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December 9, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – President 
Jeffrey Chappell - Member
April Torgerson – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator


Cory Anderson – Vice President

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of Allegiance.

Curtis offers the reverence.

April motions to approve the minutes from November 11th, 2020.  Shawn seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler provides a financial review. He recognizes that Bicknell and Lyman towns donated CARES money to the school district and it has been used for audio enhancements for Loa Elementary. He discusses state tax revenues and some priorities for the upcoming legislative session.

Shawn asks if the Swivls are being used. Cherie Blackburn and the Superintendent answer that they are being used. Randy visited the middle school and watched as a teacher was using the Swivls and a student was participating from home. It was very helpful to have them involved in that way.

April makes a motion to pay the bills.  Shawn seconds. All in favor.


Chylene Whipple comments that Hanksville Elementary staff is appreciative of the bonus that went out to staff a couple weeks ago. She says they are also thrilled with how the election turned out. 

Cherie Blackburn and Tracie Fallis also express appreciation for the bonus.


Cory Anderson arrives at 4:20 pm

WMS Report

Lance Peterson asks everyone to go to for a presentation. In our district, we have focused on understanding our reason for being here and how we can use that to empower our students to learn and grow.

In education, we are trying to get away from the model of taking notes, passing a test, and forgetting what we learned. He explains that he wants the kids in the school to learn more than just facts. He wants them to think, innovate, and solve problems. 

The district vision is “personalized education—limitless possibilities”. Lance says that perhaps we haven’t done a great job of promoting that vision. Those in the meeting submit responses about what this vision means to them. He reviews some of the responses, which include being career ready, addressing each student’s needs and doing what is best for them. He shares submitted video responses from faculty members about what the vision and the mission mean to them as well as the goals and how they try to accomplish these goals in their classrooms. 

He explains some of the tools that teachers are using to be able to determine where the students are currently and what they need. Ongoing assessments are a crucial part of this process.

He concludes by showing a panel of students sharing what it means to them to be a Wolverine. Lance emphasizes that we are here because of the kids. Everything we do is for them.

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Shelley says that many people in the district have expressed thanks for the bonus. 

He talks about high school Covid testing for sports and activities. We have done our first round of testing for most of them and had no positive tests. In counties where transmission rates are considered high, only two parents are allowed to attend events. We are working to live stream events for those who can’t come. 

We currently have 4 students who are quarantined and 3 active cases in the district. There are some changes to the quarantine procedure. The update provides that we can do a 7-day test and return with a negative test or 10 days after contraction. If both individuals are wearing masks, a quarantine is not needed for those who have been in contact with an infected individual. Based on data, less than 0.5% are testing positive when masks are worn. The health department is recommending that we don’t quarantine in this situation. We will still have to do contact tracing and notify parents, who can then choose if they want to keep their kids home. 

There are a few individuals who refuse to test. The high school athletics association has stated that without testing, students are not allowed to participate. 

We will be getting additional rapid Covid tests and they are now available for staff members to test every two weeks. 

The health department is working on a plan for vaccinations. Teachers have now been moved into tier 1 for those scheduled for receiving vaccinations, meaning they should be some of the first to get them when they become available. 

We have spent a lot of time talking about district vision, mission, and goals and are trying to get baseline data for students so we can know where we are.

Randy then talks about graduation credits. Our district requires 36 credits for graduation while others typically require less. Juab and Sevier are both on 5x5 block schedules and require 32 credits. Tintic likely requires 36. There is a concern about the number of credits offered for college classes. Other districts are offering 0.5 credits for a semester college class. 

Committee Reports

We will be having a professional development day on January 4th. This will include a presentation, a lunch, and some breakout sessions. 

Shawn expresses thanks to those in the district who are helping keep the kids safe.

Jeff says that schools have shown to not be a significant source of transmission of the coronavirus.


School Board Presidency Election

April nominates Shawn Davis as president. Jeff seconds. Shawn expresses some hesitation but is encouraged by fellow board members and accepts the nomination. Curtis calls a vote. All in favor.  

Jeff nominates April as vice-president. Curtis seconds. All in favor. 


First Reading

Randy explains change to CKB-Travel.  Policies CKB and DMD were combined. He covers some of the changes made to the policy regarding hours for travel, mileage reimbursement rates, use of personal vehicle, in-district travel, and meals for volunteers/coaches. 

April makes a motion to approve first reading of CKB-Travel. Jeff seconds. All in favor.

Tyler explains that policy CKE-Issuance of Checks was updated so that the policy matches what has been approved by auditors and has been happening for many years. 

April makes a motion to waive first and second readings and approve policy CKE-Issuance of Checks. Shawn seconds. All in favor. 

Shawn makes a motion to waive first and second readings and approve policy DHE – Employee Leave and Pay Policy. Jeff seconds. All in favor. 

Second Reading

April makes a motion to approve second reading of CBDC – Procurement of Professional Services, Policy CCF – Procurement of Design Professional Services, CJDH – Transportation Operations Post Route Inspections, DABA – Paraprofessional Qualifications, DFC – Employee Surveys. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Shawn makes a motion to approve the new hires pending background check. April seconds. All in favor.

The following New Hires were approved:

Ashton Albrecht – substitute teacher

Ashley McLaughlin – substitute teacher

Other Items

Jeff asks about why the passes for activities are limited to parents. Randy responds that they are trying to limit the number of spectators in high-transmission counties. Moderate transmission allows for 25% of gym capacity. There is some conversation about what is happening in other districts and how they are trying to standardize who is allowed to attend. 

Most events will be live streamed on


April makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 5:31 pm. Cory seconds. 

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
Jeffrey Chappell - Yes

Open meeting resumes at 5:45 pm.

Curtis adjourns the meeting at 5:45 pm.

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