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October 9, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – Board President
Cory Anderson – Vice President
April Torgerson –Board Member
Shawn Davis – Board Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator


Jeffrey Chappell – Board Member

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis called the meeting to order.

Shawn Davis makes a motion to go to closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 4:15 pm. Cory seconded the motion.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes

Curtis declares the meeting back in open session 4:34 pm.

Curtis states that we are not going to discuss the closed/open campus. The board does not determine the procedures, only the policy. This is not a board decision. Board policy is that we have closed campuses. Administration determines the procedures. If there is an issue, the Superintendent will be tasked to fix the issue. Cory asks if that has been done. Curtis states that it has been resolved. This procedure that has been written at the Middle School is fairly straightforward. Superintendent comments that if there is a place to resolve issues, it is in the School Community Council. Curtis states that our desire is to support our administration and the board should not overreach. He states that it comes to superintendent and the administrators. April states that policy and procedures are for superintendent and board. Curtis clarifies that policy is a board responsibility, procedure is a staff responsibility. The community council is a sounding board for administrators. Cory states that we should treat every procedure the same way. April states that it is good to write procedures down. Curtis states that when procedures are written, there is clarity.


Superintendent reviews fall meeting schedule. Fall meeting is in Richfield on October 30. Legislative meeting is November 18 in Nephi. Winter meetings are in January. Discussion on type of beds and what part of hotel the room is in.

January board meeting is on the 15th

National school board conference is April 4,5,6 in Chicago.  Cory thinks it was one of the best things for the board. Board members pay for own spouses. Curtis asks if it is more appropriate for district to pay and book it and have board members reimburse or vice versa. Curtis asks what is most appropriate. Cory says he thinks that board members should book it and district reimburse them. Or if the district books it, board members should reimburse promptly.  There are points on credit card available to district for spending. April states that the board should take the BA this time and alternate years. Tyler states that he is not interested in attending. They discuss how it was used as a time for the board to bond. 

Shawn doesn’t like to keep receipts and submit them. Would it be easier to give out a per diem for reimbursements? Superintendent comments that many districts do not do receipts after travel, they just give per diem. The question is how much more will it cost the district? Tyler comments that most employees do not spend up to the per diem and it would increase costs for the district. Tyler states that when someone uses a district card, they reimburse the district for anything above the per diem.  Cory argues that it is different when they are using a district card. Tyler replies that there is no difference so long as the district is paying for the expense. Cory disagrees with the policy that we have and suggests we revisit it. Cory challenges the idea that they will spend more if we pay out per diem. He suggests that we would know exactly what it would cost if we gave the per diem. Tyler comments that as is, we will always know the upper limit of spending but most employees do not hit the limit. Meals are often far below the per diem, which is a significant saving to the district. Cory states that it wastes a lot of time. Tyler responds that it is minimal amount of time. Cory would like to look at the amount of money the district is saving. Tyler comments that the time savings is a wash because it would require time and effort to pay out the per diem as well. Discussion on whether policy is for everyone for specific for board. Curtis states that board travel is a separate policy. The Superintendent comments that public perception should be regarded whether it appears that board members are making money when they travel. Curtis reads from policy BBG that expenses should be itemized and submitted to board for approval and should be at rates determined by state division of finance. These rates are set by statute.

Discussion on reimbursements for school board. Cory suggests that it could be up to the board member to submit receipts or get per diem. Superintendent asks it is better to be consistent. April asks if board members outside our district are getting more compensation for extra meetings. Curtis has done research on it recently and states that some districts are giving flat reimbursements to board members. Utah code states that in order to increase reimbursement rates, the board has to have a public hearing. Curtis reiterates that our policy states we have to submit for reimbursement at the rate the state sets. Cory asks when the policy was updated. It was approved in 2019 as a citation change only. The state code was amended in May of 2019. 

April motions to take a break for dinner, Shawn seconds the motion.

Jeffrey Chappell arrives during dinner break.

Back in session at 5:45 pm. 

Superintendent brings up that one-to-one iPads/computers were approved many years ago, but we haven’t examined if it is effective or not. April thinks that they are more effective from 10thgrade on. Superintendent has talked to Cherie Blackburn regarding where it is effective and wants to see data regarding if this is a good use of our funds. Curtis mentions that most of the students were on devices in their respective classes. Shawn mentions that they bought keyboards for the iPads with some of the trust lands money. This has been very useful for the students. It is worth getting quality keyboards.

Curtis proposes that he meets with Superintendent to create draft on Superintendent/Board/Business Administrator duties and then bring that to the next meeting.

Superintendent brought “The art of School Boarding” book, which was mentioned in the ethics discussion at the USBA leadership conference, and shared with members of the board. Curtis and April took a copy.

Superintendent Fahey mentions that we should get year-end testing results soon as well as the Sharp survey.

Curtis brings up that the board was taught to ask “what can we do for you?” to legislators. In his communication with Senator Okerlund, his response was that we need to be involved, communicate early and often.  If we have a position or thoughts on legislation, that needs to be communicated to him.

Introduction to McKinstry

Present – DJ Hubler (Project Director), Eric Allen (Account Executive), Landon Johnson

Eric Allen discusses 75% update meeting. Guaranteed Energy Performance Contract – explains that the purpose is to find ways to save money and use that money to finance improvements and then realize continued improvements in the future. Curtis questions where savings have come in in comparison to what was projected. Eric states that they tend to be a bit conservative with regards to guarantees. Eric reviews how we arrived at this point. The market is busy right now and we are a rural area, so it is harder to find sub-contractors willing to take on the project. Overview of goals of the project and priorities. 

Proposed changes: 

  • comprehensive LED lamp replacement for WHS, LES, HES
  • Networked controls
  • HVAC improvement measures

Shane Bradbury asks questions about existing systems and whether it would modify existing system. 

DJ continues presentation on design. There are six roof-top units that need to be replaced. They asked for base price plus unit by unit cost after that when asking for bids from contractors. 

When looking for bids for rooftop units, the new ones are integrated heating/cooling. They have struggled to find a product that is heating only and not as heavy. Curtis and DJ discuss efficiency measures for roof-top units. 

Final GMAX numbers will be presented at next board meeting. 

Eric discussed Tax-Exempt Lease Purchase, which is a method to finance the project while preserving ability to bond in future. No need to do a public notice for this. Interest rates are coming in around 2.5%, depending on project size and terms. 

Shawn brings up the concern that some of the roof-top units could continue on for 10 years or more. He is concerned about the waste that this creates and the cost for the sake of uniformity. 

Curtis thanks McKInstry for taking time to come and present to us.

Curtis says seeing that we have completed all items on the agenda, the meeting is now closed 7:00 pm. No objections.




Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone and the meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence by Jeff Chappell.


April moves to approve minutes, Cory seconds.


Tyler gives a review of enrollment and budget. Numbers are flat except for two requests today for homeschool students. We did receive a premium holiday totaling about 32,000. 

April motions to pay the bills. Shawn seconds the motion. All in favor.


Chylene Whipple thanks the board for the improvement that has happened in Hanksville.


These items were covered in the work meeting. 

Mary Bray to discuss golf at the High School. She is interested in bringing golf team in the spring. 

Six to eight tournaments per year plus region and state. Prices are $3 to 15 per person. Each school hosts one tournament, provides food for 50 golfers. Teams of 6 boys and 6 girls with scores coming from top 4. Students practice at home and go to Richfield once per week. They charge $250/season to come over and that includes using range balls. They have equipment that could be donated. Description of necessary equipment. First practice is Feb 2, first contest is in March. 

Jeff asks how it will impact other sports. There may be some impact on other sports.

Cost that we would charge is $100 and they would have to come up with uniform. Cost to district is transportation. They would have to take a bus to Richfield weekly. Games are Wednesday or Thursday. Jeff asks how much school the kids would miss. The matches begin at 10:00 am, so they would miss a whole day. Cory worries that the program could come and then disappear in a couple years. There is not really any capital outlay for facilities. 

Tyler asks about total cost with regards to coaches and transportation.  Discussion continues on total costs. There is no reimbursement for activities on travel. 

Jeff suggests that we examine the cost and what is available. He likes the idea that it is involving a new group of kids. Tyler asks if missing school is a problem. Mary asks how many days of school the rodeo kids are missing. She comments that sports actually help kids on the academic side. 

Jeffrey Chappell is dismissed for an ambulance call.

Mary states that we are the only region 20 team that does not have golf. 

Cory mentions that there was a compliment regarding Cherie’s work in Hanksville.


Cory motions to table Energy Audit until next meeting. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Superintendent reviews first readings of policies of ECA Curriculum Required Instruction , ECBB Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed, ECC Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3, ECE Curriculum College Course Work, ECH Curriculum Human Sexuality, EDB Special Programs Dropout Prevention and Recovery, EDG Special Programs Higher Education Savings Options, EEB Instructional Resources Internet Policy, EFB Grading Testing Procedures and Standards.

Cory makes motion to approve all first readings as outlined. April seconds the motion. Curtis brings to discussion. Shawn asks Mary about 9thand 10thgraders to be involved in college courses. Mary states that it is highly discouraged here because of the other requirements on kids of that age.

Curtis asks about change on human sexuality policy ECH. There may be some concerns from parents. Curtis calls to vote. All in favor. Motion carries

Cory makes motion to approve second reading of policies DGA Classified Employee Evaluation, DHA Orderly School Termination of Employees, DHC Redress of Grievances, WSD Classified Evaluation, DKC Family Medical Leave, DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing, DMA Employee Acceptable Use of Personally Owned Electronic Devices, DMB Employee Acceptable Use of District Electronic Devices, DMC Use of District Email for Political Purposes, New - GI Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, as listed in agenda. Shawn seconds. Curtis calls to vote. All in favor. 

Shawn makes motion to approve all third readings policies DAA Employment Objectives Nondiscrimination, DAB Employment Licensure, DAF Ethics Policy Regarding Private but Public Education-Related Activities, DAI Code of Conduct, DBB Contracts Classified Employees, DBF Substitutes, DDAA Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention Education for Employees, DG Employee Evaluation, DG Policy Exhibit 1. Cory seconds. All in favor. 

Cory makes motion to approve cell phone allowance for Liz McCoy. April seconds.  All in favor.

April makes motion to approve new hires. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Curtis asks about how assistant coaches are hired. Mary explains that it is the coaches who decide on assistants. Cory states that we should have it in procedures that assistant coaches don’t need to be approved every year. 

Curtis calls for board member items.


Cory asks about administration being at games. Heidi responds that the state requires that a faculty member be at all sponsored events. There is an issue where a fan or coach gets kicked out of the game and is banned from participating in a certain number of games. How do other schools know when this has happened? This is currently left at the discretion of the administrator to decide how it is handled. 

Cory asks about flu shots. They are included in our insurance.

Shawn thanks the administrators for coming to the board meeting. Reiterates that bullying is linked to suicide and we need to be aware. It would be nice to have a way for administrators to pay for something. Checks are used for sports tournaments. Tyler will look into how this could work.

Cory asks about dirt for baseball and softball field. Tyler responds that it is being worked out with Mary. Brown Brothers Construction is working in southern Utah and offered to transport dirt for free when they are coming back. 

April thanks Mary for the visit to the school. It has a good feeling here at the school. She thanks Cherie for letting her come to Loa elementary.

Curtis has no items.

Loa elementary will have community council in next few weeks. The middle school will hold community council next week.

Cory comments that P.I.E. night was very good. He asks administrators how they feel about the school year. Cherie comments that they are having a good year. She mentions that having men in the school has helped. She goes over some of the good assemblies they’ve had and good parent volunteers. They have a new reading program. Teachers were sent to Sevier for some extra training on how to read acadence tests. 

Lance comments that they have really good kids. He has seen great benefit from the new aides at the school. The staff that has contributed highly to the school. Liz McCoy has been at the high school on A days and middle school on B days. Discussion on her expertise in the area of suicide and the benefit she brings to the school district. 

Cherie commented that things at Hanksville are improving. She has had help from Jamie in regard to special ed. Staff changes have been good. The paraprofessionals and aides have really helped at the elementary. 

Curtis adjourned the meeting at 8:35 pm.


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