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CKB - Travel

Created: 8 August 2013

Modified: 25 May 2022

Approved: 11 October 2023

Modifed: 12 June 2024

Cash Receipts and Expenditures:

Travel and non-travel reimbursements 

Travel Approval—

All travel outside of the school district must be pre-approved by an employee’s immediate supervisor. 

A travel authorization form must be submitted, and approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor, prior to registering for conferences and events or purchase/booking of any travel arrangements. The form must include the dates and purpose of travel, destination, estimate of travel cost, lodging and meal costs. Each traveler must complete an authorization form and provide supporting documentation. 

In-state travel must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. 

Out-of-state travel must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor and applicable administrator and the Superintendent. 

An administrator or board member’s immediate supervisor may be the superintendent or board chair, respectively.

Travel Reimbursement—

A travel reimbursement request must be completed within 30 days of return from travel. The request must include the dates and purpose of travel, destination(s), time of departure and return, and mileage.  

Lodging, airfare, taxi, parking, or other transportation and baggage fees paid by the employee require receipts to be reimbursed. Any expenditures, excluding meals, not supported by receipts will not be reimbursed, unless expressly approved by the supervisor in extraordinary circumstances. Per diem checks will be issued for meals that meet policy guidelines below, paid at current state per diem rates.  Conference agendas, completed mileage logs, or other documentation supporting times of departure and return are required for meal reimbursements.

Travel Costs—

When employees are expected to travel for work, they may charge on a district credit card or be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in connection with approved travel.  

Employees should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses and exercise care to avoid impropriety or the appearance of impropriety.  All expenses excluding meals must be substantiated by detailed receipts and be submitted as per purchasing card policy CKAA or submitted for reimbursement within 30 days of incurrence.  

Travel Hours—

If travel requires leaving before 6:00am or driving after 9:00pm, the employee may choose to stay in a hotel to avoid dangerous driving conditions.  This option should be pre-approved, when possible, by the employee’s immediate supervisor.  The superintendent may approve lodging options inside the 6:00am to 9:00pm window in extenuating circumstances.

Vehicle Travel—

Employees are encouraged to take a district car anytime they are traveling for work.  Employees must have a current passing score on the state Risk Management driving test in order to operate a district vehicle.  The employee is allowed to bring their spouse/partner as a passenger in the vehicle, but no other passengers other than district employees or student participants are allowed, unless there is a specific district related reason for them to travel in district vehicles.  

Employees who elect not to take a district car when one is available may be reimbursed for mileage at the current state travel rates approved by the Utah Division of Finance.  If a district vehicle is unavailable, the employee will be reimbursed at the state travel rate in effect during travel. The superintendent may approve reimbursement or expenditure for mileage exceeding the approved amounts in extenuating circumstances.

Personal vehicles are not insured by the District. Damage to a personal vehicle is the responsibility of the traveler and his/her insurance company.

It is expected that all employees arrive at their primary location of the day at their own expense.  Employees who are required to travel in-district may use a district vehicle.  If no district vehicle is available, employees may seek mileage reimbursement when travel exceeds 25 miles round-trip.


Meals during travel/time away will be reimbursed if:  meals are not otherwise provided for and mealtime occurs during travel/time away (defined as 6:00am – breakfast, 12:00pm – lunch, and 6:00pm – dinner).  

Meals will be reimbursed at the at current state per diem rates approved by the Utah Division of Finance.

Receipts must still be kept and submitted for any meals purchased on district credit cards.

The superintendent may approve reimbursement or expenditure for meals exceeding the approved amounts in extenuating circumstances.

Incidental Expenses—

Necessary incidental expenses, including parking, are allowable and may be reimbursed as long as they are considered reasonable and necessary.


Employees should utilize state government rates for in-state lodging. If unavailable, the lowest reasonable rate available should be used.  

For out-of-state travel, employees should utilize the lowest reasonable rate available. 

Consideration may be given to convenience of hotel location in relation to the event site.

For stays at a conference hotel, the Wayne County School District will reimburse the actual cost, plus tax.  If conference is held in a hotel with multiple buildings, rooms may be booked in the building housing the conference.  The traveler must include the conference registration brochure with the Travel Reimbursement Request.  

In cases where it is more convenient, district credit cards or direct bill arrangements will be used and reimbursement will not be necessary.

Reimbursement for non-travel expenses—

Employees are encouraged where possible to utilize district purchase cards for district related expenses.  Employee reimbursements are allowed if purchases otherwise follow district policies and reimbursement is approved by the employee’s supervisor and a district level administrator.  Employees will not be reimbursed for any expenses that are not supported by detailed receipts.  All claims for reimbursement must be submitted within 30 days of expenditure.

Volunteer/Coach Reimbursement

Expenditures made by volunteers or coaches may be reimbursed if pre-approved by the building administrator.  Reimbursable expenditures are:  reasonable program expenses, required certifications, out of town lodging, and meals that meet the guidelines above.  Non-reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to:  mileage and conferences.  Exceptions may be made in extenuating circumstances upon approval by both building and district level administrators.


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