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April 13, 2016 School Board Meeting Minutes


Cory Anderson – President
Curtis Whipple – Vice President
Joni Taylor – Member
April Torgerson – Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member (came in late)
Burke Torgerson – Superintendent
Coral Chappell – Secretary

Conducting: Cory Anderson


Cory Anderson called the meeting to order. He announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Superintendent Torgerson.

Curtis Whipple moved to accept the minutes for the two board meetings held on March 9th. Joni Taylor seconded. All in favor.


Superintendent Torgerson answered questions about the accounts payable in Heather’s absence.

Joni Taylor motioned to approve the accounts payable. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Superintendent Torgerson discussed the financial reports in Heather’s absence.


Trena Barlow had questions about item #5 and she doesn’t agree with it. It was decided to allow time during that item for discussion. She also doesn’t like the wording for the closed meeting about the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. She said it was demeaning. That wording is in statute. Superintendent Torgerson said he had talked to our attorney and instead of wording it exactly like that we can just state the code. Cory Anderson said they would take it under advisement but that nothing could be done about it today.


Mary discussed Region 20 realignment. There will be a two year cycle determined by the Oct 1st count. There will be 4 regions with the option for a 5th if necessary. Region 20 will probably remain intact. This is not firmed up yet. Classification was discussed. Wrestling is going divisional again. That worked really well this year. The moratorium is July 5 – 11. ACT will be fully funded for next year.

Superintendent report: Wayne School District received a high 4 on penetration in technology safety. Superintendent Torgerson will post the whole summary on Board Books. He discussed the Special Ed audit report and will also post that. The Stakeholders survey has been sent back to remodel. The whole CUES region sent it back. At-Risk Students funding has lost $50,000 so we will need to relook at how the money is used next year. The formula has been wrong for a while and it has now been corrected. Cherie Blackburn is working with Beverly Taylor Sorenson on the music. She is working on something like an artist in residence program. Curtis Whipple asked about using some of these in Hanksville and he was told we will need to wait and see on that. The SAGE testing window is now open. Prosperity 2020 is asking for donations to help support education. We can’t donate from the District and Superintendent Torgerson hasn’t decided how much to advertise it to the public. There will be another task force meeting on May 3rd at 1:00 on technology to get everyone on the same page. He would like board members to be there if they can. The legislature has allocated money for technology this year. The amount hasn’t been determined for sure but probably around 18-20,000 dollars. There will need to be a proposal written and submitted to receive the money. There will more information forth coming.


Open and approve bids: Roof bid discussion. Presenters from Progressive Roofing talked about what they want to do to the roofs of both the WHS and WMS. They answered questions after their presentation. WMS has a built up roof and they will take the roof down to that built up roof. WHS’s membrane comes off and they will check the insulation for damage and replace parts of it if necessary. They can complete the project before school starts.

Open bids:
Progressive Roofing roof bid: WMS $51,602 and WHS $51,020
Summit Roofing roof bid: WMS $29,900 and WHS $26,800 with an alternate install plan that would add $1,000 to each bid.
April Torgerson made a motion to table awarding the roof bid until more information could be obtained. Joni Taylor seconded. All in favor

WHS Door Bid: House of Glass $9,902.08
April Torgerson made a motion to accept the bid for new doors at WHS from House of Glass for the amount $9,902.08. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

There was no bid on the Hanksville demolition project.

Superintendent decisions: Superintendent Torgerson had sent interview questions to the board for preview.

Approve purchase of new school bus:
Curtis Whipple moved to purchase a new school bus. Joni Taylor seconded. All in favor.

Trustlands plans preliminary reading and approval: Cherie Blackburn had asked to be excused to take care of some family things. Stacie Ekker is here to answer questions. Joni Taylor wanted clarification on the paraprofessionals in the plan. She was told that the paraprofessionals sub for the teachers while they have collaboration meetings during the day. April Torgerson asked if Loa would have any carry over and the answer is no. Curtis Whipple asked if the hourly wage includes benefits and yes it does. Joni Taylor made a motion to approve the first reading of the Trustlands proposals. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Stipends and pay policy for teachers and non-certified pay toward getting or changing their degree to become highly qualified. (Policy DFD): The original policy was intended to help teachers pay for their education when administration asks them to go back and get a new endorsement. Now there is a non-certified component that will help non-certified employees to obtain a teaching certificate. There are personal commitments that are required from non-certified staff: 1. They have to have an associate degree and some general education classes. 2. They have to be employed by the district and commit to work for the district for three years after they get their degree. 3. They have to be enrolled and accepted into an education program. There is a waiver that can be asked for to have funds paid up front. The school and district administration will decide on a case-by-case basis. Clarification was made that non-certified get a ½ payment. The needs of the district will be prioritized with recommendations from administration. Title II A funds are restricted and can’t be put into salaries so this is a good use for those funds. Revisions will be sent to administrators and available to staff so that there can be input from everyone. Cory Anderson asked teachers to look at the policy and come to the next meeting with suggestions. Joni Taylor wanted suggestions from teachers to help improve morale. April Torgerson made a motion to approve the first reading of Policy DFD. Jeffery Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Third reading of DHE: Employee Leave and Pay Policies. Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the third reading on Policy DHE Employee Leave and Pay Policies. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Second reading policies: DG-Educator Evaluation; ECC-Reading achievement; Policy ECH-human sexuality. Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the second reading of policies DG-Educator Evaluation; ECC-Reading achievement; Policy ECH-human sexuality with option B. April Torgerson seconded. Joni Taylor wanted to go on record as saying that 22 pages on evaluations is ridiculous. Peer review committee will meet in May on policy DG. All in favor.

Work on termination policy and/or language for policy DEB to eliminate early retirement policy: This policy has not gone out to anyone and not to administrators either. The policy is costing too much money and if we can save money and give more money to teacher pay that would be good. Teachers used to be encouraged to retire early because of teacher excess but now there is a teacher shortage. Do we want to terminate the policy and if we do how do you want to do it? Year 2016-17 compensation would be the same, 2017-18 reduced, 2018-19 reduced, and 2019-20 gone. Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the first reading of policy DEB with the intent of eliminating the early retirement policy with language to be determined. Curtis Whipple withdrew his motion. April Torgerson made a motion to continue to work on the termination of policy. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor

Second reading - Middle School Retention Policy Revision: Lance Peterson said they had discussed this policy in faculty meeting and the faculty liked it. The board liked the changes that had been made. Jeffery Chappell made a motion to approve the second reading of the Middle School Retention Policy. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Revised policies for Special Ed: The board was provided a copy of what is required in statute of Special Ed. Joni Taylor made a motion to approve the first reading of the Special Ed policy. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

New employees: WHS volleyball coach: Mary would like Sue Esplin and Candence Wilkinson to be approved as Volleyball coaches. Both live in Hanksville. There was discussion about the qualifications for these two people. Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve Sue Esplin and Candence Wilkinson as volleyball coaches. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor

Approve letters of resignation and retirement: None


Joni Taylor asked about the scholarship. That will be for next year based on what is deposited this year.

April Torgerson made a motion to go into closed meeting to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual at 6:25 pm. Joni Taylor seconded.

Roll call:
April Torgerson - Aye
Curtis Whipple - Aye
Cory Anderson - Aye
Jeffery Chappell - Aye
Joni Taylor - Aye

Cory Anderson declared us back into open meeting at 8:20 pm.

Joni Taylor made a motion that we approve Kim Giles as a cheer coach pending a background check. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve Diena Riddle as Special Ed Director. Joni Taylor seconded. All in favor.

Curtis Whipple made a motion that for teacher appreciation this year we have a BBQ on May 20th. Jeffery Chappell seconded. All in favor.

April Torgerson made a motion to adjourn. Jeffery Chappell seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

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  • Hits: 1897