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June 2015 School Board Meeting Minutes


Those Present:
Joni Taylor - President
April Torgerson - Vice President
Cory Anderson - Member
Jeff Chappell - Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Burke Torgerson - Superintendent
Heather Okerlund - Business Administrator

Conducting: Joni Taylor

Joni Taylor called the meeting to order. She announced we would begin with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence from Burke Torgerson.

Correction to the minutes for last month. We need to change 'prayer' to 'reverence'.
April Torgerson motioned to approve the minutes. Cory Anderson seconded. All in favor.

Accounts Payable-
Answered questions about accounts payable.
Cory Anderson motioned to approve the accounts payable. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.
Monthly Financial Report-
Decided we will review during budget session later in the meeting.

The new flag that was ordered for the high school inadvertently didn't have the logos of the sponsors printed on the case. There was also discussion about where to put the flag. Decided it would be best to do a large signboard with the logos on the side of the flag or next to it somehow. Mary Bray will follow up.

SAGE Testing district Results-
Burke Torgerson went over the SAGE results that were provided. Had discussion regarding the current scores and if we need any actions to try and change some of the lower scores. Overall the results were mixed.

Presentation by Coral Chappell of school lunch data and information-
Coral presented more information regarding our prices for school lunch (reviewed in May also). For the 2015-2016 year our price should be 2.45. Our prices right now are 2.15 and 2.30 (at different locations). Discussed the impact of increasing the prices and the different components of how the prices and funding are calculated. This is under business items so we will wait and make a decision later in the meeting.

Update on track/football field drainage progress-
Burke Torgerson said he presented the NRCS ideas to Bicknell Town. There were concerns about where and how the water would be taken care of once it left the property, but the request was sent to NRCS. Additional discussion was had regarding the different options at the field and the board decided Monday at 6:00pm they would meet over at the field to get ideas and decide how to proceed. Cory Anderson said that the scoreboard progress is good and it should be installed the first of July sometime.

SRS Funds - January
Burke Torgerson said we did get Secure Rural Schools money, about $83,000 this week that wasn't budgeted for. It will help with the budgets this year.

Preschool use of Loa playground equipment-
Burke Torgerson was made aware that an individual is doing a private preschool in Loa out of her home. We have a policy that says if people are using our facilities and making money we have to charge them rent. They have to pay rent, and provide proof of their own insurance. Although there are no big concerns about their use of the equipment it was discussed that it may be a violation of the policy. It's just an information item at this point, no decision needs to be made until/unless we get more information.

Trustlands audit review-
Trustlands audit review reports were provided to all of board members. Decided to have a board member review journal entries as recommended and to have the audit committee follow up on the other issues mentioned in the report.

School lunch -
Discussed the new lunch person at the high school and whether we should look for a 4 or 6 hour person. Mary Bray said that they did change their schedules a little bit for next year and that will push their lunch back 20 minutes and that should help with the serving time being staggered instead of at the same time. Curtis Whipple motioned that we advertise for a 4 hour person then Cory Anderson asked instead if we could table it until next meeting since we didn't need to advertise for the position yet. Cory Anderson made a motion that we delay making a decision regarding the school lunch position until the July meeting. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.
Jeff Chappell motioned that we increase the school lunch paid by $.10. Curtis seconded. All in favor. Coral wanted to clarify that the increase was for adult lunches as well as students. Agreed that the motion did cover all of the lunches.

Hire a new maintenance assistant-
Burke Torgerson said that he is recommending Bronson Oyler for the position. April Torgerson motioned to accept Bronson Oyler as the new maintenance assistant. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Approve interim WMS Administrator/Head Teacher-
Burke Torgerson said that he is recommending Lance Peterson as the WMS Administrator/Head Teacher and that was also who the hiring committee recommended. Discussion was had with the group about how different requirements of the position would be covered and Cory Anderson clarified that it is a one year interim position. Cory Anderson motioned to approve Lance Peterson as the interim WMS Administrator/Head Teacher. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.

Approve Cross County Coach-
Burke Torgerson said he is recommending Magon Bowling as the Cross Country Coach. April Torgerson made a motion to approve Magon Bowling as the Cross Country Coach. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Assistant cheer advisors-
Burke Torgerson said he is recommending Adie Mitchell and Monica Brian. April Torgerson made a motion to approve Adie Mitchell and Monica Brian as the assistant cheer advisors. Cory Anderson seconded. All in favor.

Burke Torgerson noted that all of these are pending a background check except for Lance Peterson who already has one.

Discussion and decision on WHS business teacher-
Burke Torgerson described the new arrangements with not replacing the business teacher position. After review of many different options, it was decided that Taylor Malmrose and Paige Cook would co-teach the required technology class for the time being. They would primarily be responsible for instruction, but would have Freedom Kezos come and help if needed. Discussed the reasons for the decision and the intention that this was short term until we have the financial ability to make a good long term decision. Cory Anderson made the motion that we support the decision to fill the business position responsibilities for one year. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.
Cory Anderson clarified that he feels the arrangement will work and that the people in place will do a great job, but he's worried about how it will affect the students in high school for this one year. April Torgerson said that she appreciated the effort that was put into coming up with a solution.

Negotiation update and decisions-
Burke Torgerson said that we offered a 1% increase to certified employees and they accepted. Classified want to amend the policy change the retirement options from 25 years to 20 years of employment. Superintendent explained the policy as it is right now and the potential changes and impact that would have. Cory Anderson made a motion to table the discussion until the board members on the negotiation team can find a time they can meet with the classified employees and understand their request better. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Third reading and approve policies DFA, DMB, DMA-
Burke Torgerson reviewed the policies and potential changes and proposed to hold off until some more changes were made. Cory Anderson motioned to table any decisions for now. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Hold and more discussion on policies DBB & DHA-
Burger Torgerson said the lawyers had made a lot of changes to the policies and he didn't feel they were ready to approve. April Torgerson motioned to table DBB and DHA for further discussion. Curtis seconded. All in favor.

July Board Meeting-
Discussed the July board meeting and decided we would have it at the Gathering Place in Lyman at 10:00am. Discussed doing goal setting and working on the Master Boards Award and other potential discussions/activities.

Decision on band/music trip to California-
Taylor Malmrose described the band/music trip he was proposing to take some students on. Discussed the costs and where the funds would come from. Also discussed some timing and logistics of the plan. April Torgerson motioned for Taylor Malmrose to continue with their plans to take the trip. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor. Superintendent clarified with Taylor Malmrose that they did not need district operating funds for the deposit, they would use music funds.

First reading, changes to WHS, WMS attendance policy-
Burke Torgerson asked Mary Bray to clarify the new policy. They found out that the policy as written was actually against the law, so they modified it to be in compliance. Had discussion regarding the effectiveness of the policy and specifics of the policy. Cory Anderson clarified that the policy should say WMS at the top of the policy in addition to WHS. Cory motioned to accept the first reading of WHS and WMS attendance policy with the amended verbiage at the top to include WMS. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Decision on advisors FFA trip to national convention-
April Torgerson made a motion to allow the FFA to take a district car to the airport for their convention. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Truth in taxation and board voted levy discussion-
Discussed truth in taxation dates. We have to set between August 1st and August 17th for Truth in Taxation, but the voted board levy wouldn't be advertised until October for vote in November. Curtis Whipple motioned to have the truth in taxation hearing on August 5th at 7:00pm at the district office. Jeff Chappell seconded. All in favor.

Reviewed the changes to the FY15 budget-
Reviewed the changes from the original budget to the adjusted budget and had discussion regarding it.
Curtis Whipple made a motion to accept the amended budget and to designate the undistributed reserves to pay for the Utah Retirement costs of $82,766.82 and $8,315 for the time clock system. April Torgerson seconded. All in favor.
Fund 10 - Total Revenues $6,014,473
Fund 10 - Total Expenses $6,014,384
Fund 21 - Total Revenues $282,984
Fund 21 - Total Expenses $425,007.36
Fund 23- Total Revenues $80,962.58
Fund 23 - Total Expenses $81,165.52
Fund 32- Total Revenues $243,800
Fund 32 - Total Expenses $529,300
Fund 51- Total Revenues $233,809.21
Fund 51 - Total Expenses $233,320.15
Fund 72- Total Revenues $28,000
Fund 72 - Total Expenses $28,000

Approve FY16 budget-
Reviewed details of the budget and had discussion regarding it.
Jeff proposed to accept the budget for 2015-2016. Curtis seconded. All in favor.
Fund 10 - Total Revenues $5,983,195.00
Fund 10 - Total Expenses $5,983,195.00
Fund 21 - Total Revenues $400,000
Fund 21 - Total Expenses $400,000
Fund 23- Total Revenues $86,150
Fund 23 - Total Expenses $86,150
Fund 32- Total Revenues $236,800
Fund 32 - Total Expenses $150,000
Fund 51- Total Revenues $212,660
Fund 51 - Total Expenses $212,660
Fund 72- Total Revenues $28,000
Fund 72 - Total Expenses $28,000

April Torgerson motioned to move into executive session to discuss personnel. Cory Anderson seconded.
Jeff Chappell - Aye
Curtis Whipple - Aye
Joni Taylor - Aye
April Torgerson - Aye
Cory Anderson- Aye

Came back into public board meeting at 1:20 am

April Torgerson made a motion to adjourn. Curtis Whipple seconded. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 1:20 am.

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