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September 4, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – Board President
Cory Anderson – Vice President
April Torgerson –Board Member
Jeffery Chappell – Board Member
Shawn Davis – Board Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis called the meeting to order.


Review of duties and responsibilities of School Board, Superintendent, and Business Administrator. Curtis mentioned that we should separate policy from procedures. Discussion proceeded on creating something that shows procedures for each position. Superintendent presented document that showed responsibilities of board and superintendent for another school district. Current focus will be on separating duties so each member understands duties and responsibilities. 

The following responsibilities were delineated for the Business Administrator:

General - advises the board, custodian of district funds
Policy - suggests and advise
Board Meeting - secretary and resource
Budget/Finance/Audit - prepares, administers, monitors and reports
Instruction/Curriculum - not applicable
Personnel - monitor staffing and records

Jamie Webb (SPED Director) gives some background on funds. We had extra money that has to be used by September 30th. The state wants to know if we are providing the services necessary. She presents adjustments to the hours at each school: Hanksville and the high school would decrease by 7 hours each. Loa Elementary with no proposed changes. The middle school would gain 15 additional hours due to increased needs.

Curtis states that it isn’t the directive of the school board to suggest hours. April asks if minutes need to be moved based on student needs. Curtis and Jamie confirm that staffing needs to be fluid and follow the need.

Jamie wants to make sure it is communicated clearly. Curtis states that a decision was made without proper notice and that the information was available earlier in the summer. Jamie states that she was new as of August 12th. Curtis comments that the problem was regarding the timing of the changes being essentially the first day of school. Lance Peterson commented that this was discussed much earlier but that there was confusion regarding what could and could not be done. Jamie says that the jobs weren’t posted until the end of July. They knew that they would probably need to cut hours in Hanksville for SPED and their concern was jobs. Curtis says that when staff has to change, they have to understand that and the district needs to value people and give proper notice. He stated that the budget was set at the end of June and that is when the information should have been conveyed. Lance says that there was a disconnect and that it was discussed previously that the needs were moving to the middle school and that they would get more resources. Jamie asks for clarification on her role and what she needs to present to the board. Curtis says that she needs to come to the board with issues around policy and budget, but staffing is not the responsibility of the board.

Jamie requests 10 hours of Gen Ed hours in the preschool in Loa. 

Cherie Blackburn requests that she receive more information on staffing. Curtis states that the board won’t give any additional information on staffing. Cherie states that there is confusion regarding whether there will be fewer hours or more hours for the staff in Hanksville. 

April suggests we revisit in the next hour’s meeting.

Curtis says seeing that we have completed all items on the agenda, the meeting is now closed 7:02 pm. No objections.




Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone and the meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence by Shawn.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: April moves to adopt minutes, Cory seconds. All in favor.


Cory motions to accept payables, April seconds. All in favor.

Tyler gives a review of budget, enrollment numbers are currently up by 5 overall, but that could still change. He states that there have been a few minor surprises for the budget – some issues with the rental house and a new sound board for the high school that we are in the process of estimating costs for replacement.


Rebekah Petree suggests a council or committee be formed for school lunch so that more people can help get things done. Curtis acknowledges that her concern might be if everything is getting addressed. Rebekah suggests that maybe someone comes in to consult or offer suggestions. She questions the education requirements regarding school lunch. April suggests that maybe this is an issue for the community council. Discussion on food proceeds. She suggests that there might be better options available, but that Coral is too busy to do it. Superintendent suggests that she talk with Coral. Curtis acknowledges that the board’s role is very limited.

Curtis suggest we move on to Superintendent report


Superintendent Fahey discusses calendar items and travel for upcoming month.

Superintendent leads discussion on nepotism and public perception. He acknowledges a letter that was sent regarding a hiring and states that the employee was simply moved internally rather than opening the position externally. He reads part of policy DKAC. He reads the general exception of the policy which states that most of the policy does not apply because of our population. He states that we need to follow the rules anyways because of public perception. He continues that we need to be open about all of our policy decisions and actions because we are a public entity. He comments that we are keeping hiring documentation to prevent future problems. Tyler states that we need to keep better records for interviews. Tyler reiterates that we are public employees and need to be cautious about what is happening in the public perception. He states that we are good at keeping the law and following policy, but need to improve in our decision making based on how the public could see it. The superintendent comments that we need to make it aware to the public about how we are using resources.

Curtis questions whether the interview records would be available in a GRAMA request. The board believes that they would not be involved in such request, but that they could be subpoenaed. 

Tyler states that the purpose of the assessments is so that it is clear why someone was hired. We are not required to hire the most qualified person, but there needs to be a documented reason why the hire was made. Superintendent comments that attorneys could be contacted in the case of a lawsuit.

Jamie asks for clarification if it is not the responsibility of the board to make changes to hours, but the decision of the Administrators and SPED director.  Curtis confirms that this is how it works. Jamie recommends that some SPED staff hours be pulled from Hanksville Elementary and the high school and move them to the middle school in order to meet the needs. She is requesting 10 extra hours from general ed funds to assist with the preschool at the elementary so that needs can be met at Loa Elementary. Jamie comments that SPED is funding the preschool and Jan is doing a good job. She wants to make sure that we can serve the needs of the community and believes she needs additional general education funds. Jamie says that there are needs in Hanksville that require additional support. 

Curtis states that as a school board, the way we handle things and the way we treat people is very important. He says we don’t need to not do things just because it hurts feelings. Jamie apologizes that what happened could have gone better. 

April asked if trust lands money can be used for pre-school. Superintendent confirms that it is only for K-12. Superintendent states that there are additional funds out there that could be used for preschool. 

Curtis commends Jamie for looking at the kids and says that is how it should work and that most of the details are beyond the scope of the board.

Superintendent reviews upcoming events. He talks about leadership academy and states that if guests are coming, they will need to reimburse the district for expenses. 

Tyler reviews energy audit. Expresses concern that there has been pushback on some items. States that there is value in the audit, but some things could be done locally. Lighting and rooftop units could be replaced as they fail. Curtis mentions that it was discussed having a better capital plan before we commit to major changes. If our plan is to replace a building in 5-10 years, do we really want to spend that money now if they just go away. Reiterates that we need goals and directions with regards to facilities. April asks if we should send out to local contractors. Cory states that the focus of the audit is the savings we get by doing it all at once. He suggests that it isn’t as attractive as it was when presented. Tyler says that there are a number of things suggested that are valuable, such as the controls in Loa. Curtis suggests that we get more information from McKinstry and see if they could do piece-meal project based on what we want. Tyler asks if we want to proceed now. Curtis says the staff in Loa would be disappointed if we didn’t do something soon to help them. To be presented as a business item next meeting. Shawn says he is against throwing away things that still work. Curtis says we shouldn’t spend money before we need to.

April asks about the locker room project. Tyler responds that the architects came and the middle school locker room does need to be done, the issues at the high school were less pressing. Many of the concerns were related to risk management.


Superintendent discusses early literacy plan. Cherie reviews changes made to the plan which were suggested by the state. 

April motions that we accept the WSD 2019-2020 Early Literacy Plan with changes. Jeffrey seconds. All in favor. 

Policies:  April motions we waive first and second reading and approve citation-change-only policies FA Equal Education Opportunities, FBAA Admissions and Attendance Foreign Exchange Students, FBAB Admissions and Attendance Military Children, FBB Admissions and Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FBBA Dual Enrollment, FBE Admission and Attendance Truancy Support Centers, FBF Reentry Into Public Schools, FDAB Health Requirements and Services Immunizations, FDACC Health Requirements and Services Students with Food Allergies, FDAF Concussions and Head Injuries, FDEA Wellness Policy Food Sales, FE Student Records, FEA Education and Family Privacy, FF Student Activities, FFD Student Activities Nonenrolled students in extracurricular activities, FGAD Student Rights and Responsibilities Bullying, FHAA Safe Schools Alcohol and Drugs, FHAE Safe Schools Disruptive Student Behavior, FJ Students Leaving With Adult, GA Public Information Program Public Records, GB Public Complaints, GCBA Parental Participation, GCC Child Care, GD Teacher Education and Internships, GFA Non-School-Sponsored Activities and Fundraising.  Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Superintendent reviews first reading of policies DGA Classified Employee Evaluation, DHA Orderly School Termination of Employees, DHC Redress of Grievances, WSD Classified Evaluation, DKC Family Medical Leave, DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing, DMA Employee Acceptable Use of Personally Owned Electronic Devices, DMB Employee Acceptable Use of District Electronic Devices, DMC Use of District Email for Political Purposes, New - GI Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy.

Cory makes a motion that we approve first reading of substantive change policy. April seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion that we approve second reading of policies DAA Employment Objectives Nondiscrimination, DAB Employment Licensure, DAF Ethics Policy Regarding Private but Public Education-Related Activities, DAI Code of Conduct, DBB Contracts Classified Employees, DBF Substitutes, DDAA Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention Education for Employees, DG Employee Evaluation, DG Policy Exhibit 1. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion that we approve new hires. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

April motions that we approve separations. Jeff seconds. All in favor.

Curtis calls for board member items.


April brings up that she heard about golf at the high school. Mary states that a number of people want to play golf. Discussion about how it could work with regards to travel. 

Cory discusses sports games and requirements for principals. There might be changes to caps with fees. This might help families with lots of students involved and create a ceiling for fee waivers. 

April makes a motion to go to closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a). Jeff seconded. 8:22 pm

Shawn Davis – Yes
Jeffery Chappell – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes

Curtis Whipple declared back in open meeting at 10:03 pm

Curtis adjourned the meeting at 10:03 pm.


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