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Created: 19 May 2020

Modified: 19 May 2021

Approved: 17 March 2022

Source: USBA



Post-Route Inspections

End of Route Inspections—

After completing each student delivery route, the school bus operator shall  stop and park the bus and inspect the bus, including the entire length of the interior of the bus, to ensure that all students are off of the bus and to otherwise inspect the interior. When the operator is delivering students to school, this inspection shall if possible be completed at each school site. When the route is a from-school route, the operator shall perform this inspection at a safe location a short distance from where the final student or students left the bus.

Utah Code § 53G-7-220(1) (2021)

Utah Admin. Rules R277-601-3(6)(a) to (c) (March 12, 2020)

National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures p. 148 (May 2015)

Students Found During Inspection—

            If a student is found on the bus, the student shall be immediately returned to the student’s assigned bus stop location or to an alternate location consistent with District policy and with express permission from the parent.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-601-3(6)(d) (March 12, 2020)

Discipline for Failure to Complete Inspection—

            A school bus operator who fails to complete an inspection required by this policy shall be subject to appropriate discipline for such failure.

Utah Code § 53G-7-220(2) (2021)

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