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June 12, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

School Board Meeting (Electronic)

June  12, 2024

Attendance: April Torgerson, Curtis Whipple (electronically present), Shawn Davis, Liz Torgerson, Jim Lamb, Randy Shelley, Cory Anderson, David Chappell, Nikki Stringham, Wendy Potter

I. Administration 

1. Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Reverence - April 

3. Consent Agenda Motion to approve Consent Agenda -Liz, 2nd-Shawn  All in favor

a. Approval of Minutes 

b. Accounts Payable 

II. Financial Review-No questions 

III. Citizen Comments-No Citizen Comments

IV. Information Items 

1. Jason Strate - CUES Report- Annual Review of Services from CUES goes to legislature and USBE. CUES highlights- 

    1. Early learning coach, Jenny has worked in our Elementary with LETRS training, coaching and early learning, numeracy and literacy.  USBE has seen a 20% rise in reading with the 3rd grade since the learning coaches have been coming into schools.  3rd grade teachers at WCSD have done a great job.  
    2. Licensing- WCSD has several teachers working through Apple to get their secondary licenses to teach secondary.  2 teachers have just finished with their certifications.  5 teachers are currently working with CUES.  They are helping with student teaching opportunities.
    3. Media- WMS leads the way with checking out from online libraries.  
    4. In the past, WCSD has had issues with qualifying students for SPED. CUES has a psychologist on staff that comes in and tests our students.  BCBA that helps with behavior problems and plans.  Tierre III students that can come to the county and help with counseling in schools in our county.  CUES applies for a grant 350K a year to help with funding.  3 years ago, the Superintendent helped so much with getting capital funds for capital funding.  CVCC  

2. Superintendent Report- Lori Chappell FCCLA Advisor Award.  It will be awarded at the end of June at the National Conference in Seattle.  Super visited HES a couple of weeks ago.  They did a walk through and visited with HES and discussed proposed options for next year.  K-2 in one space 3-5 in the new section.  Proposing to move Preschool to the North side of the building.  HES would need major renovations on current restrooms so that Preschool could use them.  Shane is going tomorrow to meet a vendor to install the door and windows with a new system for security. 

Construction- One big hang up-Air handlers.  They will be here next week.  Crane will be here next week to place them and have the roof sealed up shortly after.  Classroom-Painted, T grid is installed in most classrooms.  Need to be inspected and then ceilings are close to being done.  White boards next week.  Carpet is here.  Millwork/Cabinets are coming next week.  Exterior is painted and looks really nice.  Painter will finish painting the auditorium and around to the east side.  Looking into options for existing auto shop door or panel that is bent.  New door is very expensive, about 24K.  Panel is approximately $3,800.  Still looking at other door companies. Old building asbestos removal is almost complete.  Possible demo of old school mid-July.  Electrical transformer and equipment are borrowed. Transformer could be installed next week.  On the north side of building by the baseball field, April noticed a hole in the wall.  Would like to have that fixed while all the construction is going on.  Exterior flat work was formed today on the west side.  Pouring that concrete this week.  Kitchen might be a little delayed. Earlier this week, Randy and Tammy discussed options if the timeline for kitchen completion is delayed.  Hogan is willing to help move old kitchen equipment to the middle school if we need to get creative with how lunch is prepared. Hogan said they would come help cook lunch (BBQ) a couple times if needed.  Also, Hogan will bring in extra crews so that things get done. They will also help move and hook up equipment if needed. Elevator is on site and stair treads are here and being installed.

State Board Meeting- Randy was in attendance to answer any questions on 4 Day School for WCSD- Kristin Norton, our local rep on the state board made a motion to approve a 4 day school week.  The State Board had no questions for Superintendent Shelley.   Unanimous- 14-0 

Delegate Assembly-JLC priority 

    1. Create working group
    2. Student Support
    3. Increase funding for at risk students WPU.  Tier I vs Tier II for hybrid plan.

School Safety meeting- School Safety Chief was there.  Ground level needs to be bullet proof glass.  The only thing we need to do in a timely manner is by the end of December 2024, the Sheriff will need to come evaluate each building with us and do a safety assessment.  State knows that upgrades for compliance will be expensive. We will just need to develop a plan after the safety assessment.  As for having a resource officer in each school, we can apply for a waiver for resource officers at each school.  Some options are a resource officer at the high school, a guardian at LES and applying for a waiver for HES.  Hopefully there will be more funding in the future.

SB 173 - Board will need to vote on this law before December.  if we will participate.  $ was given to give raises on merit.  This divides our teachers.  It doesn’t unify them.  It really pits them against each other for the money.  Out of our 28 licensed teachers, possibly 7 that might benefit from these funds.  A lot of steps to go through to try and get the funds.  Super recommended opting out of the 35K.  He is unsure what 7 to choose to get the funds.  He has visited with the principals and they agree.  Other districts are feeling the same.      

Jim-2 FFA students went to HES for Ag in the classroom.  HES was very receptive and had a wonderful time.

April-Legislature Day in the Classroom-Elevator speeches. Urban rep in schools for a day during a week in September.  End of September, Legislators present/teach in the schools.  This will be brought up at the Superintendent meeting.  Goal is to help the legislature realize what happens when we get the funding from the State.  They are passing approximately 168 bills but don’t have the funding to support those bills.

3. Travel Request Training-Cory, Jared and Randy 

V. Business Items 

1. Early Learning Plan-Wendy presented the Early Learning Plan.  Plan goes through the State.  Early mathematical plan. Math goal-Kindergarten goal   Literacy goal-1st grade-Increase at or above benchmark.  Goal is 22% increase.  Motion to approve Early Learning Plan - Liz – 2nd  Jim.  All in favor.  Passed

2. FFA National Convention Request- Motion to approve FFA National Convention Request - Shawn – 2nd-Liz.  All in favor.  Passed

3. Curriculum Adoption- Open discussion with parents and stockholders that attended.

a.   High School Science-This is for 9-12 students, It is broken down into sections. Parker Peterson will be teaching this. Motion to approve High School Science Curriculum - Liz – 2nd  Jim.  All in favor.  Passed

b. Fitness for Life- 12 years.  Motion to approve Fitness for Life Curriculum - Shawn – 2nd-Jim.  All in favor.  Passed  

c. Health II- Utah provides, Rims System, Teachers teach standards.  In Utah, parents always have a right to opt out.  Heidi is currently teaching health and next year it will be Sade Syme.  Most of the curriculum is online and we don't have easy access to physical copies of books anymore.  Parents wondered if they can get a login to help students with learning with their students. Superintendent feels that it would be beneficial to have parents involved.  Super recommended seeing if we can get sample logins or using their students' logins to have access to what is being taught. 

 Jim- Motion to Table the Health II Curriculum until we find out more about parent log in and have an opportunity to look at the curriculum more.  Shawn 2nd. Tabled until July Board Meeting

4. 2024-2025 calendar - 4 day week.  This draft was sent out to staff.  166 day contract for teachers.  Teachers will work 7:30 am-4:00pm.  Some of the feedback from and recommendations from teachers:  Recommended coming on Labor Day in September.  Labor Day is more of a family holiday. Opted to have Labor Day off. And President’s Day and Martin Luther school will be held.  School starts Aug 20th for students and we will be out before Memorial Day.  Teachers/Full Time employees will be in the school one Friday a month. 28 hour employees will get their hours on the 4 days.  Administrators had a say in which Friday they will be in school.  Lunch period for high school will be separated so that 7-8th can’t leave with the high school students.  Elementary will be 35 minutes longer.  High School will be 45 minutes.  High School Lunch for 9-12 will be open campus and they will be served 1st.  7-8 will be served after the high school students have left campus or have been eaten.  Motion to approve 2024-2025 calendar - Liz – 2nd-Shawn.  All in favor.  Passed  

5. Policies 

a. First Reading 

I. Policy DHCD - Credit for Prior Teaching- Shawn motions to table this policy and work on wording.    All in favor

b. Second Reading 

I. Policy CKB - Travel Motion to waive third reading and approve policy from second reading - April, 2nd-Jim    All in favor   Passed

c. Third Reading 

I. Policy BLC - School Policy/Handbook Development and Publication    Motion to approve Fitness for Life Curriculum - Shawn – 2nd-Jim.  All in favor. Passed  

6. Approve FY25 Board Meeting Schedule

Motion to approve FY25 Board Meeting Schedule with the change of August Board meeting to Aug 6:00 at the district office   All in favor.  Passed   

7. Board, Superintendent and Business Administrator Travel

- USBA Conference 

- NSBA Conference (if applicable) 

- New Board Member Training 

- Fall & Spring Regional Meetings 

- Out of District Travel (Committees & Assignments) 

- Superintendent & Business Administrator Travel (Job Related)

 Motion to approve Board, Superintendent and Business Administrator Travel - Liz – 2nd  Shawn.  All in favor.  Passed

8. Approve Zions Bankcorporation FY25 Lease Agreement- Motion to approve Zions Bankcorporation FY25 Lease Agreement - Shawn, 2nd-Jim All in favor Passed 

9. Approve FY25 Estimated Budget-Motion to approve FY25 Estimated Budget-Liz, 2nd-Jim   All in favor Passed

10. Approve FY25 Salary Schedule Motion to Table until July- Jim 2nd-Shawn    All in favor   Motion carries. 

** The last couples will be discussed in closed session since personnel are being discussed.

All in favor of moving into Closed session

11. Contracts 

12. Review of Intervention Position 


VI. Upcoming Events 

 June 17th - July 18th Summer School (SpEd Only) 

 June 19th Juneteenth Holiday (Office Closed)  

 July 4th Independence Day (Office Closed)

 July 10th Board Meeting (District Office) 


VII. Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) Motion to move into closed session- April, 2nd-Liz


VIII. Adjournment 

(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

Minutes by: Tammy Pace


Post Closed Session Minutes

June 12th (Electronic Meeting)

10:21 p.m. 

  1. Motion to approve FY25 Salary Schedule with 1% raise and 1 level increase- Liz, 2nd- Curtis   All in favor      Passed 
  2. Motion to supersede the Superintendents contact for 1 additional year - Jim, 2nd-Shawn  All in favor  Passed
  3. Motion to supersede the Business Administrators contact for 1 additional year with discussed changes - Shawn, 2nd- Liz All in favor  Passed
  4. Motion to not renew the intervention position- Curtis, 2nd-April   All in Favor except Jim abstained from vote   Passed

Meeting adjourned at 10:24 p.m.

Minutes by: Tammy Pace

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