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May 10, 2017 School Board Meeting Minutes



Cory Anderson – President
April Torgerson – Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator


Curtis Whipple  – Vice President – Absent/Excused

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Jeffery Chappell.

The School Board honored Lesa Rasmussen on her retirement from the district after 34 years.


April Torgerson made a motion to accept the minutes for both meetings on April 5th.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable.

April Torgerson made a motion to accept the accounts payable.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Heather Okerlund went over the financials.




IT Security Policies and IT Update:  Jared Hallows shared that there are some new items from the state with regards to internet security.  He also described what changes are likely in the near future with regards to various policies and practices within the district.  Andrea Peterson shared the technology vision that they are working on with input from the Ed-Tech committee and the schools and asked for input from the Board.  Superintendent John Fahey said that his goal was to use technology with fidelity this year and then review its use at the end of the year.


FFA out of state travel:   Jessica Grundy shared that the FFA is receiving the national FFA Chapter award and five students are receiving their FFA American Degree this year.  She is requesting permission for the FFA group to travel out of state to the National Convention.  She is also requesting permission to travel oversees on an International Agriculture tour. April Torgerson asked about costs and Jessica Grundy responded that Nationals last year was $850 and some students did fundraisers and some paid the full amount.  She also said that the international tour would be $4,600 for 15 days.  Cory Anderson clarified that the cost to the district was only transportation to the airport.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the FFA group to travel out of state and out of country.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  Superintendent John Fahey clarified that the out of state travel is in 2017 and the out of country travel would be in 2019.  All in favor.


School reports:  Provided to the board.  Cory Anderson thanked the principals for submitting them.  Cherie Blackburn asked if they were good or if they wanted more or less detail.  Cory Anderson said he thought they were just fine.  April Torgerson, Shawn Davis and Jeffery Chappell agreed.

Superintendent’s report:  Superintendent John Fahey said that the changes to the Juvenile Justice Amendments are a big concern to himself and Mary.  He described the changes and explained some of the requirements we had to meet going forward.  Superintendent John Fahey provided an updated copy of 2017-2018 calendar, reflecting the final changes adding the preschool and kindergarten start and end dates.  He also provided the final school board meeting calendar.  Superintendent John Fahey reminded the Board about graduation on the last Friday of the month at 10:00 am.  He also provided the weekly school board reports.  He said that the teachers and administrators want to switch to the JPass evaluation software, it’s cheaper than ObserverTab which is almost $3,000 per year.  He also updated the Board on some Loa Elementary maintenance items.  Also Superintendent John Fahey said he’ll be leaving tomorrow morning but he’ll be back next week.


Adopt a resolution for the voted local levy:  Superintendent John Fahey shared that we are concerned that some of the districts up north are raising starting teacher salaries significantly which is making us even lower compared to some of those districts.  The Board discussed the different options and needs we currently have.  They also discussed how the increase could affect having to bond in the future.  After much discussion, it was decided that the Board would discuss it again in June and plan on approving the resolution in July.  Cory Anderson made a motion to table adopting the resolution for further discussion in June.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

School lunch price for FY18:  Heather Okerlund shared our current school lunch prices and the prices of some of our neighboring districts, as well as the recommendation using the PLC tool to increase prices.  Because we are already higher/comparable to other districts and struggling with participation, the recommendation from both Coral and Heather was to leave prices the same.  Shawn Davis made a motion to leave school lunch prices the same for the upcoming year.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve Land Trust Plan:  Superintendent John Fahey described the Land Trust Plan.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the Loa Land Trust Plan.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Bus miles by sport:  Jeffery Chappell asked what our end goal with the review of the sports miles should be.  Cory Anderson said he was concerned about some of the travel requirements and options for each team and the disparity between miles for some of the sports.  Discussed the miles and differences in some of the requirements by sport.  Cory Anderson made a motion to table until next board meeting.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Fall sports schedules:  Jeffery Chappell moved to accept the schedules for Volleyball, Football, Baseball and Cross Country for fall 2017.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve bid for WMS Computer Lab:  Jeffery Chappell asked about the options and differences between different computers.  Cory Anderson explained that there is a big difference between Apple and PC with how much support they need.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the bid for the WMS computer lab for $28,776.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Approve bid for bus engine rebuild:  Heather Okerlund described the different bids and what Ned’s recommendation was.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve the bid from Rush for $16,814.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.

Summer projects update & bid approvals:  Discussed the gym floor in Loa and what the Board’s preference would be for re-doing it.  Decided to get bids and review and approve in July.  Reviewed bids for the Hanksville playground and April Torgerson made a motion to approve the bid from Playpark in the amount of $19,298.  Shawn Davis seconded.  All in favor.  Shawn Davis made a motion to approve the bid from House of Glass for the WMS doors for $4,155.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.   Discussed the logistics of the surplus sale and the vehicles we will be selling next month.

Approve stipend schedule for 2017-2018:  Jeffery Chappell made a motion to approve the stipend schedule for 2017-2018.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve tentative budget for 2017-2018:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the tentative budget for FY17-18.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Transfer rule for UHSAA:  Cory Anderson said that he is on the UHSAA Board for 3 years.  He added that the position is actually assigned to Wayne District for 3 years, if he ends up not on the board during his term then he appoints someone from Wayne District to replace him.  There is a proposed transfer rule that Cory Anderson described for the Board.  Jeffery Chappell asked if Cory Anderson liked it.  Cory Anderson said yes, he thinks it’s a step in the right direction.  Shawn Davis made a motion to approve the UHSAA proposed changes to the transfer rule.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:  First Reading:  Governing Board and Superintendent Operating Protocol.   April Torgerson made a motion to approve the first reading of the Governing Board and Superintendent Operating Protocol.  Shawn Davis seconded.  April Torgerson amended her motion to approve the first reading with some minor amendments to some of the deadlines.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.   Wayne School District EAP.  Superintendent John Fahey said that the last policy we have is over 10 years old and there have been lots of federal changes since then.  The schools have been going over their action plans and different drills.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve the first reading of the Wayne School District EAP.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.  FDEB Local Wellness Policy.  Heather Okerlund described the policy and the wellness committee meeting that Coral facilitated last week.  Jeffery Chappell made a motion to approve the first reading of FDEB.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  Second Reading:  GC Community Use of School Facilities.  Discussed the possible changes to the user fee schedule.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve the second reading with the changes from hourly rate to per event for Class III.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve new employees:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve new hires Julie Chappell, Rachelle Jeffery, Don Bone, and Terry Lough pending background checks.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.

Approve employee separations:  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the employee separation.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.


Shawn Davis:  Asked about the special education training for Hanksville.  We decided to discuss further during closed session.  He also asked about possibly getting an AC unit in at least one of the buses.  Heather Okerlund said she would look into it and find out how much.

Jeffery Chappell:  Said that one of his constituents asked about helping with bus repairs or teaching auto mechanics.  Discussed the various options, Jeffery Chappell said he would refer the individual to Heather Okerlund for follow-up.  He also asked about a problem raised during a drug training meeting, Superintendent John Fahey said we should probably discuss it during closed session.

April Torgerson:  Asked about having the seniors walk through the elementary in their cap’s and gowns.  Also she had a teacher that approached her that needs some space for storage and wondered about using the district house we are renting out.  Heather Okerlund said she would visit with the teacher and see if there is something else we could work out.

April Torgerson made a motion at 10:40 pm to go into closed session for the purpose permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a).  Jeffery Chappell seconded.

Shawn Davis - Yes
Jeffery Chappell - Yes
April Torgerson - Yes
Cory Anderson - Yes

Cory Anderson declared us back into open meeting at 12:23 am.

Shawn Davis made a motion to adjourn.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 12:23 am.

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