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Adopted: 12 July 2023

Continuing Education Reimbursement

Continuing Education reimbursement requests

Wayne School District Board of Education recognizes there are times when employees need or want to further their education. When funding is available, the district will give financial support to employees when there is a critical district need or when an employee wants to further his or her education to improve instruction in the classroom. First priority will be given to employees who have been hired or transferred to fill a critical need within the district.  After critical needs are met, other opportunities will be funded based on application and funding availability according the following priority list:

  1. First master’s degree in content area, education, or curriculum design 
  2. Endorsements that will improve instruction
  3. Position related professional development
  4. Other master’s degree or second master’s degree


Wayne School District will reimburse up to 100% of the cost of tuition and fees for licensed teachers and/or non-licensed employees, who are requested in writing by the Superintendent to take further educational course work to fill a critical District need, become Highly Qualified, or meet State endorsement requirements. Funding will be based on the availability of Federal, State, or Local funds.

Requests made under this policy by the Superintendent and reimbursement of tuition costs do not bind the District in any way to guarantee employment or advancement commensurate to the certificate, degree or endorsement obtained. Wayne District reserves the right to hire, transfer, and/or assign employees as District needs and established policies dictate.

In order to participate in this program, all staff must be willing to make a personal commitment and express the desire to improve themselves through educational opportunities as employees of the District. All recipients awarded funds through this program are required to work for Wayne School District for three years following final reimbursement issued. Any employee who voluntarily leaves Wayne School District or fails to complete the approved program will be required to repay any funds awarded up to that point. If leaving prior to completing three years of employment, repayment of funds will be prorated based on the portion of time completed.

All employees requesting funds must be enrolled and/or accepted into an education certification program, or enrolled in classes directly related to an educational certificate, degree, and/or endorsement from an accredited university. Employees will only receive reimbursement for courses that are needed for them to become Highly Qualified or to meet State endorsement requirements for the position they currently hold in the district.

In order to qualify for these funds, non-licensed staff must also have completed at least an associate’s degree, or credits equaling an associate’s degree.

Pre-payment requests. 

Applicants receiving funds for education needed to fulfill a critical need within the district may request the District to pre-pay for tuition, books and fees by making a formal written request to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will determine on an individual, case-by-case basis if that request can be fulfilled. Proof of successful course completion must be provided to the district office within two weeks of receipt of course results. Failure to show successful course completion will result in the employee being required to repay funds advanced and the employee will no longer be eligible for pre-payment under this policy.

Continuing Education reimbursement requests

Employee Requests

Wayne School District offers a tuition reimbursement program for employees desiring to earn subject specific Master’s Degrees or additional endorsements. All full time employees who are in good standing and have received effective or higher ratings on their evaluation may apply. Wayne School District will not be obligated to reimburse teachers retroactively to this policy, or to retroactively reimburse teachers who have paid tuition on their own for additional coursework.

Funds will be budgeted each year as available. Once the budget is set, the opportunity will be advertised with an application deadline for the upcoming school year. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee of no fewer than three district and/or school administrators. Applications will be ranked based on a scoring rubric.

Applicants will be required to submit an application to the Superintendent with a letter describing how their desired program will benefit the students of Wayne School District. Recommendations will be given to the Superintendent for awarding the successful tuition reimbursement applicants. After consultation with the selection committee, it is the role of the Superintendent to choose the successful applicant(s) based on prioritized needs of the District. The Superintendent will then inform the Board of Education of his award decision(s.)

Once district approval for tuition reimbursement has been received in writing, proof of admission to an appropriate program from an accredited university must be provided to the district along with a proposed degree course completion plan.

Applicants must enroll in an education program that directly benefits the students they are currently hired to work with (Subject Specific Master’s Degree or beneficial endorsement). 

The district may reimburse up to 50% of the tuition capped at $3,000 per individual per fiscal year for up to three years for licensed educators to pursue subject specific Master’s Degrees. All recipients of funds through this program are required to work for Wayne School District for three years following final reimbursement issued.

Any employee who voluntarily leaves Wayne School District or fails to complete the approved program will be required to repay any funds awarded up to that point.  If leaving prior to completing three years of employment, repayment of funds will be prorated based on the portion of time completed.

Application Timeline

July 1st District will advertise the Tuition Reimbursement Program

July 1st - September 1st Application Window

November 1st Notification of Successful Applicants

January 1st Course work may begin

All teachers and staff who are engaged in furthering their education whose course work requires additional support (i.e. time out of class, tutoring, observation time, internships, etc.) should make their requests in writing to their school administrator who will then forward the request to the Superintendent with their recommendation. Upon approval the school administrator will coordinate with the District Office staff to meet the requirements of the request.

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