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Community Use of School Facilities

Civic Center/Use Limited to District Residents

In accordance with Utah State Code Sections 53A-3-414 the Board authorizes, on condition, for the use of school building and grounds as civic centers for other than school purposes. The Board recognizes that these civic centers shall be established and maintained as limited public forums to District residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings. It is further understood that the use of property for civic center purposed may not interfere with school functions or purposes. 

Buildings and grounds are under the direction of the school principal. 

  1. Building Use
    1.  As a guide to scheduling, priorities are as follows:
      1. First Priority: Regular school programs and activities. 
      2. Second Priority: Scheduled community school and adult education programs and activities. Youth programs that feed Wayne High School’s programs will have priority as long as it is their season of sport or activity. 
      3. Third Priority: Other community groups who wish to rent facilities. 

Fees for Use of School Property for Civic Center Purposes-

The Board may set and charge a reasonable fee for the use of school property as a civic center to fully compensate the District for any and all expenses incurred in that use. The fee charged may take into account increased overhead expense, including utilities, personnel, and other areas affected by use of the facilities. 

Utah Code 53G-7-210

Special Functions Officer-

The Board may appoint a District security officer or student resources officer as a special functions officer. The special functions officer shall have charge of the grounds and shall take reasonable measures to protect school property when used for civic center purposes. 

Utah Code 53G-7-210

Utah Code 53-13-105

Duties of School Principal-

All activities will be scheduled through the appropriate school administrator. Application for use of school facilities shall be made on the form provided by the School District. Each school will have application forms at the school site. The building administrator is responsible for coordination of all school rentals and after-hour facility use. School programs are given first priority for any use request. All other requests for school facility use will be scheduled on a time and space available basis.

Rental of School Facilities-

The rental of school facilities for other than school use shall be according to the following guidelines:

  1. Application for rental will be made with the principal of the school. Application requires the signatures of the applicant, principal and Superintendent. 
  2. Rental rates will be determined according to the rental rate as approved by the Board of Education. 
  3. Payments will be collected by the Principal, recorded, and sent to the District Office with a copy of the original application. 
  4. Cancellations will be reported to the District Office.
  5. Personnel charges will be added according to the rates listed on the rental schedule. 
  6. The principal shall submit to the District a report of the use of the building or grounds. 
  7. The principal shall report questionable use or activity connected with rental of facilities. 
  8. A certificate of liability insurance is required with limits of not less than $600,000. The District shall be named as an additional insured.  (This provision (8) can only be waived in writing by the Board of Education.) A hold harmless Agreement shall also be entered into. 


At the time of rental, arrangements shall be made with the building administrator for adequate supervision and ensure proper conduct in and around the building and the proper care of the school and its equipment. An employee of the school/district shall be responsible for the opening and closing of buildings for buildings rented by an outside group.  If possible, it is preferred that a district employee is present at the times during the activity, however, if it is not practical or possible, the supervision may be delegated to a responsible adult from the renting party upon approval from the building administrator. A district employee still must inspect the building at the closing of the activity and lock up the building. The scheduling administrator will use discretion in delegating responsibility or requiring adequate additional supervision by law enforcement and school personnel for the type of activity and the number of people involved. When a kitchen is used, appropriate district Nutrition Services staff must be hired to supervise use of kitchen equipment. A district of school employee must be hired to operate the sound and lighting systems for auditorium use.  For activities where kitchen or other equipment is used, district employees must be present - delegation to the renting party is not an option. District/school personnel who provide services or supervision during a rental must be paid through the Wayne School District Payroll Department. Classified employees will be paid at their hourly rate. Certified employees will be paid at their hourly rate.  Fees charged for the rental will be used to offset district personnel hourly rates. 


All non-school/ non-district groups using WSD facilities must provide evidence of liability insurance in the amount recommend by State Risk Management (not less that $600,000). Entities that do not have a current policy may contact the insurance company of their choice. Utah State Risk Management offers a commercial insurance to cover outside entities without insurance.

Inadvisable Uses-

The Board may refuse to permit the use of school property as a civic center if it determines the use interferes with school function or purpose. 

Utah Code 53G-7-209

Use of Grounds and Outside Facilities

All field use and rentals are under the direction of school principals at each site. The use of school fields for school program needs supersedes any other use. Inter-local agreements may be established for recreational programs to use district grounds. When rental is allowed, hours and use must be designated. The UHSAA moratoriums will be enforced for off-season times. Tobacco, electronic cigarettes and products, intoxicating drinks, and boisterous conduct are expressly prohibited. Any group or organization using Wayne School District property must adhere to the following standards.

  1. All usage will be scheduled through the school administrator. The Wayne School District Facility Usage Permit must be filled out and submitted to the School Administrator for approval.
  2. Wayne High School gymnasiums, baseball and softball fields are off limits to any group other than Wayne School District endorsed (feeder programs) or sponsored athletic programs. Groups such as “Little league Football”, soccer, rugby, lacrosse, pickle ball, and any other high-wear gymnasium or field usage activity are not allowed to use high school gymnasiums or fields without District Administration approval. Approved programs may use facilities but are subject to rental fees. 
  3. Due to excessive use of the regular playing fields and gymnasiums within the regular school program, the necessity of keeping certain playing fields and gymnasiums in top condition for the school league play, makes the regular use of these fields and gymnasiums by non-school groups impractical. 
  4. Ongoing organized groups will not be allowed to have unscheduled or uncharged activities. 
  5. All groups will provide their own adult supervision to adequately monitor facilities used. Monitoring is to maintain order and prevent vandalism and destruction of school and adjoining properties. No unsupervised youth group or organization will be allowed to use the school facilities. 
  6. No tampering, modifying, or abusing of the field watering system is allowed. 
  7. Field marking must be done in such a manner that there is no damage or destruction. 
  8. Portable goals may need to be set up or taken down each day they are used. Permanent goals must be pre-approved by district before installation. 
  9. Driving vehicles on the playing fields or playground is prohibited. Parking must be in designated parking areas only. 
  10. No tobacco, alcohol, or drugs are allowed on school grounds. 
  11. No loud music or inappropriate conduct is allowed on school property. 
  12. A school’s power and motorized equipment (genie, shooting gun, etc.) may only be operated by authorized Wayne School District personnel. 
  13. Supplies or equipment belonging to the school or its students may not be removed from the premises. 


School and district administrators will deny request that would disrupt regular programs or threaten damage to the facility or grounds. District personnel cannot be compelled to work on Sundays or holiday for school rentals. Therefore Sunday and holiday rentals are discouraged. Because of the time commitment required of district staff and the limitations placed on school use of the building, ongoing rentals will also be discouraged. Computer labs, tech labs, shop, etc. are not to be rented. Elementary and Middle school grounds close at 10:00pm. High School grounds close at midnight. All district policies and state local laws will be enforced. 

Political Signs on School-

A political sign is any sign document that advocates the election or defeat of a candidate for public office or the approval or defeat of a ballot proposition. Schools and the school district are not required to allow the posting of political signs on school property. However, if the district or a district administrator or their designee posts or permits the posting of political sign on school property, then the district shall also permit the posting of all other political signs, subject to the same requirements and restrictions. Any requirements or restrictions placed on the posting of political signs must be politically neutral and content neutral. 

Approval for posting of a political sign may only be given by a building principal or higher level administrator, or the designee of such an administrator. 

Utah Code 20A-17-103

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