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STEM Activities in Wayne Middle School

STEMSTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is integrated into all of our schools. STEM curriculum uses real-world applications as the basis for activities. Students learn how problem solving and the scientific process apply to everyday situations. The curriculum aims to get students interested in STEM areas and improve proficiency in those areas.

A STEM lesson plan often starts by presenting students with a problem. Students gather information and conduct experiments to test theories. One example in Wayne School District is Mrs. Stringham's 7th grade Utah Studies class. The class has been learning about the geology of Utah. One of the exciting natural forces that helped to shape our state is the earthquake. After learning about how often earthquakes occur in Utah, the class created marshmallow and toothpick structures. These structures were designed to withhold the simulated quaking of a 3.3, 5.2, and 9.2 earthquake! The Utah landscape was designed with Jell-O. After each structure was tested all of the structures held (with just a little damage)!

Mrs. Stringham's Utah Studies class had a great time learning about natural forces of Utah and pondering when the next "big one" will hit!

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