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September 7, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes



Cory Anderson – President
Curtis Whipple  – Vice President
Joni Taylor – Member
April Torgerson – Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
John Fahey– Superintendent
Okerlund – Business Administrator

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from April Torgerson.

Curtis Whipple moved to accept the minutes for the August 10, 2016 board meeting.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable and financials.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the accounts payable.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.

Heather answered questions about the financials.


Shawn Davis mentioned an idea to sell the season chair seats for the game only if they didn’t sell at the start of the season.


Region 20 update:  Cory Anderson said that he had e-mailed the group information about the UHSAA and state board conflict regarding transfers and oversight.  Additional information is also provided in BoardBooks.  The board discussed the issue and the potential impact to our district and schools/sports in general.  Discussed the need to contact individuals outside of the district to voice concerns about potential repercussions.

Delegate assembly report – Curtis Whipple:  Curtis Whipple reported on the delegate assembly meeting that he attended.  The delegate assembly reviewed and set the legislative priorities for next year and he shared those with the board.  They also discussed an issue with the service center funding that will come up during the legislative session this year and the board discussed possible actions and repurcussions.  They also reviewed the Bears Ears National Monument and the impact that would have regionally.

Discuss the voted local levy information campaign:  Cory Anderson said he went to commissioners meeting to discuss the levy increase.  Discussed additional ideas for getting the information out to the public.

Defibrillators in all schools:  Curtis Whipple said the Hanksville EMTs are willing to purchase one and were quoted about $1200.  Jeffery Chappell said that the clinic said she was hesitant to commit to anything right now because of some staffing changes.  Cory Anderson said the decision on the grant from Garkane that is coming through CoBank won’t be made for a few more weeks, probably until the October meeting.

DO Remodel:  We should have bids back next Tuesday and will review them in next months meeting.

Sage Scores for FY16:  Superintendent Fahey said we had good results this year and shared a chart showing the different scores by school and district.

School Reports:  Provided in the packets.  Lance answered questions about the new Spanish class this year and the Odyssey classes they are offering this year.

Superintendent’s report:  Superintendent Fahey said he’s sat down with most of the principals reviewing teacher strengths and weaknesses in order to plan professional development for the rest of the year.  He’s also sat down with all of the principals and discussed the use of Canvas and he said he feels like there has been misunderstanding at every level as to what is required.  He clarified that the principals are the arbitrator of the ultimate decision of how much it should be used in their schools.  There was also a question about assignment notifications, Superintendent Fahey said they had instructions for that that would be at the office for any parents interested.  Discussed RSVP for the board regional meeting on the 27th in Manti.


Adopt a resolution for the voted local levy:  Curtis Whipple read a resolution of the Wayne County Board of Education proposing a special election for purposes of submitting to the voters the question of authorizing a proposed voted levy at an annual rate of .0016, in a special election to be held in the District on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.

Bleachers at the track/football field:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to move forward with the project.  Jeffery Chappell said he wanted to hold off until we could do the whole project.  Cory Anderson brought up that the commissioners were concerned about not getting their bleachers back for the rodeo or the derby and they didn’t want football on the Friday or Saturday night of the fair in the future.  The board discussed different options.  Cory Anderson made a motion to continue with the NRCS project but not proceed with the bleacher project and revisit it after the completion of the NRCS project.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  April Torgerson and Cory Anderson said they felt that the bleachers need to be in place in the spring.  Joni Taylor said that it’s important if we agree to something with the county we stick to what we said we were going to do.  All in favor.

Coal bid:  Jeffery Chappell read a bid from K&K Crane for $20 from Sufco Mine and $30 from Skyline Mine. Joni Taylor made a motion to accept the bid from K&K Crane.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Insurance contributions:  Discussed the insurance contributions to an HSA for this year.  We set the amount last year so unless we want to change anything we don’t need any action on this item.

School Board Calendar:  Discussed having the meetings at the various school locations and discussed the start time for the meetings.  On the days we have school visits the board will meet at 2:00 pm to visit the schools and teachers prior to board meeting.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the calendar and start all meetings at 6:00 pm.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:  Discussion only:  Discussed adding a policy that addresses sex offenders on school property.  Decided to review the sample policies and state code and discuss it again next board meeting.  First Reading:  DBF Substitutes with training change.  Superintendent Fahey said we were going with a training provided from Utah State instead of a local training.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive the first and second readings of DBF and approve.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  DHA Orderly Termination.  Superintendent Fahey said he had a conversation with professional practices and they recommended an addition to policy DHA that adds an item to ‘causes for dismissal’ under ‘unprofessional conduct’ regarding failure to exercise good judgment in an employee’s personal life.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the first reading of DHA.  April Torgerson seconded.  The board had additional discussion about how the policy could be used and possibly abused.  Joni Taylor and Cory Anderson approved the reading,  Jeffery Chappell opposed and said he would like to work on a rewrite for next meeting.  DHE Employee leave and pay policies.  Heather Okerlund said we added a requirement to the policy for payout of sick leave upon retirement, that you must give at least 6 weeks notice.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the first reading of DHE.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.   Discussed policies CCB Construction Bonds and Security, CCC Limitation on Change Orders, CCE Construction Management Methods, CCF Procurement of Design Professional Services, and CCG Construction and School Site Acquisition Requirements.  All changes are due to legislative changes last session and the resulting amendments to the model policies.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive the first and second readings and approve policies CCB, CCC, CCE, CCF, and CCG.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.  Second reading:  DAD Employment.  Superintendent Fahey described the added section about proper dress.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve the second reading.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

Approve new employees:  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve Maurica Walker as a substitute teacher and Ann Regan, Kori Weihing, Michele Ekker, Kathryn Banks, Kathy Woolsey, and Jennifer Wilkins as aides.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  Cory Anderson motioned to table approving two additional new hires until after executive session.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.


Joni Taylor said the rocks at Loa Elementary look great and it makes our buildings look a lot better and we should do more improvements like that.

Jeffery Chappell had some thoughts about medical personnel at the sporting events. Although it would be expensive to pay them to attend the events, he wondered about giving them free admission to the event.  Possibly also getting a card at the booth for free pizza and a drink for the first person to come and maybe giving two for football and wrestling so they could have an ambulance available.

April Torgerson said her concerns were addressed earlier.

Curtis Whipple had a question about concessions at the volleyball game.  A local pizza place was selling pizza at the game but not as a fundraiser.  Apparently Mary said they’ve been having trouble getting the different school organizations to do the concessions.  April Torgerson brought up that we used to have a person doing concessions but that wasn’t happening anymore.  Curtis Whipple said he just wanted to understand why it was happening.  Superintendent Fahey said he would find out and follow up next board meeting.  Curtis Whipple also said he felt like the athletic director should be included on the stipend schedule we approve next year.

Cory Anderson reminded everyone about the MBA that we need to be working on.  Cory Anderson also said some of the teachers are feeling let down that Superintendent Fahey hasn’t visited them yet, he’s been out at the schools a lot but missed two individuals.  Cory Anderson asked about the extra meeting payment request and asked that it be included in BoardBooks.  He has also had some concerns raised about concealed carry weapons on the school premises.  Superintendent Fahey said we can’t legally ask the individuals if they are carrying, but if they choose to they can go to the local police department and let them know.  He also asked about the wellness challenge for this month.  Heather Okerlund said she would forward it to the board members.

Joni Taylor made a motion to move into closed session at 9:25pm to discuss personnel in the manner permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-5(1)(a).  Curtis Whipple seconded.  Roll call:

Joni Taylor - Aye
Jeffery Chappell - Aye
April Torgerson - Aye
Cutris Whipple - Aye
Cory Anderson - Aye

Cory Anderson declared us back into open meeting at 11:05 pm.

April Torgerson made a motion to approve Kristin Fillmore as the Wayne High School secretary and Jennifer Hunt as the counseling aide at Wayne High School.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to adjourn.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm.

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