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The Flag

Flag project artMrs. Jackson’s 3rd grade class at Loa Elementary has been learning about the American Flag and Pledge of Allegiance in Social Studies. Along with learning about the pledge they discussed what are the characteristics of a good citizen and how to be a good citizen in our own communities. They learned about the court system as well. When they finished these discussions, they walked up to the Wayne County Court House where the students were given a tour of the courthouse. They were shown the courtroom, the judge's chamber, the sheriff department, the recorder's office, and the Treasurer's office. In the Treasurer's office, they learned about the land in Wayne County and got a copy of the document that shows the trade with the Native Americans for the water right to Fish Lake. To wrap up the unit the students did some research about Wayne County and the towns in it. The students had to work with a partner and research their assigned town and then teach what they learned to the rest of the class. It was very fun and interesting to see the facts the students discovered about each town. They are currently working on a project where they are writing about someone in their community that is a good community member that could tell them some good stories of Wayne County from long ago. It has been a fun unit to study.


“I really liked when we went to the courthouse. I learned that people sit and record the things that the judge and the suspects say. You also have to walk through metal detectors. We visited all the offices in the courthouse. We saw the Sheriff’s Department, the Treasurer, and the Recorder. It was interesting.” ~ Rylan Taylor

“We have been learning about the Pledge of Allegiance and how to be a good citizen. We say the pledge to be respectful to our flag, Country, Government, and community. We have also been learning about Wayne County. We visited the Court House. The Court House is a special place to all our communities. Wayne County Utah is a cool place. It has two National Parks, Capital Reef and Canyonlands. The cities are Fremont, Loa, Lyman, Bicknell, Teasdale, Torrey, Grover, Notom, Caineville, and Hanksville.”~ Dreygan Niemeyer

“I liked when we learned about the flag and pledge of allegiance. We learned what each color means and how to fold the flag. When we did that we went outside and Keaton and Kage folded it and the teacher raised and lowered it. When you fold the flag, you have to fold it and make sure that the stars are showing. You also need to raise it quickly and lower it slowly. After we came in we started a booklet that told us what it all meant. For instance, the 50 stars stand for each state and the 13 stripes stand for the 13 original colonies.” ~ Cienna Cropper

“I liked learning about the flag. My teacher read us a book about a little kid and her grandma. They had to learn the pledge of allegiance and what it means. The pledge of allegiance means that I will be a good citizen and promise to respect the United States of America. Then we got to do a really fun art project. It was a big flag and we got to paint red strips and paint a blue square and then we got our hand white and set it on the blue square. It was fun. We also talked about the 13 stripes on the flag stands for the original 13 colonies and the 50 stars stand for the 50 states.” ~ Jenny Petree

“I like when we went to the courthouse. We got to see records of Wayne County. We also learned that we traded the Native Americans 1 suit, 500 pounds of flour, 1 good beef steer, and 9 horses for the water rights to Fish Lake. We also saw where the judge sits and then we saw the judge’s chambers and there were a lot of old books.” ~ Kage Oyler

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