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September 13, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes



Cory Anderson – President
Curtis Whipple  – Vice President
April Torgerson – Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Shawn Davis.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:  Jeffery Chappell made a motion to accept the minutes for last month.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to accept the accounts payable.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Heather Okerlund provided the reports and some information about the URS and financial audits we just finished and provided the monthly financial report.  Set the audit committee meeting for October 24th at 7:00 pm. 




In Lieu of Transportation for Hanksville – Discussed and reviewed the agreement with Hanksville parents dated 2013 regarding the late bus and in lieu of transportation.  Heather Okerlund requested clarification on how we are interpreting and applying the agreement to some current situations.  The board members provided clarification and requested Heather Okerlund draft a policy to e-mail out to board members prior to our next meeting then we’ll plan on reviewing it as a first reading next month.

Voted local levy updates – Discussed the voted levy and Ryan Torgerson handed out the voter information packet they are required to provide to voters.  Set the transparency meeting for October 16th at 7:45 pm.


Softball (Jeremy Burningham) – Jeremy Burningham handed out a contract they drafted for the Softball team.  The board discussed some of the items on the contract and some other general questions regarding the formation of the team.  Cory Anderson said he wanted to table any decision for now and have two school board members and Jeremy Burningham and Kerry Stephens and possibly Mary Bray sit down and air concerns and desires on the table and figure out how we move towards something that would work.  Cory Anderson made a motion to table any decision on softball.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  Jeffery Chappell clarified that if they can come up with the funding we probably need to allow softball in order to be fair.  Cory Anderson said he would be one board member on the committee and April Torgerson said she would be the second.  All in favor.


Superintendent’s Report:  Superintendent John Fahey said he was still sending board notes every week but if anything was raised and missed let him know.  Discussed the leadership academy reservations and logistics.  Superintendent John Fahey said that PIE night is almost all set up.  Superintendent John Fahey said they’re going to try a district community council in order to relieve the schools community council of some requirements.  The 9th of October is the first meeting so he wants to table the bullying policy until after that.  Regarding the What Counts Night, Superintendent John Fahey has been in contact with Mossi White and it’s planned on the 25th of October at 6:00 pm in the Bicknell community center.  Superintendent John Fahey passed out the design for the congratulatory coin.  The October board meeting is the visit at the high school on the 11th and the board discussed the schedule. Superintendent John Fahey also discussed a strands and standards document, the foundation of classroom instruction, and homework.


Coal bids:  One bid from K&K Crane for $25 per ton from Sufco and $35 from Skyline. April Torgerson made a motion to approve the bid from K&K Crane.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:  First reading.  FFC Student Travel.  Superintendent John Fahey said he added a sentence to require students to stay in public accommodations.  April Torgerson made a motion to waive first and second readings and approve policy FFC.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.  DG Employee evaluation.  Superintendent John Fahey described the changes.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the first reading of DG.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  SPED Policies.  Superintendent John Fahey described the changes to the SPED Policies, most are law changes.  Both the state and SpecdCo reviewed it and said it was good.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the first reading.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.  ECH Human sexuality.  Heather Okerlund described the changes required due to a law update last legislative session and mentioned we got a call from the state to get it updated on our website.  April Torgerson made a motion to waive the first and second readings and approve ECH.  Shawn Davis seconded.  Jeffery Chappell said that he disagreed with the portion of the policy that contraceptives are not taught in schools.  Curtis Whipple said he was opposed because of the change regarding homosexuality.  April Torgerson, Cory Anderson, and Shawn Davis in favor.  Motion carried.  Heather Okerlund described policy DEBA Elected and Appointed Officials Retirement and the changes required by URS.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive first and second readings and approve policy DEBA.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  Discussed citation only changes to multiple policies.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive first and second readings and approve policies  BA Board Legal Status, BAA Board Powers and Duties, BBA Board Members Eligibility and Qualifications, BBG Board Members Compensation, BE Board Meetings, BEA Notice Requirements, BEC Closed Meetings, BED Board Meetings Meeting Location, BJB Superintendent Qualifications and Responsibilities, BJD Superintendent Dismissal, BKD Business Administrator Dismissal, BM Charter Schools Charter School Sponsorships, BU District Annual Reports.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  Second readings.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to table policy DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing and FGAD Student Rights and Responsibilities Bullying.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  BBD Board Members Board Internal Operation.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive second reading and approve policy BBD.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

New Hires:  Cory Anderson made a motion to table until after executive session.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Separations:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve employee separations.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.


Shawn Davis:  Shawn Davis said he wanted to thank the administrators because our ACT scores were only 1% off of the state average and it sounds like our students are getting educated and that’s what it’s all about.  He said he’s had some questions about the sound system in the gym.  Shawn Davis also said the study hall was a great thing, but he had a student that wanted to check out a computer during that time, Mary Bray said to have the student follow up with her.

Jeffery Chappell:  Passed around an ‘Our Schools Now’ petition for signatures.  Jeffery Chappell said he was asking around about the block schedule and got good feedback and the board discussed the results so far.  Jeffery Chappell also asked about on the sports schedules and Mary Bray said they still don’t have an approved schedule with region 19.

April Torgerson:  April Torgerson said a parent contacted her about being bullied by a teacher.  Superintendent John Fahey said to have the parent contact the principal or the Superintendent as soon as possible so we can address it immediately.

Cory Anderson:  Cory Anderson asked MaryBray about the requirement for coaching assistants and the board discussed different options and possibly changing requirements.  Cory Anderson said he wanted to go through some MBA review, but they’ll do it tomorrow and he also asked about the blinds over at Loa Elementary.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to go into closed session at 9:10 pm for the purpose permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a).  April Torgerson seconded.

Roll Call:

Shawn Davis - Yes
Jeffery Chappell - Yes
April Torgerson - Yes
Curtis Whipple - Yes
Cory Anderson - Yes

Cory Anderson declared us back in open meeting at 11:13 pm.


New Hires:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve Marjie Taylor, Larry Deem and Farah Pace.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Cory Anderson made a motion to adjourn at 11:13 pm.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

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