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July 13, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes



Cory Anderson – President
Curtis Whipple  – Vice President
Joni Taylor – Member
April Torgerson – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator

Jeffery Chappell – Member

Conducting:  Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order.  He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Curtis Whipple.


Curtis Whipple moved to accept the minutes for the June 8, 2016 board meeting.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about the accounts payable and financials.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the accounts payable.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.




Field Grading and Drainage Update:  We were waiting for the town of Bicknell to get their SAMS number and they just did last week.  No new update from NRCS yet.

Defibrillators in all schools:  Cory Anderson said that Garkane may be able to donate one defibrillator to each of the school districts in their region through their Roundup program.  The board discussed the cost of the units and which locations need them and how many we would need.  Also discussed possibly getting some through the extension service or through County EMS.

Electronic payments at schools:  Heather Okerlund described some software that she is looking into that would allow parents to pay online for school lunch and possibly registration fees.  At the same time we will try and implement a better way of tracking which student owes fees.  Also discussed possibly having the ability to take credit card payments at school events.

Discuss next steps for voted local levy:  We reviewed some different options for proposing the voted local levy.  Discussed possibly decreasing the board local levy at the same time we increase the voted local levy which would give us more matching money from the state, but not increase local taxes as much.  Discussed having some additional individuals assist with a more electronic platform of spreading information this year.

Superintendents report:  August board evaluation meeting.  Four people from the USBA will be here for the August board evaluation meeting.  Cory Anderson requested that he needs each of the board members and Superintendent Fahey bring 2 ‘what-if’ questions to the meeting as part of our discussion.  Policy Discussion.  Cory Anderson said one thing he thought we could do better was making the policies and the changes available to the administrators so that everyone is aware.  We’ll start e-mailing the district what significant decisions were made during board meeting the next day.


Income and Expenses – Football:  Cory Anderson provided an income and expense statement for football for last year for the board to review.

Accept proposal for annual audit:  Heather Okerlund provided both proposals that the audit committee received and reviewed.  The audit committee recommended we accept the audit services of Squire & Company.  The board discussed potential reasons for changing auditors.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to award the audit services for the next five years to Squire & Company.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.

Policies:  First reading:  Joni Taylor made a motion to approve policy CLL, Activity Trips with some changes to the wording.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve CAD, District Audit Committee.  Joni Taylor seconded.  Cory Anderson asked how the audit committee was working, discussed that it was working okay.  All in favor.  Curtis Whipple wanted to amend the motion to waive additional readings and approve CAD, District Audit Committee.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the first reading of policy BE, Board Meetings.  Joni Taylor seconded.  Cory Anderson made a motion to waive additional readings and approve policy BE, Board Meetings.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the first reading of BEA, Notice Requirements with the suggested removal of paragraph four.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive the first two readings and approve policy BEC, Closed Meetings.  Joni Taylor seconded.  All in favor.  April Torgerson made a motion to waive the second and third reading and approve policy BED, Board Meetings Meeting Location.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve policy DFD, Continuing Education.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Joni Taylor made a motion to hire Lori Chappell and Michael Riddle.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Letter of resignation:  April Torgerson read a letter of resignation from Jolene Johnson.   April Torgerson made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Jolene Johnson.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.


Joni Taylor brought up the money in the checking account and wondered about moving the money around a little to earn more interest.  We discussed either using a sweep account or doing transfers between the accounts.

April Torgerson asked about some students in Koosharem that may want to come to the schools in the Wayne District and what their parents would need to do. 

Cory Anderson mentioned that as a board we need to start working on the USBA Power Up USBA second tier.

April Torgerson made a motion to go into made a motion to go into executive session at 9:35 pm to discuss personnel in the manner permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-5(1)(a).  Joni Taylor seconded. 

April Torgerson - Aye

Cory Anderson – Aye

Curtis Whipple - Aye

Joni Taylor - Aye

Cory Anderson declared us back into open meeting at 9:35 pm.

April Torgerson made a motion to adjourn.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.

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