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July 12, 2023 Board Meeting

Board Meeting

July 12, 2023

6:00 Administration

  1. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by April

  2. Reverence – Given by Shawn

  3. Approval of Minutes – Motion by Jim, Second by Liz

  4. Consent Agenda – Motion by Liz, Second by Shawn

a. Accounts Payable – (No Credit Card Statement for June) b. New Hires c. Employee Separations – Recognized Joan Brinkerhoff

6:05 Financial Review Audit - August 7th -9th - Discussion about Board Members & Committee for Audit

Meeting with Garkane Energy board where they approved boring for school to be done July 17-18. ROWs are getting finalized with Jacksons and Blackburns. Jim asked about year-end finalizing reports

6:15 Citizen Comments – Discussion about the Narcan availability and having a physician authorize it. Curtis will discuss with Dr. Abbott. (District not part of Wayne County? – Only Wayne School District?) Discussion around side effects. Can District participate in State Funding? Discussion around costs and availability. Need to follow policy surrounding district liability in administering and training. Shawn will get on Commissioner Agenda.

6:25 Information Items

  1. Superintendent Report
  2. Data Review
  3. Board Reports – Jim has access to USBA PowerUp. Elementary School construction start date? ASAP; Shawn – Garkane discussion about heat source for schools being electric. Ban throughout united states on gas heating. Costs are initially higher, but could level out over time. Problems with electric heat source is not an effective in Wayne County because of the very low temperatures and you need to have a backup heat source, which requires two systems. Chad & Tracy were very supportive.
  4. College Reimbursements – Information to Board member
  5. Bond Interest Rates – Discussion about rates that were agreed when signed bond agreement. Fixed rates were not available at the time of signing. Rates are great & we are able to refinance if necessary.

Board Training

  1. School Trust Lands Training – Board is to review on USBA Power Up

Truth in Taxation – Cory spoke with Jared at the State Office about rate changes and what TNT would do to the taxes for this year. Discussion around reasons for 2023 taxes going up. TNT is going to look really bad this year. Revenue is on the Budget, not the rate. JLC is focusing on changing this from Budget to Rate. Assessed Values are changing, homes are changing in value because of the assessments. This is causing the taxes to go up. Decision to NOT to do TNT for 2023.

7:00 Business Items

  1. Wayne Early Learning Plan 2023-2024 – Wendy presented the plan. Motion to approve by Liz, Second by Jim. All in Favor

  2. Secondary Math Curriculum Adoption – Envision chosen, elementary is using the plan, teacher like the option to be on line, build lessons and plans. Training done by Jenny. Fits best with future plans for district. Not a new program and is familiar to district. Alex was purchased this year and can work as a supplement to Envision. Can use with I-Ready and licenses already being used. Study Island is a Utah program for English. Math Aides for both HS and MS are needed. – Motion to approve by Liz, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor

  3. High School Valedictorian selection policy/procedure – Discussion around the need for the board to understand and agree with the procedure. Discussion around how the HS policy reads. No Action Taken. 4. Fall Sports Schedules – Discussion around a change to the baseball schedule, also, the Cross-Country meet in Idaho was not listed on CC schedule. – Motion to Approve by Curtis, second by Jim. All in Favor

  4. Approval of Full-Time Positions – Explanation of full-time positions. Discussion around needs. Moved to approve by Curtis, seconded by Liz

  5. Salary Schedule Approval – The board expressed concerns about the leadership hierarchy. There was some disagreement with the director and principal being on the same level but believe that the high school principal should be higher due to the responsibilities they carry. They also suggest that the elementary principal, who is currently managing two schools, should be at level 6, under the high school principal. Questions were raised about the position of the counselor instructional coach, as it was believed that it should be on the same level as a teacher, not in a leadership role. Discussion that the role of a coach is to help colleagues, not to evaluate them. It was also suggested that the HS principal's salary should be enticing enough to make the role appealing. They propose that the principal's salary should be increased to make it worth the additional responsibilities and commitments. There were also suggestions that the role of the instructional coach needs to be reconsidered and not be in a leadership role. His role involves teaching other teachers and covering all three schools, which has complicated his contract. He also attends administrative meetings and is responsible for new teacher training. There's a debate about the number of extra days being worked and whether they are actually earning more money or just working longer hours. Different levels and days for other positions like high school principal, instructional coaches, counselors, and directors. Discussion about the new salary schedule for educators, which includes a 6.1% average raise and a $4,200 salary adjustment for all certified employees. This is assumed to be about a 7% raise, with an additional 2% added. The new system also includes a level system, where teachers can advance based on their education and position, rather than years of service. For example, a teacher with a master's degree is placed at the master's level, and if they earn a second master's degree, they advance one more level. If a teacher becomes a principal or a director, they would also move up several levels. The new system may be confusing for some, as it differs from the traditional method of advancement based on years of service. Discussed the Classified / Certified and special assignments. Discussed special assignments in a school district which requires a license or certification would be overseen by the superintendent or administrator. The assignment could be related to administration, literacy, or math. The individuals selected for these assignments are given a level, which could potentially increase their pay. However, if the assignment ends or they choose not to continue the next year, they would lose that level and potentially see no raise in pay. The value of the assignment and the corresponding level is determined by the administrator and can vary based on the nature of the assignment. The text also suggestions were made that there be set range for these special assignments and there should be a limit. The text discusses the issue of setting limits on administrative levels in a school setting. Administrators should not be able to give more than a set amount of levels and that there should be a cap on this. They also discuss the idea of giving credit for additional education and certifications, but question whether this should result in additional steps or levels. They propose that a principal, for example, should not receive additional steps for becoming certified as this is a requirement of their job. However, they could receive an extra step for additional education. There should be safety measures to prevent misuse of this system. Discussion on how new hires are affected by these rules. Placement on salary schedule would be done at the time of hire, by the administration. Discussed the administrative issues within a district, particularly focusing on the disparity in pay and job roles between two directors who have been working for the district for 10 years. One director works for 212 days and the other for 240 days, but the 212-day director earns $60 more per day. The speaker suggests addressing this issue and possibly introducing different types of counselors with varying workdays. Discussed the problem with the language used for certifications and licenses, specifically the terms "certified" and "classified". These terms could be confusing as they are already used in different contexts within the district. They propose changing the terminology to "special certifications and licenses" and providing examples to clarify what these terms mean. Suggestions were made about rewarding non-instructional employees who go above and beyond in their roles. The text discusses the process of determining salary schedules and job classifications in a school district. The conversation revolves around the need for special certifications, licenses, and assignments, and how these factors should be rewarded. The participants discuss the idea of a two-step reward system, but stress the need for clarity on what exactly qualifies for these rewards. They also discuss the need for the rewards to be relevant to the individual's job. The conversation also touches on the idea of a 10% salary increase for all employees in the district, with some receiving more due to additional factors. The participants also discuss the need to clarify job titles and responsibilities, particularly for leadership roles. They also discuss the idea of compensating employees based on the number of days they work, with the possibility of placing employees on higher steps due to extra work days. The conversation ends with a discussion on the need to consider the base work when offering a job, rather than getting hung up on the number of work days. The text appears to be a conversation about the compensation structure for different roles within an educational institution. The speakers discuss the pay rates for principals, teachers, and instructional coaches, and how these rates are determined based on the number of days worked. They also discuss the additional responsibilities and requirements that come with certain roles, such as being a principal, and whether these are adequately compensated for. The conversation also touches on the idea of a single lane salary and year-round employees. Towards the end, the speaker mentions that they would like input from administrators on these matters. Motion to Approve 23-24 Salary Schedule, with the exception of the leadership and certification and license level adjustments, made by Curtis, seconded by Liz. After some discussion All in Favor

  6. Policies

  7. First Reading

FK – Moved to approve with discussed changes by Curtis, Seconded by Jim

Change last paragraph to read "by Wayne High School Administration"

b. Second Reading

  1. Third Reading:

DHCD – Motion to approve by Curtis, second by Shawn

DHE – Motion to approve, with change of position of Steps and Lanes ahead of Longevity, by Curtis, seconded by Jim. All in Favor

DFD – Motion to approve, with changes to read #3 Position Relate Professional Development, by Liz, second by Shawn. All in Favor

Motion to go into Closed Session by Liz, Jim – Yes, Curtis – Yes, Liz – Yes, April – Yes, Shawn – Yes

8:00 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)

9:00 Adjournment

(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

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