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Board Meeting Minutes June 16, 2021



Shawn Davis - President
April Torgerson – Vice President
Liz Torgerson – Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Cory Anderson - Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of Allegiance.

Reverence is offered by Cory Anderson.

Don Coombs from Cache Valley Bank talks about how they participated in the Payroll Protection Program. All interest earned from those loans is being donated in the communities. The CEO of the bank suggested that the money goes toward mental health for students. The board thanks Don for his donation.

Cory makes a motion to approve the minutes from 5/12/2021 and 6/2/21. Curtis seconds the motion. All in favor.


April makes a motion to pay the bills. Liz seconds. All in favor.


Roma Roderick is concerned with the direction of the school district. She mentions the football program. She talks about teachers becoming principals and says we should pay teachers well enough that they don’t need to become administrators. She recognizes David Chappell as an excellent teacher. She talks about changes with administrators and says it is a popularity contest.

She believes there should be more men in the elementary school. She expresses that the district doesn’t need any more administrators but instead should put money towards students.

Shawn responds to Roma’s comment about the football program. 


Superintendent’s Report

  • Randy met with some parents since the last board meeting. Their biggest concern was communication. He recommends some ways to communicate with parents and the community. 
  • The 3rdgrade class has grown and we are currently advertising another teaching position.
  • Summer school has started and we are still having a very significant turnout. 
  • There is a meeting set up for June 28thwith Senator Owens and Representative Lyman. They will tour our facilities. 

Shawn reiterates the need for communication and suggests that each school put something together. 


Student Board Member

Discussion on policy BBAA – Student Board Members. The board discusses logistics and who might qualify. The member would serve as a liaison between the board and school and would also receive a scholarship as an incentive. A student petition is needed for the position to be created.

SPED Manual

Randy discusses the SPED Manual and says that the State gives us some requirements for policies and procedures related to SPED. This manual been through the approval process with the State.

Liz makes a motion to approve the SPED Manual. Cory seconds. All in favor.

PTIF Resolution

Cory makes a motion to approve the PTIF Public Entity Resolution. April seconds. All in favor.

Public Hearing

Tyler gives an overview of the FY21 budget as well as the FY22 proposed budget. He discusses the current year budget and explains some additional revenues and expenses on the horizon. He talks about the reserve account and suggests we might want to move some money from operating to our capital fund because of the need we have with facilities.

He then talks about the proposed budget for FY22, which includes potential for additional federal funds through the last ESSER allocation.

He talks about the food services, capital, and student activity funds. There is some discussion about the need to obtain free and reduced applications so we can receive school funding for federal programs other than food services.

He covers proposed tax rates, which would be to hold the board and capital levies constant and raise the voted levy to what was approved by voters. We will have to go through truth in taxation in order to make the changes.

Citizen Comments

Roma Roderick asks about the process with the State auditing our district. Tyler responds that the State decides and various state organizations regularly choose districts to audit. The district just finished an audit today with one entity.

Diena Riddle asks what rate we are raising. Tyler explains that there are some rates that are controlled by the school board and some by the state. He clarifies the proposed rates for the board, capital, and the voted levies. Cory and April explain the certified tax rate and how rates change from year to year. 

Jamie Webb asks about the levy for facility improvements. Shawn explains that raising taxes for facilities is not the direction that the board wants to go at this time and we are exploring other options without taxing the community. April and Liz say that they would like community input before raising taxes for facilities.

Curtis makes a motion to approve the FY21 amended budgets and adopt FY22 proposed budget and adopt proposed tax rates for FY22. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Fall Sports

April makes a motion to approve the fall sports schedule. Liz seconds. All in favor.

FFA Travel Request

There is discussion on who will be going. April would like to know the criteria for who can go to Nationals. She asks if it is just the officers and would like clarity on who is eligible. There is discussion amongst the board about what is required of participants. 

Cory makes a motion to approve the FFA Travel Request. Liz seconds. All in favor. 

New Textbook Adoption

David Chappell talks about a textbook for geology. There are questions regarding whether the material is approved by the Utah State Board of Education.

Curtis makes a motion to approve the Essentials of Geology curriculum pending verification that it is approved curriculum. April seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Cory makes a motion to approve the new hires and appointment. April seconds. All in favor.

New Hires:

Geneva Peterson – teacher at Loa Elementary
Amber Draper – teacher at Loa Elementary
Kristen Pace – teacher at Loa Elementary
Sam Sorber – teacher at Wayne High School
Rachel Sorber – teacher at Loa Elementary
Thelma Nilsson – cook at Wayne High School


Wendy Potter – principal at Loa Elementary

Employee Separations

April makes a motion to approve employee separations. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Merlyn Oyler – paraprofessional at LES
Babette Dangerfield – paraprofessional at LES
Scott Ellett – teacher at WMS
Jan Brown – teacher at WMS
Mary Bray – principal at WHS
Lynda Brown – cook at WHS
Neva Pace – cook at WHS
Hope Hooley – cook at WHS
Deborah James – teacher at WHS


April makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 7:32 pm.  Curtis seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Liz Torgerson – Yes
Curtis Whipple - Yes

Open meeting resumes at 8:12 pm

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 8:12 pm.

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