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Modified:  28 March 2019
Approved: 10 July 2019
Source:  USBA

Board Internal Operation

Elections of board president and vice president—

The Board of Education shall elect a president and a vice president whose terms of office are for two (2) years and until their successors are elected.

The elections shall be held during the first board meeting in January following a regular Board election held in the District.

Utah Code § 53G-4-203(1), (2) (2019)

Removal from office—

An officer appointed or elected by the Board may be removed from office for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the Board.

Utah Code § 53G-4-203(3) (2019)


When a vacancy occurs in the office of president or vice president of the Board for any reason, the Board shall elect a replacement for the unexpired term.

Utah Code § 53G-4-203(4) (2019)

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