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Student Data Collection Notice

Wayne School District
Student Data Collection Notice

Below are brief descriptions of each of Wayne School District’s major data collections. The collection, use, and sharing of student data have both benefits and risks. Parents and students should learn about these benefits and risks and make choices regarding student data accordingly. We may not collect a student’s social security number or, except as required in Section 78A-6-112, criminal record. 

Necessary Student Data Collected for Every Student:

Student Demographics

  • Name
  • Birthdate
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Address
  • Home Phone
  • Parents/Guardian Names
  • Parents/Guardian Phone
  • Parents/Guardian Email
  • Medical Information
  • Emergency Contacts


  • State-assigned student identifier (SSID)
  • School
  • District of attendance
  • District of residence
  • Grade level
  • Entry date/Exit date, exit code
  • Dropout indicator (grades 7–12)
  • Total days enrolled
  • Total days 
  • Mobility status

Courses enrolled

  • Cumulative GPA
  • Grade earned
  • Credits attempted
  • Credits earned
  • Course educator ID
  • School of record
  • Part-time status
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) school choice and supplementary services

Program Participation Indicators

  • Title I 
  • Special Education and 504 status
  • Gifted
  • Free/reduced lunch
  • English Language Learner
  • Migrant 
  • Immigrant
  • Refugee
  • Homeless (& accompanied status)
  • Optional Extended Kindergarten
  • Military child
  • Reading interventions provided (grades 1–3)

Incident and Discipline Data

  • Information about the incident
  • Information about the student involved (perpetrator/victim, infraction type(s), weapons(s), injuries, etc.) 
  • Information about any discipline, referral, or other action taken

State Assessments 

  • Statewide summative assessment: RISE
  • Scale scores, sub scores, proficiency levels
  • Accommodated test indicator
  • Student growth percentiles (SGPs)
  • Adequate growth percentile 
  • Alternative/Special Needs summative assessment
  • Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) scores in English and Math
  • Utah Alternative Assessment (UAA) scores in Science
  • College entrance exam scores: ACT (11th grade)
  • College credit exams: Advanced Placement (AP) scores
  • Dual immersion exams: ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) scores
  • Kindergarten Entry/Exit Profile (KEEP)
  • Early literacy assessment: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Acadience) scores (Grades K–3)
  • Civics Exam (If school district or charter school chooses to submit it)
  • Bi-literacy Seal

Additional Student Data Collected on Students Participating in Specific Programs:

Early Childhood

  • Student demographics for some students not enrolled in public pre-Kindergarten
  • English learner (EL) and language impairment (LI) status
  • Pre-Kindergarten assessment scores

Special Education

  • Disability type(s)
  • Services received (time, regular percent, environment, extended school year, intensive services)
  • Parent phone number
  • Alternative Assessment Eligibility
  • Entry date/Exit date, exit code 

Youth in Care

  • Custody type
  • Services received (time, environment)
  • Entry/Exit date, exit code

English Language Learners

  • Primary native language
  • Parents’ language
  • English language proficiency level
  • EL instruction types

Concurrent Enrollment

  • Institution granting credit
  • Marks/grades from Utah System of Higher Education (USHE)
  • Credits attempted and credits earned
  • Course type and campus location

Career and Technical Education (CTE) participation, concentration, and completer status

Carson Smith

  • Copy of Birth Certificate/information for SSID
  • Eligibility information

How Student Data Are Stored and Protected

Wayne School District works hard at storing and protecting student data.  Student data is transmitted with the latest encryption methods and stored in a secure way.  

Our district provides student data privacy training to all full-time staff.  Staff members are trained annually on how to access information responsibly.  Our district has defined which staff can and cannot have access to student data.  Even when staff have access, they are limited to only the student data they need.

Students’ and Parents’ Rights Statement

Students own their personally identifiable student data. An educational entity shall allow the following individuals to access a student’s student data that is maintained by the education entity:

  • the student’s parent;
  • the student
  • in accordance with the education entity’s internal policy and in the absence of a parent, an individual acting as a parent to the student

If a significant data breach occurs at an education entity, they shall notify the student, if the student has turned 18, or the student’s parent or legal guardian.

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  • Hits: 1650