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October 13th, 2015 School Board Meeting Minutes


Those Present:

Joni Taylor – President

April Torgerson – Vice President

Cory Anderson – Member

Curtis Whipple – Member

Burke Torgerson – Superintendent

Heather Okerlund – Business Administrator


Jeffery Chappell – Member

Conducting:  Joni Taylor


Joni Taylor called the meeting to order.  She announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Superintendent Burke Torgerson.


Superintendent said that there was some wording that should be corrected in a statement regarding the tax meetings.  The phrasing made it sound like we published the information for the town board meetings.  Cory Anderson moved to accept the minutes with the change.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.


Heather Okerlund answered questions about accounts payable. 

Curtis Whipple motioned to accept the accounts payable.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Heather Okerlund answered questions about the financial reports.   Due to time constraints for the meeting we decided to review the same quarterly financial reports at our meeting next month.

Jeffery Chappell arrived at the meeting.


No citizen’s comments.  


Superintendent described the situation that prompted the FERPA violations letter from the USOE.  About half of the school districts in the state were notified of potential FERPA violations caused by uploads to the state transparency website.  We immediately corrected all but one of our potential violations (one was too old for the district to correct) and the group responsible for the transparency website corrected all potential violations for all districts.  At this point we have no additional potential issues that we are aware of.  We are waiting for additional guidance from the state for any further action needed.

Superintendent referenced the principals’ reports that are included in the board book and available for review.

Superintendent explained the postponement of the RFI for the engineering work for the track improvements.  We still anticipate being able to get some work done on the track during the spring in time for next year.

Superintendent explained that we might have a problem with our solution to the math curriculum issue.  For the 18 students that received the incorrect curriculum, there is a possibility that the students will not receive credit for the class they are enrolled in, and the information from the state is contradictory about what the students would need to be tested on for SAGE.  Curtis Whipple asked if the parents are involved in the discussion and if they are aware of what is going on.  Superintendent responded that Mary is in the process of sending out a letter to the parents to let them know the situation. Cory Anderson said he was concerned that half of the term is over so if the students won’t receive credit we need to know as soon as possible. All board members expressed their concern about trying to make it right and get the answer from the state fast.  Superintendent agreed and said right from the start he’s felt that we need to own the situation and make it right.  He mentioned he was looking into getting a math aide in to provide extra help for the students, but the high school didn’t feel that it would work with what they are doing right now.  Superintendent will follow up immediately to try and resolve the concerns as soon as possible.

Superintendent wanted to review some events on the calendar and get counts for who can attend.  The USBA Fall Regional meeting is on Tuesday October 29th at 6:00 in Manti.  The legislative meeting and dinner is on Tuesday November 10th in Nephi at 5:30.  Joni Taylor, Jeffery Chappell, Curtis Whipple and Cory Anderson said they could attend both.  April Torgerson will be able to be at the meeting on the 29th but not the 10th.

Superintendent also wanted to recognize Loa as a high performing Title I School.  Corri mentioned that Hanksville doesn’t qualify for the recognition because their student numbers are too low to be accumulated so they are just reported as N/A on most of the state testing reports.  Superintendent agreed and said that we can get data by student, just not cumulative data for the school.


Adopt a buying local policy.  Curtis Whipple made a motion to waive the first two readings and adopt the buying local policy.  Cory Anderson seconded.  All in favor.

Final reading and adopt DHA Orderly Termination of Employees policy.  Reviewed the changes made since the last meeting.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the policy.  Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

Second reading leave and pay policy.  Superintendent said the principals have reviewed the policy and they had no concerns.  A copy was also provided to the teachers’ representative and the classified employee representative and neither responded with any concerns.  April Torgerson made a motion to approve the second reading.  Cory Anderson seconded.   All in favor.  April Torgerson asked what policy it was and Superintendent responded that it replaces policy DHE.  Heather Okerlund will correct that on the policy.

Approve new employees.  Cory Anderson motioned to approve the following new employees:  Nicholas Klakulak – Substitute Teacher, Katelyn Robinson – Substitute Janitor – HES, Catherine Hoggatt – Janitor – HES, JoAnn Davis – Aide – LES, Stacey Beck – Substitute – HES. Curtis Whipple seconded.  All in favor.

First reading new policies:  DAA – Nondiscrimination, DAB – Licensure, DAC – Background Checks, DACA – Personal Reporting of Arrests and Convictions, DDA – Reporting of Child Abuse.  Superintendent summarized and reviewed each of the new policies and asked if anyone had questions.  He also suggested that we waive the additional readings on DAB since the changes were minor and easy to understand.  Curtis Whipple made a motion that we waive the two readings and approve policy DAB.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.  Cory Anderson made a motion to approve the first reading of DAA – Nondiscrimination, DAC – Background Checks, DACA – Personal Reporting of Arrests and Convictions, DDA – Reporting of Child Abuse.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.


Jeffery Chappell and Curtis Whipple didn’t have anything to bring up.

April Torgerson said she had one issue but tabled it until executive session.

Joni Taylor wanted to make sure we recognize Mrs. Grundy as the National Ag teacher of the year.  Superintendent said he felt that needed to come from her administrator and he would contact Mary.

Cory Anderson asked about the conversation Heather Okerlund had with LeEllen McCartney about the Badger Booster fundraiser a few weeks ago.  Heather Okerlund detailed the conversation.  There has been some conflicting information and concerns floating around regarding the fundraisers.  We discussed under what circumstances outside entities can do fundraisers and what options we have to make the process better for next year.  Cory Anderson also said he’s been approached by a few people about moving the crosswalk in Loa because of the new store.  Curtis Whipple asked about having the school community council look at it – that’s who they had in charge of the process in Hanksville when they changed the walking routes and added signs.  Discussed that Superintendent will take the concern to the principal and have her contact the community council members to address it.

Curtis Whipple made a motion at 6:50 pm to move into closed meeting to discuss the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual.  Jeffery Chappell seconded.  All in favor.

Roll Call

Cory Anderson - Aye

April Torgerson – Aye

Curtis Whipple - Aye

Jeffery Chappell- Aye

Joni Taylor - Aye

Joni Taylor declared us back in open meeting at 7:00 pm.

Curtis Whipple motioned to adjourn.  April Torgerson seconded.  All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.



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