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Board Meeting Minutes July 13, 2022



Shawn Davis – President
April Torgerson – Vice-President
Curtis Whipple - Member
Cory Anderson – Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Hadlee Taylor – Student Board Member

ABSENT: Liz Torgerson

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of allegiance is recited.

April offers a reverence.

Cory makes a motion to approve the minutes from 6/08/2022. April seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler reviews a couple of large expenses.

April makes a motion to pay the bills. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Tyler talks about a donation from Leavitt Land and Kurt Lund from Family Dollar. The donation adjusted property lines for Family Dollar and gave the district a piece of land to the west of the existing school approximately 60 feet x 176 feet.




Superintendent Report

Superintendent Shelley talks about the opening institute. It will be held at Snow College in Ephraim. We will have Jason Hewlitt as a keynote speaker. This will be combined with Piute and Tintic school districts.

Randy also speaks about the rural schools conference and a few of the speakers. He also mentions a meeting with the state’s first lady and the discussion on mental health and wellness of teachers.

Randy and April discuss a tour of another elementary school and design elements of various options. The current construction option would include a demolition of the oldest portion of the middle school and construction of a two-story elementary connected to the current middle school building. The middle school would be renovated to become the district office.

Ashlee Jackson asks if the gym is a full-sized gym. Randy explains that the middle school gym would remain as the elementary gym and the multi-purpose room on the addition would be a lunch room with some possibility for P.E. and other activities.

Superintendent Shelley also mentions conversations with Senator Owens regarding the small school construction fund and that the committee to evaluate applications has been formed.

Board Training

Shawn gives a training on the open and public meeting act, discusses what constitutes a meeting and what does not.

April reads about public participation in public meetings. The board must hold a public hearing in some situations. She mentions the notice requirements for meetings and requirements for locations of meetings.

Curtis reads about closed-meeting requirements. He discusses the purposes of closed sessions, which include discussion of character, competence, or health of an individual, strategy sessions regarding property, litigation, some procurement functions, security deployment, and investigations of criminal conduct.

Cory talks about penalties for failure to comply with open meeting laws. 

Review Annual Bylaws

The board reviews their code of ethics and bylaws.


New Geography and Health Curricula

Geneva Peterson talks about the geography curriculum, provided by Pearson.

No public comment.

April makes a motion to approve the new geography curriculum for Wayne High School. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Stephanie Williams presents on the health curriculum, Essential Health Skills for Middle School. It is recommended as a primary source and follows the core curriculum, including the physical, mental, and emotional health elements.

April asks about some of the content regarding sex education.  It will be taught only to 8th graders. Stephanie talks about what it will cover. Parents also have the option to preview the content and to opt-out of that section, if desired.

Erin Palmer suggests that curriculum should be sent out to parents. She says that a lot of that health teaching also comes from the home.

There are further questions about parent decisions regarding opt-in and opt-out.

Cory makes a motion to approve the middle school health curriculum. Curtis seconds. All in favor.

Approve Early Learning Plans

Wendy Potter talks about the professional learning grant. The professional learning grant covers the LETRS training. We are requiring it for teachers K-5.

Curtis makes a motion to approve the professional learning grant with a date change to July 13th. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Ashlee Jackson talks about the early learning plan. This is based off of Acadience data. She discusses the goals of the plan and how they intend to achieve them. These include both reading and math goals for students achieving proficiency.

April makes a motion to approve the 2022-2023 Early Learning Plan. Cory seconds.

Approve CM/GC Award

Randy talks about the selection process. Dave Andersen, vice-president of Hogan Construction, introduces himself. He explains his role and the process. They operate as advisors, managers, and builders. Kelly Hall introduces himself. He lives in Gunnison and is currently finishing Brighton High School. He talks about the details of phasing construction with an occupied building.

Curtis makes a motion to approve the CM/GC award to Hogan Construction. April seconds. All in favor.

Approve Student Travel

Wes Torgrimson talks about the participation in the cross-country program. He brings up a race held in Eagle, ID that he would like to attend. Randy explains that our Risk Management policy prohibits us from taking a bus outside of the state.

April suggests that we like to encourage these opportunities for our employees and students.

The discussion continues about transportation and the costs of this travel, as well as alternate methods for transportation.

Cory makes a motion to approve “the big” cross-country trip to Eagle, ID in September. Curtis seconds. All in favor.

Curtis makes a motion to approve fall/winter sports schedules. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Heidi talks about the schedules and says that they are trying to reduce the cost for travel through doubling up sports and playing back-to-back games.

April makes a motion to approve FFA travel to nationals. Cory seconds. All in favor.

School Lunch Prices

Tyler reviews the current prices for student lunch, discusses pricing in other districts, and suggests new prices for the upcoming year, which include a flat $.30 raise to all prices.

April makes a motion to approve school lunch prices for FY23. Cory seconds. All in favor.


April makes a motion to table policy FFC-Student Travel. Cory seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Cory makes a motion to approve the new hire pending background check. April seconds. All in favor.

Sharon Burningham is approved as a paraprofessional @ LES


April makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 8:19 pm. Curtis seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Curtis Whipple - Yes
April Torgerson - Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes

Open Meeting resumes at 9:15 pm

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 9:15 pm

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