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Notification Received from Juvenile Courts
Superintendent to Notify School
Within three days of receiving a notification from juvenile court or a law enforcement agency that a student of the district has been taken into custody or adjudicated for a crime of violence or an offense in violation of Title 76, Chapter 10, Part 5, Weapons, the superintendent shall notify the principal of the school that the juvenile attends. The superintendent shall inform the principal:
1. The name of the student;
2. The offense for which the student was taken into custody or adjudicated;
3. If available, the name of the victim, if the victim is a student of the school district and:
a. Resides in the same school district as the student; or
b. Attends the same school as the minor.
Upon receipt of the information from the superintendent, the principal shall make a notation in a secure file other than the student's permanent file and, if the student is still enrolled in the school, notify staff members, who, in the principal's discretion, should know of the adjudication.
The superintendent, principal, and all other persons receiving information pursuant to this policy may only disclose the information to other persons having both a right and a need to know. Access to the secure files shall be limited to such persons. The district shall comply with all State Board of Education rules governing the dissemination of the information received from juvenile court or a law enforcement agency.
Utah Code § 53G-8-403 (2018)
The superintendent, principal, and any other staff member notified by the principal shall not intentionally cause the information to become public knowledge.

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