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Board Meeting Minutes April 13, 2022



Shawn Davis – President
April Torgerson – Vice President
Liz Torgerson – Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Cory Anderson – Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Shaleen Nelson – Student Board Member

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Curtis offers a reverence.

Cory makes a motion to approve the minutes from 3/16/2022 and 4/6/2022. Curtis seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler talks about legislative estimates, mentioning increases and decreases in various programs. He talks about the increase on the health insurance costs and how there has been higher utilization rates and inflation in health care this year.

April makes a motion to pay the bills. Liz seconds. All in favor. 


Roma Roderick believes the school board shouldn’t take any money for their service. She encourages evaluation of students and teachers. She states that there should be a plan in place for bomb threats. 

Chad Roderick asks about the number of cars needed by the district. He says that in Idaho the board members don’t take salaries but serve only as a civic duty. 

Stephanie Williams thanks the school board for their efforts on getting new buildings. She mentions some of the problems of our current facilities and believes students deserve a better environment for learning.

Chad Roderick asks who went to the meetings in San Diego. Stephanie Williams says there is a benefit to being in person at meetings. 


Fraud Risk Assessment

The board asks questions about the fraud risk assessment. Tyler explains what goes into it and why it is required.

Superintendent Report

Randy talks about upcoming student data that can be reviewed and evaluated. He mentions the superintendent conference and some of the bills that were discussed at the conference with the State Board of Education. 

Conference Report

April, Curtis, Shawn, and Randy report on the National School Boards Association conference. They discuss various aspects and takeaways, including helping kids make memories, tracking goals, and focusing on data and on student achievement. 

Travel Reimbursement Rates

Shawn says he believes we are behind on these rates and they need to be raised. Randy explains the current policy. Board members have questions about rates for mileage and meals. Liz asks about how employees are compensated for extra time. Randy discusses the existing approach and asks how the board would like to address it. Shawn suggests that they review it during the month.

Student Board Member Report

Shaleen Nelson gives a report on sports, graduation, honor band, and student body elections.


Elementary Overnight Field Trip

Randy talks about the Gooseberry overnight experience put on by the Forest Service. Our current policy says that overnight elementary field trips are not allowed. 

Ashlee Jackson explains what goes into the planning and wants to make sure that this is something desired by the majority of parents. She has some concerns but believes it would be enjoyed by the students. The trip typically occurs around September 15th of each year. Details on funding and logistics are discussed. 

Liz states that the only part the board has in this process is potentially modifying the policy to approve an overnight field trip. 

Cory would like more information. Ashlee will gather input from parents and try to provide information to the superintendent and school board. 

April makes a motion to table the elementary overnight field trip. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Architect SOIQ

Randy explains that we have to submit a statement of interest and qualifications for an architect. There are some questions about the timeline and process.

Curtis makes a motion to put out an RFP for an architect. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Board Meeting Calendar

April makes a motion to approve the board meeting calendar for fiscal year 2023. Liz seconds. All in favor.


April has questions about policy FDB. There is some discussion about the changes but it is essentially expanding youth suicide prevention for elementary students. 

Cory makes a motion to approve first reading of policies FDAD-Health Requirements Communicable Diseases, FDAF-Concussions and Head Injuries, FDB-Health Requirements Suicide Prevention, FDC-School Breakfast Program, FDEA-Wellness Policy Food Sales, EFC-Grading Participation of Private and Home School Students in Statewide Assessments, FE-Student Records, FEA-Education and Family Privacy, FED-Student Data Protection. April seconds. All in favor.

April makes a motion to approve second reading of policies CFB-Use of School Facilities Use of Equipment, ECA-Curriculum Required Instruction, ECBB-Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed, ECC-Curriculum Early Learning Plan, ECCA-Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3, ECCB-Curriculum Mathematics Assessment for K-3, ECE-Curriculum College Course Work, ECG-Curriculum American Heritage, EFA-Grading Progress Reports to Parents, EFB-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards, EFBA-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards Kindergarten Assessment, EFBB-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards Exclusion from Testing and H-Special Education policies.  Liz seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve policies FAB-Transgender Students, FAC-Services for Homeless Students, FBA-Admission and Attendance Eligibility and Admissions, FBAB-Admissions and Attendance Military Children, FBB-Admissions and Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FBBB-Participation in Online Education, FDAB-Health Requirements and Services Immunizations, FDACA-Medical Treatment DNR Directives, FDACD-Health Requirements and Services Student Asthma Emergency. April seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Curtis makes a motion to approve new hires pending background check.  Liz seconds. All in favor. 

New Hires include:

Sade Syme – music teacher
Larry Marshall – elementary teacher @ LES
Gantuya Moore – Tech Aide @ LES 

Employee Separations

April makes a motion to approve employee separations. Liz seconds. All in favor.


Asiyah Leavitt – elementary aide


Curtis makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 6:12 pm. April seconds. 

Shawn Davis – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes

Tyler is excused at 6:31 pm.

Open Meeting resumes at 7:26 pm

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 7:26 pm

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