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June 20, 2018 Board Minutes



Cory Anderson – President

Curtis Whipple  – Vice President

April Torgerson –Member – Late/Excused

Jeffery Chappell – Member – Late/Excused

Shawn Davis – Member

John Fahey – Superintendent

Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Curtis Whipple.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to accept the minutes for last month.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

April Torgerson arrived.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to accept the accounts payable.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.


Diena Riddle said she was excited that we were going to entertain the idea of putting new employees on a different step as long as they are highly qualified and licensed.  She said that hopefully it will benefit her as well, since she asked for approval last year but was denied.


Superintendent’s Report:  Superintendent John Fahey provided weekly reports and said he may not send them over the summer months.  Superintendent John Fahey reviewed the latest SAGE scores and growth and the board discussed the various scores, schools, and grades.

Superintendent reviewed the district goals of: increasing math, language arts, and science, improve the qualify of Special Education program and services, provide safe and intellectually stimulating school environment, increase job satisfaction of WSD teachers, and parent involvement/communication.  Superintendent John Fahey provided his travel calendar for July and discussed the working session meeting on the 12th.  Superintendent John Fahey also provided the educator year end survey results to review and discuss.


PTIF Resolution : Curtis Whipple made a motion to authorize Heather Okerlund and Cory Anderson as authorized users to make changes to the PTIF accounts.  April Torgerson seconded.  All present in favor.

FFA request to travel out of state:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the FFA to use district transportation to and from the airport and approval for the FFA to travel out of state as requested.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All present in favor.

Loa Elementary overnight travel requests:  Superintendent John Fahey described the Capitol Reef request with the park service.  They discussed the request and Cherie mentioned that the educator over that grade was having second thoughts about the trip.  April Torgerson made a motion to table the travel request for Capitol Reef with the Park Service.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.  Superintendent John Fahey described the request for Gooseberry with the Forest Service.  The board and administrators discussed the request, logistics, and cost.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the travel to Gooseberry overnight request.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All present in favor.

Student fee schedules:  Discussed the reasons for the various fee changes.  Jeffery Chappell arrived.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the fee schedules for 2018-2019.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Stipend Schedule:  Heather Okerlund described the changes to the stipend schedule.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the extra curricular stipend schedule.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All  in favor.

Budgets FY 2017-2018:  Heather Okerlund described the significant changes to the FY17-18 budget that we have reviewed previously.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the FY 2017-2018 fund 10 revenue and expenditures $6,036,603, fund 21 revenue and expenditures $450,000, fund 32 revenues $532,800 and expenditures $200,000 and fund 51 revenue and expenditures $207,000.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Budget FY 2018-2019:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the FY 2018-2019 fund 10 revenue and expenditures $6,541,640, fund 21 revenue and expenditures $450,000, fund 32 revenues $535,000 and expenditures $200,000 and fund 51 revenue and expenditures $218,000.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:   First reading, citation changes and policy updates:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive additional readings and approve policies BA Board Legal Status, BAA Board Powers and Duties, BBA Board Members Eligibility and Qualifications, BBAA Board Members Student Members, BBG Board Members Compensation, BD Board Internal Operation, BDA Board Internal Operation Other Officers, BDAB President of the Board Duties, BE Board Meetings, BEA Notice Requirements, BEB Board Meetings Recordings and Minutes, BEC Closed Meetings, BJA Superintendent Appointment, BKA Business Administrator Appointment, BKB Business Administrator Qualifications and Responsibilities, BL Administrative Personnel, BU District Annual Reports, BBB Board Members Elections and Reapportionment, BJB Superintendent Qualifications and Responsibilities, BJD Superintendent Dismissal, BKD Business Administrator Dismissal, BM Charter Schools Charter School Sponsorships.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.  Third Reading:  Superintendent John Fahey said there were no changes, except for small change to policy FHAE and described it.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve third readings of DMC Use of District Email for Political Purposes, FED Student Data Protection, FHAA Safe Schools Alcohol and Drugs, FHAE Safe Schools Disruptive Student Behavior, FHAF Safe Schools Emergency Safety Interventions, FI Student Fees Fines and Charges, DLB Grievances Regarding Abusive Conduct.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

WSD 2018 Strategic Plan:  Superintendent John Fahey  said he combined the mission statements, vision, goals, and action steps for the district into the Strategic plan.  He described components of the policy and mentioned he would like to make it a three step approval to give more time for feedback.  Shawn Davis made a motion to approve the first look at the strategic plan.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

Starting salary schedule exceptions:  Heather Okerlund presented two new hires who are requesting consideration for their years of previous experience beyond the 8 years awarded new hires per policy DHE.  The board and administration and audience members discussed the exceptions and possible policy changes.  Curtis Whipple clarified Superintendents recommendation that both exceptions be approved with 16 years of experience for Gena and 15 years of experience for Jamie. Curtis Whipple made a motion to accept the superintendent’s recommendation for the salary schedule placement for both.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  April Torgerson commented that she thinks we need to work on policy DHE.  If we are going to make the exception we need to address the policy.  Cory Anderson said he accepted the discussion.  All in favor.  Superintendent John Fahey and Heather Okerlund will review the policy and add it as a first reading for next month.

Approve new employees:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve new hires pending background checks.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Employee separations:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the employee separations.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.


Jeffery Chappell:  Asked if we had an agreement with the district to use a bus because of what happened at the clinic earlier this week.  Heather Okerlund said we don’t need an agreement, in an emergency per policy we have to allow the county to use our property and it was just a miscommunication but ultimately got approved.  Jeffery Chappell expressed concerns about preparedness for emergency situations. Superintendent John Fahey said we would review the emergency preparedness handbook and make sure there was information.  Jeffery Chappell said he felt the highest risk was an active shooter so that probably needs to be revisited regularly.

April Torgerson:  Said she’s heard concerns about combining, particularly the 5th grade class, but wanted to say that she said she has total confidence that Mrs. Torgerson can handle it and 0 concerns.  She thinks it will be a good year.

Curtis Whipple:  Said they had their first JLC meeting.  He described what they are working on and prioritizing and some of his priorities also.  The board and Superintendent discussed the various priorities and concerns.

Shawn Davis:  Asked if we had a new employee orientation.  Superintendent John Fahey said we are working on one with training for aides.  Cherie added that we don’t really have a induction program for teachers or aides for general things including introduction to Aspire, Canvas, and teaching standards.  Superintendent John Fahey said as they start working on the new aide orientation they would build off of that and make a packet for other new employees.

Shawn Davis made a motion to go into closed per session at 8:39 pm for the purpose permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a).  Cory Anderson seconded.

Roll Call:

Shawn Davis - Yes

Jeffery Chappell - Yes

April Torgerson – Yes

Cory Anderson - Yes

Curtis Whipple - Yes

Cory Anderson declared us back in open meeting at 10:00 pm.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to adjourn at 10:00 pm.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor. 

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