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Feb. 9, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes



Shawn Davis – President
April Torgerson – Vice President
Liz Torgerson – Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Cory Anderson – Member
Shaleen Nelson – Student Board Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Liz offers a reverence.

April makes a motion to approve the minutes from 1/12/2022. Liz seconds the motion. All in favor.


Chylene Whipple asks about the cap and gown fee. It is explained that anything that can be charged as a fee is required to be on the fee schedule. There may be caps or gowns that have been donated to the school that are available for some students who are graduating.


Tyler provides a review of finances. He mentions the $1000 grant for all teachers through Donors Choose and encourages teachers to submit applications for it. He mentions that tax receipts have come through and are currently about 1% from what was budgeted. 

Curtis makes a motion to pay the bills. Cory seconds. All in favor.


Shyann Alvey is part of the PTA group in Hanksville. She would like to put a kindness rock garden on the school grounds to encourage kindness and creativity. 

Chylene Whipple asks if we should include the names of those no longer working for the district in the minutes. She also attended the meetings in January with the board and heard lots of good things. She thanks them for attending their trainings. 


Shawn says if citizens want to ask questions, they should request to be on the agenda.

Superintendent Report

Superintendent Shelley mentions the gym use policy. He has met with a couple employees to discuss this. He wants to meet with principals and more employees to see if we need to adjust the policy.

February 22nd is the day on the hill for school boards. Randy will be attending the county commission meeting to discuss facilities at 11:00 am on the 22nd

Randy has been in SLC the last few weeks to attend legislative meetings. He has been attending the Rural Caucus as well as the USBA JLC meetings. 

Superintendent talks about a Title IA monitoring visit that happened today. He also explains the administrative situation at the middle school where duties are being shared by Stephanie Williams and Austin Moore. 

The district has advertised and will be reviewing applications for a middle school principal within the next few weeks.

Locker Room Renovation at WMS

Randy explains the situation with the middle school gym. He says that we would like to go out for bid to see if there are local contractors willing to work within the scope of this project. This would not include the high school because of the potential for new construction of a high school gym if a new school is built.

Board Training

Shawn talks about the policies relating to the school board that are in third reading, including those related to board vacancies and board meetings. An electronic meeting is clarified as a meeting where board members are attending remotely. 


Spring Sports Travel Approval

April makes a motion to approve the spring sports travel. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Shawn asks about the golf program. Cory talks about the team, Coach Hiskey, and the region structure.


Liz makes a motion to approve first reading of policies FAB-Transgender Students, FAC-Services for Homeless Students, FBA-Admission and Attendance Eligibility and Admissions, FBAB-Admissions and Attendance Military Children, FBB-Admissions and Attendance Compulsory Attendance, FBBB-Participation in Online Education, FDAB-Health Requirements and Services Immunizations, FDACA-Medical Treatment DNR Directives, FDACD-Health Requirements and Services Student Asthma Emergency. April seconds. All in favor.

Curtis makes a motion to approve second reading of policies CJDH-Transportation Operations Post Route Inspections, DAB-Employment Licensure, DBG-Reemployment of Retired Employees, DFA-Educator Induction Mentoring and Professional Learning, DFC-Employee Surveys, DHA-Orderly School Termination of Employees, EBA-Term of Instruction School Year, EBB-Term of Instruction School Day.  Liz seconds. All in favor. 

April makes a motion to approve policies BBC-Board Members Vacancies on the Board, BEB-Board Meetings Recordings and Minutes, BEC-Closed Meetings, BEE2-Board Meetings Electronic Meetings, CBF-Exceptions to Standard Procurement Processes, CBG-Contracts and Contract Limitations, and CCA-School Construction Bidding.  Cory seconds. All in favor.

2022-2023 School Calendar

April makes a motion to table the 2022-2023 school calendar. Curtis seconds. All in favor.

Randy explains that there has been some feedback given by administrators and staff and explains parts of the calendar. The board discusses various options and the timing of breaks.

Other Items

Cory asks about the gym scheduling policy. April suggests that there should be a typed schedule for every sport. Liz says we should consider if we are the county rec center or if this responsibility should fall on the county. Randy says he believes the county wants to partner with the district to address some of the issues. Cory suggests that the county could provide a county rec director who facilitates the use of facilities. Liz says it is the board’s responsibility to protect facilities and ensure liability falls on the proper parties. She says there should be a priority for feeder programs. 

Cory reports on UHSAA. He talks about the shot clock rule in high school varsity play. He says the discussion was sent to the board by the executive committee in the high school association. The rule means that every district has to add the equipment and additional help or training for running the shot clock. Smaller schools will not need the addition of a third official. He says that if 1A schools did not participate, then there would be a limit on who you can play which may exclude 2A schools. Boys volleyball is being considered for sanctioning. 

Curtis talks about Senate Bill 170, that changes the filing period for school board members. There is a bill regarding early literacy outcomes with the intent to bring proficiency to 70%. We are already at that level. Another bill provides full funding for all-day kindergarten.

Shaleen Nelson gives a report on the high school. This week is homecoming week. Tonight is the boys’ and girls’ last home basketball games. State wrestling region contests begin next week. FFA went to region and one qualified for state. Next week is FCCLA week. 

Shawn recognizes the girls’ cheer team for taking state. He then thanks those in the district who support education here.


Cory makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 4:37 pm.  Curtis seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – No

April Torgerson is excused at 4:37 pm

Open Meeting resumes at 5:50 pm

Cory makes a motion to renew the Superintendent’s contract. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 5:50 pm

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