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Modified:  30 April 2020

Approved: 14 October 2020


Early Graduation Incentive

Early Graduation—                                      

            A student who has completed all required courses or otherwise demonstrated mastery of required skills and competencies and has satisfied state and District graduation requirements may graduate at any time provided the following conditions are met:

  • the student has achieved an acceptable citizenship point average;
  • the student approves;
  • the parent approves;
  • the student has a current plan for college and career readiness on file at the student’s high school; and
  • a school official who is authorized by the principal or director approves the early graduation.

Utah Code § 53F-2-501(1) (2020)

Utah Admin. Rules R277-703-4(2) (October 10, 2017)

Scholarships for Early Graduation—

            The District shall aid the early graduating student to apply for a Centennial scholarship provided under Utah Code § 53F-2-501(3)(a). In consultation with the student’s parent and school advisor, a student seeking a Centennial scholarship shall indicate to the principal the student’s intent to complete early graduation at the beginning of the 9th grade year or as soon thereafter as the intent is known.

Utah Code § 53F-2-501(3) (2020)

Utah Admin. Rules R277-703-4(1) (October 10, 2017)

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