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December 11, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – Board President
Cory Anderson – Vice President
Shawn Davis – Board Member
April Torgerson –Board Member
Jeffrey Chappell – Board Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis called the meeting to order.

Cory makes a motion to go to closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at pm. Shawn seconded the motion.

Curtis calls for a vote:

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Jeffrey Chappell - Yes

Superintendent Fahey and Tyler Newton are dismissed at 4:01 pm.

Curtis declares the meeting back in open session at 4:55 pm.

Jeffrey Chappell left during closed session.


Superintendent Report

Superintendent Fahey reviews travel for the board and superintendent. 

Discussion ensues on booking travel, Curtis asks if Tyler would prefer that board book their own travel. He states that he has no preference and reminds the board about the reimbursement rates. Some board members would prefer to book their own, and express that they might be able to get better rates.  They ask about what type of proof you need to get the state rate. 

Roles & Responsibilities

A discussion was held regarding various roles and responsibilities of the school board, superintendent, and business administrator, using a template from another school district.  Some comments were made regarding the focus of these responsibilities being on educational purposes. The areas of policy and meetings were also reviewed with some changes recommended.

Energy Audit

Curtis reviews some of the projections and asks if changing the lights would actually save 37% of our budget. He expresses concern about the numbers presented. He also says that it is a 2.4M project with a large part of it in capital. Some discussion about what needs there are and which part of the project could be used. 

DJ Hubler and Eric Allen present on the energy audit. Eric reviews the goals of the project as well as the timeline and next steps. 

DJ reviews the rooftop unit replacement at the high school, the HVAC improvement measures at Loa Elementary, and network controls throughout the district facilities. He discusses challenges with Carrier units and suggests the Reznor units, which are more expensive, but are warrantied for use in our climate. He also reviews the pro-forma for the project, covering the payback period, cash flow analysis, capital required and financed portion. 

Discussion to resume in 7:00 meeting.

Curtis closes the meeting at 6:59 pm.




Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone and the meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence by Curtis.

Curtis turns the time over to Lance Peterson for a recognition of Briley Brown. She was recognized for her example and willingness to help other students, including arranging for a special guest speaker in the schools, who spoke on bullying and positive relationships among students. 


April moves to approve minutes, Shawn seconds. All in favor. No opposed.


Tyler gives a review of financials. He mentions that the health plan is in good financial shape, and that there was a credit card stolen, but charges have been reversed.

Cory motions to approve expenditures. April seconds the motion. All in favor.


Mary Bray comments that we have received some scholarship money and are very grateful for that. She also mentions an assembly with someone who teaches parents and kids to do random acts of kindness with the Forever 30 Foundation. This will be February 3rd.


Continuation of energy audit discussion from the work meeting. Curtis suggests that the savings numbers don’t seem conservative. DJ Hubler from McKinstry responds that the savings seem reasonable. In a typical building, approximately 40% of the electric cost is lighting.  April asks if we need to replace all roof-top units.  Tyler and Curtis ask about the cost per unit. DJ acknowledges there may be errors in the email sent to Tyler with those costs. Curtis asks about the savings regarding the thermostats. He expresses some skepticism that the savings could be accurate.  DJ states the benchmarks matched very close to the actuals for our district. He explains that they did significant data gathering and he is confident with the savings estimated for the lighting. He explains some of the challenges of calculating savings factors. Curtis asks about how the guarantee is measured.  DJ explains that there are a few ways to measure, one of which is by comparing to energy bills, but that is not what they are suggesting.  They use the measurement and verification report as part of the project. 

Tyler asks about how the ventilation is measured at Loa Elementary, if it is by measuring actual oxygen content.  DJ responds that the goal is to minimize CO2 and ventilation is how that is achieved. There is some level of uncertainty because it doesn’t include opening doors and windows. 

Shawn asks if the system would still be programmable if we didn’t include all of the roof-top-units. DJ responds that it is still possible for the system to work as designed with only partial replacement of RTUs. 

There is some discussion about how to proceed and what would be included. April and Shawn would like to see the first 6 roof-top units separated. Shawn comments that we should not be throwing away something that is still good. DJ responds there are economies of scale. Curtis replies that the cost should not be that high to mobilize a crane.  Shawn comments that we don’t want to waste taxpayer money and spend on roof-top units we don’t need.  

Shawn asks what would happen if we don’t receive the savings expected. DJ responds that they would write us a check for the difference.

The Superintendent covers tax reform. He discusses the potential changes going through a special session of the legislature. This will be to increase sales tax and lower income tax. They also want to remove the constitutional earmark for education. The tax reform group wants to shift the burden from the state level to local level with property taxes. 

The Superintendent suggests we send a response to Senator Okerlund to express our concerns.

There are some questions regarding what will be indexed and how truth-in-taxation will work. 

The superintendent covers a security system that is offered by the state. Installation and operation for the first year would be free. The system covers fire but also identifies threats and helps guide students and teachers to safety. The continuing cost is significant, but if we choose not to go forward, they will leave the equipment in place.

The superintendent suggests we need to review our facilities plan.  Some discussion on what the district would like to do with regards to the energy audit meshing with our plan. He poses some questions about building or refurbishing our buildings, if we need to bond or increase our capital levy to pay for these things. Board members discuss potential changes and determine that there will likely not be new buildings in the district. The Superintendent comments that there are maintenance costs that will be incurred regardless of whether they are visible or not and we need to have funds available for those. The discussion continues about the need for actual estimates regarding lighting replacement. Cory talks about the challenges we face and how this project is not appearing to be in the best interest of the district. It has some certain benefits, but needs to coincide with a long-term plan. Curtis states that he doesn’t think the energy audit is appropriate for our district. He states that the long-term facilities plan needs to be in place before we move forward on a ground-source heat pump, which he believes is the best solution. Cory comments that we should first put a plan in place, which should involve input from Administrators, from maintenance, and many players in the community. Cory asks Mary Bray and Lance Peterson what they think about the possible construction.

Lance comments that there would be benefits, but he doesn’t think that this is the best use of funds. Mary would like to see new buildings, but knows that will not happen. She believes we need to keep updating things. We don’t need the best, but just things that are working.

Curtis comments on the need for an office at the entrance of the building and that how that is a better use of funds today. Discussion about the need for this renovation and how we should arrive at the priorities. 

Shawn asks about how we can get grants. Some members respond that there is private money available and that one of our teachers used to write grants during a period. 

They plan to convene a special meeting in February for the purpose of developing a facilities plan.

Cory presents on UHSAA. They have a new campaign focusing on treating other teams as competition and not as enemies.  It is an anti-bullying campaign. He says there is a way for parents to get on and verify that coaches are certified. They have done some work to increase their presence on social media.  Mention of a few new sports that are in consideration.


April makes a motion to approve second reading of above policies FBA Admission and Attendance Eligibility and Admissions Req, FBD Coordinating Services for School Age Youth, FDA Health Requirements Vision Screening, FDAC Health Requirements and Services Medical Treatment, FDACB Medical Treatment Student Self Treatment Diabetes, FDACF Medical Treatment Student Self Application of Sunscreen, FDB Health Requirements Suicide Prevention, FED Student Data Protection, FGAB Student Electronic Devices, FH Student Discipline, FHA Safe Schools, FHAF Safe Schools Emergency Safety Interventions, FI Student Fees Fines and Charges, FK School Uniforms.  Shawn makes a second. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve third reading of policies ECA Curriculum Required Instruction , ECBB Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed, ECC Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3, ECE Curriculum College Course Work, ECH Curriculum Human Sexuality, EDB Special Programs Dropout Prevention and Recovery, EDG Special Programs Higher Education Savings Options, EEB Instructional Resources Internet Policy, EFB Grading Testing Procedures and Standards. April seconds.  All in favor.

Some discussion on sports fees. Shawn questions why softball uniforms are so expensive.  Mary responds that it is because they have many other expenses.

Cory makes a motion to approve fees. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve new hires. April seconds.  All in favor.

April makes a motion to approve employee separations. Shawn seconds.  All in favor.

Curtis adjourned the meeting at 9:55 pm.


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