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Bus Conduct

Conduct which provides grounds for suspension from bus riding privileges includes:

  1. Student conduct that occurs on the bus which may warrant or requires suspension or expulsion under the Safe School policy, FHA.
    1. Willful injury or threat of injury to a bus driver or another rider.
    2. Willful and/or repeated defacement of the bus.
    3. Use of profanity after a warning.
    4. Repeated willful disobedience to a bus driver or other supervisor's directives.
    5. Such other behavior as the school administration deems to threaten the safe operation of the bus and it occupants.

Use of Video Surveillance on School Buses

Video cameras may be used on school buses when deemed advisable to monitor conduct and/or to maintain a safe environment for students and employees.

Security of Video Surveillance

The content of the video tapes constitutes student records that are confidential and protected. Only those having a legitimate educational or administrative purpose shall be able to review such information. If a tape becomes the subject of a disciplinary proceeding, it shall be treated like all other evidence in the hearing as confidential and protected.

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