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January 11, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes



Shawn Davis – President
April Torgerson – Vice-President
Liz Torgerson - Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Jim Lamb – Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Hadlee Taylor – Student Board Member

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 


April makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 5:04 pm. Jim seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Curtis Whipple - Yes
April Torgerson - Yes
Jim Lamb – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes

April makes a motion to return to open session.

Open Session resumes at 6:05 pm

Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Curtis offers a reverence.

Jim Lamb takes the oath of Office

April makes a motion to approve the minutes from 10/12/22 and 11/9/22.  Liz seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler reviews the mid-year update, which included increases in some areas and decreases in others. The basic school program is essentially flat but we are receiving one-time funds in special education due to program growth between 2021 and 2022.

Liz and April ask about expenses for meals within the district boundaries. Tyler replies that the per diem amounts established in policy CKB are what is followed.

April makes a motion to pay the bills. Curtis seconds. All in favor.


No comments


Superintendent Report

Superintendent Shelley talks about some of the bills that might be coming up in the legislative session. He references an initiative to change the constitutional earmark regarding the use of income tax proceeds strictly for the funding of schools. This is based on the state’s need to have more budget flexibility and is going to be tied to the removal of the food tax. The public would have to vote on this amendment.

The governor also mentioned putting $6,000 toward teacher salaries in his budget, split between salaries and benefits. Unfortunately, the bill doesn’t do anything to address the needs of classified employees and is embedded in a voucher bill.

Curtis suggests that the legislature needs to raise taxes on fuel if they want to fund needs for roads, rather than taking funds from schools.

Superintendent speaks of a couple of positions that have been advertised. These include paraprofessional positions to fill spots now open because of employee departures and one that has never been filled. Another position is a contract position for a therapist/counselor using one-time funds from a grant.

He then gives details on the funding for the high school. He says that the grant committee wants to fund it at $32 million. He says that the committee’s recommendation goes to the Finance Committee this Friday and then on to the State Board of Education for approval on February 2nd. A walkthrough was conducted today with subcontractors at the high school. Bids are being collected through January 26th. Hogan will review bids and get contracts awarded within a few weeks of that deadline and begin construction in March.

Randy also states that we will be hosting wrestling divisionals here on January 27th and is requesting to end school an hour early at the high school for the activity.

Superintendent Shelley then shares some thoughts from the USBA conference he attended last week.

Board Member Reports

Members give reports on their attendance at a Utah School Boards Association Conference they attended.

April says that Shawn was voted into the USBA delegate assembly. She went to a good session at the conference where they learned about getting along with other people based on their personality.

Curtis talks about a session on public information and building transparency about things that are happening in the district. He believes we should start looking at procedures to distribute information in situations and wonders if we could contract or find someone to help manage communication for our district.

Hadlee Taylor gives a report on sports and other activities at the high school. She then asks if banners can be hung in the gym for athletes. Principal Chappell responds with some of his concerns and mentions the competing interests. The board agrees this is a student government decision.

Shawn asks about bussing at the middle school. Nikki Stringham says that it is better. He also thanks Wendy for letting him attend a class at Loa Elementary and participate.

Presentation on Lease Revenue Bonds

Japheth McGee from Zions Bank talks about the process for issuing municipal bonds. Zions acts as the municipal advisor to help the district receive the funding we need for our projects. He identifies the various participants in the process.

He talks about the two options for issuing the bonds, which are a public underwriting and a direct placement. He then explains the parameters resolution and goes over the timeline for issuing the bonds. Japheth talks about the yield curve and how the market reacts to different terms. He then mentions the public hearing and notice. Interest rates have decreased gradually from 1988 until the recent spike.

Japheth explains the options for selling bonds. In a market sale, your bond is typically callable in 10 years. In a direct sale, that can be shorter. A direct placement provides more flexibility but gives you initially higher interest costs.

The board discusses the desired amount of the issuance and pros and cons of various amounts. They lean towards issuing more than is immediately necessary in order to provide flexibility for future projects or contingencies in construction. The capital levy already in place is what will be used to pay the bond payments.


Consideration of a resolution approving bylaws for the Municipal Building Authority of Wayne School District

April makes a motion to approve the bylaws for the Municipal Building Authority of Wayne School District. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Approve Annual Audit

Tyler mentions a few highlights from the audit including significant increases in fund balance and compliance with all regulations. Curtis makes a motion to approve the 2022 Financial Audit. Liz seconds.

Board President and Vice-President Election

Curtis nominates April as president. Shawn calls for a vote. All in favor.

April nominates Liz as Vice-President. Jim nominates Curtis. April says that Curtis has a lot on his plate with JLC. Curtis declines the nomination. Shawn calls for a vote on Liz. All in favor.

Approve Health and Wellness Curriculum

No public comment.

Liz makes a motion to approve the new health and wellness curriculum. Curtis seconds it. All in favor.

Approved curriculum will continue until replaced by something else. 

School Calendar 2023-2024

Liz asks about the feedback that has been received on the calendar. Randy talks about the process and what feedback has been given.

April makes a motion to approve school calendar 2023-2024. Curtis seconds. All in favor. 


The board talks about the salary schedule policy. Questions arise about various parts of the policy, including how contracts will be issued and structured, when the salary committee will meet and the budget will be approved.

Curtis makes a motion to approve first reading of Salary Schedule Policy. Jim seconds. All in favor.

April mentions that the continuing education policy was brought up to emphasize that funding should go as a priority to those filling a critical district need. April makes a motion to table Continuing Education Reimbursement Policy. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Curtis makes a motion to approve policy DEA–Workers Compensation. Jim seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Liz makes a motion to approve the new hires. April seconds. All in favor.

New hires include:

Elizabeth Reece – paraprofessional at LES
Shelby Watkins – substitute teacher
Megan Pearson – classified substitute

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 8:12 pm.

Executed MBA minutes to Parameters Resolution 

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