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Modified:  13 May 2019

Approved: 13 November 2019

Health Requirements and Services: 

Student Self-Treatment for Diabetes

Student Self-Administration of Diabetes Medication

Under Policy FDAC, elementary and middle school students are prohibited from carrying or self-administering medication on school premises except in certain limited circumstances. However, elementary and middle school students may carry and self-administer prescription or non-prescription diabetes medications provided that the school has been provided a parent authorization statement and a health care provider statement as provided below.

The written parent statement must state that the parent authorizes the student to have and self-administer the diabetes medication and must acknowledge that the student is responsible for, and capable of, possessing and self-administering the diabetes medication.

The health care provider statement must specifically identify the prescription or nonprescription diabetes medication authorized for the student's use and must state that it is medically appropriate for the student to possess or possess and self-administer the diabetes medication and that the student should be in possession of diabetes medication at all times.

If the medication is to be stored other than on the student’s person, the student or parent shall inform the school nurse or administration where the medication will be kept to enable access for emergency use.

The student shall only use prescription diabetes medication as directed by a health care provider's written orders, and shall use non-prescription diabetes medication in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Utah Code § 53G-9-506 (2019)

Medication Sharing Prohibited

No student is permitted to sell, share, or otherwise give to others any medication, prescription or non-prescription. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action under the school's drug policies.

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