments read aloud
- Have student re-state directions
- Highlighted textbook
- Type instead of write
- Small group instruction
- Assistive technology
- Provide checklists for completing tasks on time
- Use timers
- Colored sliders
- More time to respond to questions
- Rewording questions into easier terms
- Avoiding essay questions
- Number paragraphs and cue to answers
- Provide students with review outlines
- Card file with definitions or steps for solving math problems, frequently used words
- Have students make visual models of maps, charts, graphs, using playdough, clay or other mediums, write in sand, shaving cream, water, paint
Classroom Level (Tier 1) Intervention / Accommodation / for Students with Behavior Problems or Low Motivation
- Pre-teach behavior
- Re-teach behavior
- Verbal / Visual Cue System
- Preferential seating
- Time outs
- Study area
- Fidget toy
- Ball chair, wiggle seat
- Self-removal pass
- Scheduled / More frequent break
Classroom Level (Tier 2) Intervention / Accommodation for Academics
Tier 2 interventions as a supplement to Tier 1.
- Interventions in which students are provided instruction on missing academic skills
- Check-In/Check-Out
- Check and Connect
- Check, Connect, and Expect
- Classwide Interventions
- Service Learning Programs
- Setting-based Interventions
- Explicit instruction
- Explanations and demonstrations that are clear and include "think-alouds" ("I do").
- Step-by-step demonstrations of the instructional target ("we do").
- Supported practice with immediate instructional feedback until independent mastery is reached ("you do")
- Provide instruction with modeling
- Series of supports or scaffolds
- Check that students are doing the activity correctly
- Have students demonstrate what they are doing
- Have students repeat instructions
- Provide corrective feedback to individual students
- Provide multiple examples
- Remediate skill deficits
- Pre-teach and review skills for Tier 1 lessons
- Provide multiple opportunities to practice
- Use visual cues
- Mentoring
Classroom Level (Tier 2) Intervention / Accommodation / for Students with Behavior Problems or Low Motivation
Tier 2 supports often involve group interventions with ten or more students participating
Tier 2 interventions as a supplement to Tier 1.
- Social skills groups
- Self-management
- Academic supports
- Clear Expectations
- RTI intervention team
- Implemented by all staff and faculty
Tier 2 interventions as a supplement to Tier 1.
- Checklist to complete tasks
- Quiet place in class
- Preferential seating
- Give Directions multiple ways
- Peer Assistance or Tutoring
- Individual & Visual Schedules.
- Non-Verbal Cues & Signals.
Classroom Level (Tier 3) Intervention / Accommodation for Academics
Tier 3 is a supplement to Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Tier 3 interventions as a supplement to Tier 1 and Tier 2.
- Everything listed in Tier 1 and 2.
- Specially Designed Instruction
- Focused on individualized goals, which may or may not be on grade level
- Guided by progress monitoring data
- More intense, often with longer or more frequent sessions
- Reduced group size
- Collaboration With Student's Physician And/Or Mental Health Provider.
Tier 3 interventions as a supplement to Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Specially Designed Instruction.
Research-validated instructional strategies
Individual/small group instruction 1:3 daily with increased time ranging from 40-60 minutes.
- Two options to consider with time:
- Providing Tier 3 intervention twice a day (e.g., 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon)
- Providing Tier 3 intervention at the same time as Tier 2 intervention
- Individual & Visual Schedules.
- Non-Verbal Cues & Signals.
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