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FDACF Medical Treatment Student Self Application of Sunscreen

Created:  3 July 2017

Modified:  21 May 2019

Approved: 13 November 2019

Health Requirements and Services: 

Student Self-Application of Sunscreen

Student Self-Application of Sunscreen

Under Policy FDAC, elementary and middle school students are prohibited from carrying or self-administering medication on school premises except in certain limited circumstances. Sunscreen is a compound topically applied to prevent sunburn. Some sunscreen may be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and therefore might be considered a medication. Whether or not a sunscreen is regulated by the FDA, students shall be allowed to possess and self-apply sunscreen without being required to have parent, physician, or physician assistant authorization.

Utah Code § 53G-9-208(1), (2) (2019)

Peer Sunscreen Application Prohibited

No student is permitted to apply sunscreen to another student.

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