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July 2015 School Board Meeting Minutes


Those Present:
Joni Taylor - President
April Torgerson - Vice President
Cory Anderson - Member
Jeffery Chappell - Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Burke Torgerson - Superintendent
Heather Okerlund - Business Administrator

Conducting: Joni Taylor

Joni Taylor called the meeting to order. She announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Jeffery Chappell.

Page 3 of the minutes, correction to the name should be 'Burke' not Burger. Curtis Whipple motioned to approve as amended, April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Accounts Payable-
Heather Okerlund answered questions about the financial reports and accounts payable. Cory Anderson motioned to approve the accounts payable. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.
Monthly Financial Report-
Reviewed briefly.

No citizens comments.

Heidi Woolsey reported on a coaches meeting they had in June. The coaches wanted to know about letting a spouse ride the school bus when they go to out of town games. Discussed the benefits and risks. The coaches also asked about getting the bus request forms electronically. We had already discussed this as an administration and decided we were going this direction, but will continue on this path. She also presented an informed consent form that they are proposing to create electronically using register my athlete.

Magon Bowling asked about a WMS CrossCountry program. Right now it's just the high school so the middle school students can't ride the bus. Her biggest concern is getting approval for the kids to ride the bus to the events with the high school and for the middle school kids to be allowed to participate.

Superintendent presented the information about SAGE and that the state has chosen not to give parents access online and have directed the administrators to get the results of the test out to the parents. In the past it has been a long delay to get them, but now results are immediate. Superintendent decided that he would put a notification in the paper and on the website to notify parents that the results are available. He will address it with the principals and figure out the best way to get that out to the parents.

Superintendent noted that we need commitments by the board members in order to make reservations for the Leadership Academy in September.

Discussed the contracts for the Superintendent and the Business Administrator. Both should have contracts, but none have been signed. Superintendent has a draft contract now. Joni Taylor requested that the Superintendent and the Business Administrator draft a contract to be approved in the next board meeting. Cory Anderson requested that the draft contracts be sent out in e-mail form so they could be reviewed and modified prior to the next meeting.


Decision on school lunch personnel & hours. Recommendation from Coral was for a 4 hour position. The recommendation from Lynda was a 6 hour position. The recommendation from Principal Bray was not to replace. Curtis Whipple proposed to approve the 4 hour position. April Torgerson seconded. Discussed if we could find a person at that amount of hours, but decided to advertise and see what happened. Joni Taylor and Jeffery Chappell voted aye. Cory Anderson is abstaining from the vote.

Discussed the H.S.A. district contribution amount. Cory Anderson made the motion to fund the employees H.S.A. accounts at the cost neutral to the Silver plan. $4,824 for the core plan and $2,088 for the copper plan for family plans. Jeffery Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to fund the H.S.A. plans quarterly. Had more discussion regarding the funding. Motion withdrawn. Jeffery Chappell motioned that we fund the contribution 100% up front. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Superintendent said he wanted to revise his recommendations for the football field and instead of all the work they were planning, just do some grading and provide some area for a drain field. We would move forward with the improvements in future years when we can afford them. Superintendent said he would set up a bid interest meeting and then send out the work for bid. Cory Anderson motioned that we move the football field/track protection proposals to next month and review the bids and allow time for the Superintendent to move forward on getting the bids. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

April Torgerson made a motion to approve Andrea Peterson as a new substitute teacher. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Taxation discussion - discussed creating a task force for our taxation increases. Also discussed getting the vocal individuals in the community involved. Decided to think about it until next meeting and we'll start hitting it hard after the truth in taxation meeting in August.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the second reading of DHA. Jeffrey Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to approve the third reading and approve policies DBB, DMA, DMB. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Superintendent said he has been asked to serve as the board chair for CUES. He said it would probably mean more meetings for him. The board asked questions about what the position would require and if there was any additional cost to the district. Superintendent replied that it would be minimal, but some for travel and additional time away. April Torgerson made a motion to approve the Superintendent as the CUES board Chair. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Opening Institute will be Monday August 24th and we got Stan Albrecht as a keynote speaker for the meeting. We will also have the H.S.A. presentation and Superintendent proposed doing a taxation presentation for the teachers also to increase awareness. The meeting starts at 8:30 and President Albrecht will speak at 9:00. Decided to do a family BBQ for lunch that afternoon and possibly rent the pool out. Cory Anderson is going to get the Garkane trailer. Curtis Whipple said he could get the burgers.

Superintendent asked about an administrator for the High Top Ranch. Discussed potential candidates since it is not a huge time commitment. April Torgerson made a motion to table the High Top Ranch Administrator until next month when we have a candidate. Cory Anderson seconded. All in favor.

April Torgerson made a motion to approve the second reading of the WHS-WMS attendance policy. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.


Cory Anderson said he thought the improvements to the website were great and the links to everything are nice and it was nice to have it updated.

Clarified when the Truth in Taxation meeting was (August 5th at 7:00 pm).

Cory Anderson clarified that board meeting will be at 6:00 next month.

April Torgerson wanted to thank Jeffery Chappell for letting us use the GP for our meeting today.

Joni Taylor said she was concerned about the calendar because it wasn't being updated. The calendar updates are in process by Jordan and Jared.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel. Jeffery Chappell seconded.

Roll Call
Cory Anderson - Aye
April Torgerson - Aye
Curtis Whipple - Aye
Jeffery Chappell - Aye
Joni Taylor - Aye

Jeffery Chappell had to be excused due to an outside emergency.

Joni Taylor called the meeting back into open session at 6:45 pm.

Curtis Whipple made a motion to adjourn. Cory Anderson seconded. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 1:30 am.

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