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February 13, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting – Hanksville Elementary                                                                                                                    

February 13, 2024

  1. Administration
    1. Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Reverence
    3. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of Minutes
      2. Accounts Payable
      3. New Hires
      4. Employee Separations

Motion to Approve by Liz, Second by Jim All in favor

  1. Financial Review
    1. Construction Progress Reporting Survey
    2. State Per Diem Rates for 2024
  • Citizen Comments: None
  1. Information Items
    1. Superintendent Report

Construction Update. Move in begins July 19. Abatement will be reviewed and scheduled early March and scheduled as soon as school is out. Advances in the younger classes are from Words to Sentences. Update on the moving of the Hogan trailer and the contractor conex trailers to the lot by the old house.

  1. Data Review

Wendy – Finished mid-year testing. Testing went well. Lots of positive increases throughout the school.

  1. Board Reports

Jim – Legislature meetings were productive and areas of concern addressed. 

Liz – JLC attendance. Capital visit was successful. Policy Committee met and some discussion on 

Curtis – Reported on visit to Washington DC with USBA leadership for trainings on inclusion and advocacy. USBA Leadership was in attendance. Utah has a lot of leadership in the National. Met with all of Utah Legislators, not just interns. Focused on Special Education. Committed to 40%, but are currently receiving well below that.  Celeste Maloy has committed to visit Wayne County during the fair. Other legislators will be invited as well.  Visits with the legislators Ed Appropriations did recommend the 50M to Rural Schools Capital Projects, however they are recommending it as a loan. Question about the Fits All scholarship for Home Schooled students. The 150M which is being suggested is really problematic but the bill is facing JLC opposition. Met Alex Boye in Washington DC and would like to present at our school at no cost. (Being a 10). Anne Brown is his connection through the Cook Foundation. Discussion around how to use him in the area.  USBA has some great changes. The first time anyone south of Juab School District, all four new representatives are from Rural District.  Spring Regional Meeting is March 14th. Other meetings are available.

April – Day on the Hill visit was very productive. Recognized Jim on his comments in the Rural Caucus. Attended several meetings.  Fair Board would like some help from the board to assist in the Fair and collaborate on board involvement during the Fair.  

  1. JLC Update
  2. Day on the Hill
  1. Leave Discussion

How are we going to handle leave in the district? Civic & Bereavement, specifically. Discussion around legislation mandating Leave Policies and opposition by JLC because of loss of Local Control. Further discussion could be beneficial to maintain local control. Employee assistance through the district was suggested. Policy Committee will review.

  1. Board and Superintendent Evaluations

Need to come up with dates for Richard Stowell. Suggested we change the board meeting in April to the 17th and have Richard come before board meeting. Suggestions to move March Board Meeting to LES and review the evaluations prior to the April board Meeting. 

  1. Suicide Prevention 

Suicide Prevention Training through Vectors is mandatory and lasts for 2 hours. Parent involvement was discussed and the new Prevention Coordinator position can assist in coordinating. QPR – Questions Persuading Response. Support of the Suicide Prevention team to assist in helping students who are ….  Contracting with CUES and other entities … Weekly meeting and Monthly meetings are held because of contractor availability. Training videos by Vector should have been taken prior to the end of the year. All District employees are required to take the Safe Schools Training. Discussion around SEL in the schools. Elementary have been doing these once per month. WMS and WHS have had teacher do this recently training weekly. The program was designed to be done weekly. The Prevention Coordinator will be going to HES more frequently, and a broader perspective is the best solution. Designed to the teach the 5 basic competencies. Survey bill discussed HB 182.

  1. Four-Day School Week 

David WHS says he has had favorable conversations with other districts and students and teachers like it. Administrators have a hard time with it. Discussion around schedule and how athletics would work and some of the challenges. Non-Athletic students should be considered. Link to Piute’s community involvement was sent to Administrators. Friday attendance was discussed, as well as the burden on the schools and families. Discussion around teacher contract days and how that could be met.

  1. Board Position in Support of Granite School District Resolution

Liz read the resolution from Granite school district. Wayne School Board was in support of this resolution. 

  1. Business Items
    1. 2024-2025 School Calendar

Motion to Approve by Curtis, second by Liz. All in Favor

  1. Loa Elementary Facilities Projects

Discussion around funding projects  

Motion to Table by Shawn. Second by Jim. All in Favor

  1. Policies
    1. First Reading
      1. Policy FGE - Non-Discrimination Policy

During the food audit the amendments to the current policy were suggestions changes by the State.

Motion to Approve by Curtis. Second by Shawn. All in Favor

  1. Policy FGD and FGDA?

Intention of this policy is that those who are coming into the schools, and want to question our students, know the proper procedures expected of the sheriff’s department by district and what the student’s rights are and align district policy with state law. Discussion and examples given about how this can be achieved. Student’s rights need to be understood by the Administration of the school, the students and the parents. Constitutional Rights must be upheld. Understanding ahead of time where interviews may take place. Consideration that this should be procedure instead of policy. Reference to Codes was discussed and which codes. Entities, 

Motion to Table FGDA by April to allow Policy Committee to make changes. Seconded by Liz. All in Favor

  1. Second Reading
    1. Policy FDEBB - School Lunch Charge Policy

Feedback was obtained from Tammy, Food Service Director, about the changes to the 1st reading. She was in favor. 

Motion to wave second reading and Approve FDEBB. Seconded by Liz. All in Favor.

Motion to move into Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) by Liz, Seconded by Curtis. All in Favor (Roll Call) @ 7:47 pm

  1. Supersede Superintendent Contract
  2. Supersede Business Administrator Contract

Back into Open Session @ 9:48pm

Motion to table Superintendent & Business Administrator Contract Extensions until May by Curtis. Seconded by Shawn.  

Discussion about when contracts expired. Because the Superintendents contract was superseded last year, both contracts expire in June of 2025. 

All in Favor.

Meeting Adjournment @ 9:50pm

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  • Hits: 134