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November 8, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes



Cory Anderson – President
Curtis Whipple  – Vice President
April Torgerson – Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from April Torgerson.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:  April Torgerson made a motion to accept the minutes for last month.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable.

April Torgerson made a motion to accept the accounts payable.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

Financial review.  Updated budgets based on the mid-year update from the state, no big changes.  We will get about $40,000 additional income from property taxes in the capital fund.  Still no official word on the Secure Rural Schools funds but we heard it got reauthorized so hopefully we will get it soon.




Voted local levy – The levy passed with a preliminary count of 626 for and 321 against.  It passed in all precincts and the details of the count were provided to the board and reviewed.  Set the ballot canvass meeting for November 14th at 12:30 p.m.

Activity Reports – Football - Brice Mitchell provided a report on the football season.  FFA – Jessica Grundy came with students Hunter Brian and Kate Rees and reported on their Nationals trip.  Cross Country – Magon Bowling and Lane Sorensen provided a report on their cross country season. Volleyball – SueEllen Esplin provided a report on their volleyball season.

Review propane contract – Cory Anderson said the current contract for propane expires the end of the 2017 to 2018 school year. He said that propane prices are way down and there is a lot of competition right now.  He mentioned some ideas to try and save money.  Heather Okerlund talked about the issues with the current contract, because there is a price escalation clause, but not a de-escalation clause (although for the loads last year and the year prior we were being charged less than the contract amount).  Heather Okerlund said she discussed it with Ned and it would probably be best to plan on getting bids per truckload instead of entering into a long term contract once this one expires due to the fluctuating price of propane.

Superintendents Report –  December 7th is the next board meeting and it’s a site visit at the middle school at 2:00.  Discussed the What Counts night and the next steps moving forward and developing the new mission statement.  Superintendent John Fahey and the board discussed the process and different ideas for developing it.   Superintendent John Fahey also said that the state is still working on some changes to the school graduation requirements and described the possible changes.


Winter Sports Schedules:  Wrestling schedule.  Gordon Ellett came to go over the schedule and discussed the different events including one out of state trip to the Page, AZ tournament.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the wrestling schedule for 2017-2018 plus the three additional meets not on the presented schedule.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve UCA Plans:  Superintendent John Fahey briefly described the plans.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the UCA plans.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Recognition Coin:  Superintendent John Fahey said he added the proof because we talked about it last month and there was discussion but no decision.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the recognition coin.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  Shawn Davis, Jeffery Chappell, April Torgerson, and Curtis Whipple in favor.  Cory stepped out.  Motion carries.

Report from audit committee/approve audit report:  Heather Okerlund went quickly through the audit report and handed out a bound copy to everyone.  We got clean opinions on all three reports and had no findings.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the final audit report for 6.30.17.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:  First reading.  CLM Student Transportation.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to table policy CLM until we meet in Hanksville in February.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  Cory Anderson said his discussion would be that we should look at it before we go to Hanksville and maybe be on at least the second reading.  The board discussed the policy and different options and reasoning.  Curtis Whipple made a substitute motion to approve the first reading eliminating the in lieu of reimbursements section from the policy, changing the title and adding language to encourage coaches to work around the late bus schedule.  April Torgerson seconded.  Cory Anderson made a motion to table the policy until December to have the changes made and then review it for the first reading.  Curtis Whipple seconded Cory Anderson’s last motion.  All in favor.  EGA Guidance Student Education Plan, Superintendent John Fahey described the changes.  April Torgerson made a motion to waive the 2nd and 3rd readings and approve policy EGA.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  FGD Interrogations and Searches, Superintendent John Fahey described the changes.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive the 2nd and 3rd readings and approve policy FGD.  April Torgerson seconded.   All in favor.  Heather Okerlund described the changes due to updates during the last legislative session to the procurement policies presented.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve policies CAF Financial Reporting, CB Procurement, CBA General Procurement Policies, CBB Awarding Contracts by Bidding, CBC Awarding Contracts by Reverse Auction Bidding, CBD Awarding Contacts by Request for Proposals, CBDA Request for Statement of Qualifications, CBDB Approved Vendor List Process, CBF Exceptions to Standard Procurement Processes, CBG Contracts and Contract Limitations, CBH Interaction with other Procurement Units, CBI Records of Procurement, and CBJ Contractor Oversight and waive the 2nd and 3rd readings.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  Heather Okerlund presented some additional policies that had citation updates only.  April Torgerson made a motion to waive the 2nd and 3rd readings and approve policies EEB Instructional Resources Internet Policy, EDG Special Programs Financial Passport, EBA Term of Instruction School Year, EHE Graduation Adult Education Graduation, CAB Revenue and Budgeting Local Revenue, CAC Reveue and Budgeting Budget, CAD District Audit Committee, CAE Capital Outlay Reporting.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.  Second reading.  FF Student Activities and FFC Student Travel.  Discussed some concerns that had been expressed by employees.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the second reading of policy FF and FFC.  April Torgerson seconded.  Shawn Davis, April Torgerson, Cory Anderson, and Curtis Whipple in favor.  Jeffery Chappell abstained, he said he’s still not sure about the policy and feels that it’s just going to add a whole other level of stress to our teachers and advisors.  He agrees with the policy but is trying to see it from the perspective of the educators.  Third Reading.  DG Employee Evaluation.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the 3rd readings of policies DG Employee Evaluation, DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing, FGAD Student Rights and Responsibilities Bullying and the Wayne SPED Policy.   Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Approve new employees:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the new hires.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  Curtis Whipple said he had a question about one of the new hires.  April Torgerson made a motion to table approving the new hires until after closed meeting.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.


Shawn Davis:  Asked about why sometimes cheerleaders don’t go to the away games. Discussed that it’s usually just up to the coaches sometimes there are space constraints on the bus or sometimes not enough advisors available.

Jeffery Chappell:  Said that the music department did a great job on the musical and he was impressed with the talents of the students.  April Torgerson agreed. 

Cory Anderson:  Provided an update from his UHSAA meetings.  He’s serving on two committees right now.  Also wanted to make sure there are firm dates for the NSBA to leave on the 5th and come back on the 10th for the board.  Also asked if we wanted to try and do something for Christmas with this group.  Will do a short Christmas dinner from 4:45 to 5:45 at Sunglow on December 7th.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to go into closed per session at 9:00 pm for the purpose permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a).  Shawn Davis seconded.

Roll Call:

Shawn Davis - Yes
Jeffery Chappell - Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Cory Anderson - Yes
Curtis Whipple - Yes

Cory Anderson declared us back in open meeting at 10:19 pm.


Approve new employees:  Approved Shirley Morrill as an Assistant Coach, Tacey Wood as Teaching Aide/Tech Aide and Tracy Chesnut, Janene Fahey, and Patricia Rees as Aides and Kait Taylor as a Substitute.  All pending background checks.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

April made a motion to adjourn at 10:20 pm.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor. 

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