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Reduce Assignment

Why should I do it?

  • Helps motivate overwhelmed students
  • Makes a student’s work seem more achievable
  • Helps students to focus on the task rather than the amount
  • Increases incentive to do work
  • Makes assignments more manageable for slower or struggling students
  • Increases students’ sense of accomplishment
  • Improves student success
  • Makes goals more attainable for students

When should I do it?

  • When a student is slow working
  • When a student is struggling and having difficulty grasping concepts or completing work
  • When a student regularly turns in assignments incomplete
  • When a student is unmotivated
  • When a student seems overwhelmed
  • When a student is discouraged
  • When a student experiences little success on assignments
  • When a student needs encouragement to keep trying
  • When a student needs to experience successes

How do I do it?

  • There are numerous ways to reduce an assignment depending on the subject matter and assignment, for example:
    • Assigning odd or even problems only
    • Assigning only half
    • Assigning only what the student can finish in a certain amount of time
    • Assigning only enough to ensure the student has practiced the main or essential concepts
    • Having a student write some answers and verbally give others
    • Having a student do a certain number of questions on their own and doing the rest with a partner
    • Etc.
  • When reducing assignments, try to only give the student the questions or problems they need to cover the main or essential concepts, letting less important or peripheral concepts and ideas go
  • Focus on what the student absolutely needs to learn and know
  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 1570