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March 13, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance - April

Reverence - Cory

Approval of Board Agenda

Discussion: New section to board agenda to assist if changes need to be made.

Motion: Motion was made to approve Board Agenda by Curtis, seconded by Jim. All in Favor


Consent Agenda

Discussion: No Discussion

Motion: Motion was made to approve Consent Agenda by Jim, seconded by Curtis. All in Favor


Financial Review

            Discussion: No Questions

Citizen Comments

            None to start with.


Discussion Items

Superintendent Report

Sharp Survey – Review of Survey information. Access to Data can be granted by the district. Opt-In Survey. Question from Liz – Who has access to date. State has each district, parents can access district data, but not individuals. DHHS has access. What is on survey? Drugs, alcohol, at-risk. What age of students? 6th-12th grades. What kind of grants are available? Mental Health Grants. Survey can be structured by district. Why Health Department? Access to kids. What grade level would you survey? Survey administered during school. Curtis – If there is a real reason for us to get this data, then okay. If not, the time would be better spent in class. Survey could be done at home. State Survey was overwhelmingly positive. Do we have time get feedback from community? Parents decision to survey, then district would facilitate. Permission slips by Sharp to release. Decision to send it out for parents to decide.

Construction Update – Classrooms are getting sheet rocked. Metal Building is being constructed. Stairs to the library are in. Other stairs are being constructed. Paint will start in a couple weeks. Plumbing was delayed, but being corrected. Curb and Gutter is being installed. Next meeting is March 20th at 11. Scaffolding is up in the front for masons. Part of the roof is left open, as well as the back section, for Air Handler that will be available to install in May.


Legislative Impact

HB 84 – Review of issues with bill. Policies will need to be addressed. Assessments need to be done. Plans for steps to address

SJR 10 – NSBA not in support. JLC voted to not change and allow voters to decide. District can oppose or support individually. Leadership wouldn’t take letter to Legislators and wanted full support. No movement on the bill. Need to be educated

                        Small Rural Schools Funding – Reduced from 50M to 30M

                        HB 533 NESS Funding – Did not pass. Reverts back to old NESS

SB 173 – Takes away TSSP funds. No teachers from WSD taking advantage of this based on qualifications. Assessments required for eligibility. Many restrictions and district will have to create some policies for eligibility. Pilot program for 3 years with one-time money. Tiered levels for teachers. So many other needs…

JLC – April and May in NEBO District Office. Pre-Delegate at Canyons

SpEd and SEL Split Positions

Discussion: Both programs will be defined with a closer look. Discussion around the board’s role in these new positions.

Question about Superintendent Cabinet. Who is included in cabinet? Size of district dictates need for cabinet. In Wayne SD the Administration Team could serve as the cabinet depending upon district structure.

Some clarification will be addressed and the positions will be brought to the April board meeting for approval.

Bereavement / Benevolence Account

Discussion: In light of the fact that several employees have lost family members this year, combined with the new legislation presented during the legislative session this year, it is proposed that we revisit this option in the leave policy. Cory will bring suggestions back to the board in April. Policy DHE might be a great place to add a section for Bereavement and/or a Special Leave section as discussed.

Board Member Reports

Jim – Regional Meeting last night. Suggestions from Fair Board – Theme around school. Request that school activities be home games that night. Yearbook table. Hogan construction donate a dinner during fair. Discussion with fair board to move the new school Open House to next year.

Shawn – Vector Training with CUES. Superintendent has opened back up for the board.

Curtis – Newly revised Master Board Certification for board members went live last Friday. New look to program with some great additions. Take time to participate when possible.

Liz – Policy DAB Licensure – Licensing has changed and can be modified to a two to three paragraph policy. HB 86 & HB 173 – Draft Policy ideas from USBA and we can update our policies. State will create rules or policy and adjustments could be addressed over several years.

April – Nothing

Recognition to Liz & Jim for all the work on policies this year.

Business Items

K-8 ELA Curriculum Adoption


Motion to approve K-8 ELA Curriculum Adoption by Liz. Second by Shawn. All in Favor



First Reading

            DCFS – Access to Students by Law Enforcement

Discussion: Did everyone get the emails addressing policies? Changes based on other district policies. Superintendent made changes based on Patrick’s (district attorney) reply. Law Enforcement should work with the school when requesting interviewing a student.

                        Motion to approve 1st reading. Seconded by Jim. All in Favor

Note: Needs to be sent to WSD Staff with changes prior to 2nd read.


#### – School Policy Development and Approval

Discussion: Does this also apply to sports teams? Yes. Policies be put on district website. When are changes required to go through 3 readings? Policy creation affects each school individually. Liz asked David, Wendy and Nikki to go back and review bring back to the board next month.

Motion: Moved to table until April by Curtis. Seconded by Jim. All in Favor

            DHE – Employee Leave and Pay Policies

Discussion: With changes coming down from USBA and State Officials, there will be several parts to DHE that may need some attention. Further review is needed before readings are presented to the board. The Policy Committee and the Superintendent will work on changes and bring this policy back board in April.

Motion: Moved to table until April by Curtis. Second by Liz. All in Favor

4-Day School Week

Discussion: Steps will be taken to move forward with USBA and get approval. 93% of survey were positive. Some discussion around concerns.

Motion: Motion was made to move forward on the 4-Day week and seek approval from the State by Liz. Second by Curtis. All in Favor


Board Information Items

Discussion: New section to board meeting to advise the board of upcoming events.

Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)


Motion: Motion was made to move into closed session made by Liz.

Curtis - Yes

April - Yes

Shawn - Yes

Liz - Yes

Jim -Yes

Moved into closed at 6:24pm

Back into Open Session at 7:14pm


Adjournment – 7:14pm

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