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Approved: 13 September 2017
Source:  USBA

Board Members:     

Board Internal Operation

Elections of board president and vice-president—

The Board of Education shall elect a president and a vice-president whose terms of office are for two (2) years and until their successors are elected.

The elections shall be held during the first board meeting in January following a regular Board election held in the District.

Removal from office—

An officer appointed or elected by the Board may be removed from office for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the Board.

Training of new board members—

The board president will be responsible to provide training for new board members.  Training will include review of the board member training document and district board policies and other activities or instruction that the board president deems necessary.

Evaluation of Board/Superintendent/Business Administrator—

Formal evaluation of the Board will occur every other year and formal evaluation of the Superintendent and Business Administrator will occur every other year.  Evaluations will be conducted as detailed in policies BKC Business Administrator Evaluation and BJC Superintendent Evaluation.

Bylaws and Code of Ethics—

Annually, the same month as the district performs evaluations, the board shall review the bylaws and code of ethics policies, BAA Board Powers and Duties and BBF Board Members Code of Ethics.

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