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November 13, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Jeffery Chappell – Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone and the meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence by Cory.


April moves to approve minutes, Cory seconds. All in favor. No opposed.


Tyler gives a review of financials. School lunch local revenues are down 30% - don’t know if it is because fewer kids are eating lunch or just a timing issue of collecting lunch fees. Costs are also down 40%. In Special Ed, we are spending about the same as last year, we have extra money for this year, but will get cut back next year. Transportation and others are roughly at same usage as last year. General fund spending is down slightly.  

Cory motions to approve expenditures. Jeffrey seconds the motion. All in favor.


Lane Sorenson gives a review of the cross-county team. The boys team took 1st this year and the girls took 3rd.  Curtis, on behalf of the board recognizes the cross-country team for their success. 


Mary Bray suggests that recognition would be better if done at the banquet. Curtis and Cory acknowledge that banquets are a good setting. 


Andrea Peterson continues the technology presentation from the 6:00 pm work meeting.  She reviews a survey showing that most of the teachers feel that technology is very beneficial to the education process.  She then reviews responses to a question about when they use the iPads. She states that most of the teachers use the iPads at various times and that carts complicate the planning process to the extent that it reduces the usability.

She shares some of the comments from the teachers on how it has helped them.  

Lance Peterson shares an example about self-directed learning. He states that it allows them to have a higher level of learning and engage on topics that interest them. 

Cherie Blackburn gives an example of how personalized learning occurs in our schools. She mentions using computerized testing and adaptations where students can advance as far as they can go. They don’t have to stop at the lowest level in the classroom. Stacie Ekker talks about how they have to do a book report – some do movie trailers, slide shows, plays, or other methods to present their books. 

Mary Bray talks about visualization in media and how various professors are using it to show things that are otherwise difficult to understand. 

Cliff Peterson talks about how things are individualized with the iPads in a quick and meaningful way. Andrea says that the programs are smart enough to know the weaknesses of the students and help them strengthen in those areas.

Andrea asks for comments or questions from the board. Curtis states that one benefit they now have is that both parents and students have a better picture of where they are at. Lance Peterson shares an example of how technology can better inform and connect students, teachers, and parents.

Superintendent Fahey reviews the travel calendar and upcoming events.

Superintendent reviews the Sharp survey. April asks what the procedure is if someone brings a gun to school. The superintendent responds that it will go to the police immediately and the student could be expelled from school.

He expressed concern in the mental health area that up to 26% of students in the 10th grade have seriously considered suicide. 25% of them had made a plan to commit suicide. 14% have actually attempted suicide at least once.  Superintendent comments that the numbers scare him. Curtis asks Mary Bray if those numbers were surprising. Jamie Webb comments that the interventions are working and that it comes back to educating and working on preventative measures before they arrive at the point of making plans. The superintendent acknowledges the work they are doing in the district. 

Superintendent reviews ACT scores. Our district increased 2 full points in composite scores. The district beat the state average in 4 out of 5 categories. 

Superintendent Fahey then reviews Aspire Growth Scores at the high school.  We are above the state average in every category. This shows that there is growth year over year in test scores. 

Curtis asks what is contributing to this improvement. Mary believes it is due to the extra time in math and science classes. 

Superintendent presents on Tax Restructuring Policy Proposal. One of the suggestions is to create an alternative method for funding education. The legislators want to take away the constitutional section on requiring some of the money from income tax to go to education. 

Curtis conducts a board meeting agenda training.  Curtis suggests that board members read “Coming to Order” book by USBA. He reads the Utah code that states that all public notice must contain an agenda with reasonable specificity for each agenda item. In the past, there has been a “board member item” on the agenda without details. Anything discussed in this meeting needs to be put on the agenda. Curtis states that we need to let the public know for any discussion items. The board has an obligation to provide adequate notice. 

The superintendent states that items raised by the public may be discussed even if not on the agenda at the discretion of the board president, but no action can be made on any item not listed as a business item. The intent is that the board gives as much notice to as many people possible regarding the items discussed in board meeting. 

Cory comments that with regards to code that there are a lot of things we are doing that we shouldn’t be doing. Tyler states that we should be following code. Cory remarks that he disagrees. He explains that we have a lot of flexibility by having a small board and operating in a smaller district. April remarks that there are advantages to living in a rural area and that we can officiate our meetings with fewer formalities. Tyler comments that this law is about giving proper notice to the public. Curtis clarifies that anything known in advance should be on the agenda. If the item comes up today and needs to be discussed, it can be discussed. We should make every effort to get things on the agenda.

Mary Bray comments that she appreciates having notice for anything that comes up in the meeting.


April makes a motion to approve the board travel. Curtis states that the expenses have to be approved and that they have been approved in the budget already. Cory seconds. All in favor. 

Shawn makes a motion to approve winter sports schedule. April seconds. Cory talks about the schedules. 

Mary presents on golf. She suggests that we just do boys golf this year. She didn’t want to jeopardize the success of softball. She presents a sheet showing who is interested in golf with information on practice dates and costs. 

She states that there is a lot of support in the community with some people willing to donate clubs and funds and facilities for practice. Cost for students would be $50 pay to play, plus uniform and tournament fees. The school district would pay for transportation and coaches. Busses would be used for practice and the suburban for games. 

No overnight travel is involved. Curtis asks about fee waiver potential costs. Superintendent states that we need an overall cost for fee waivers to be approved by the board. Shawn asks about the cost regarding the food for the hosted event. Tyler comments that the travel is the biggest cost. Busses cost roughly $4 /mile. Coaches are $2500 for head coach and $1000 for assistant. Curtis comments that the total commitment is between 8,000- $10,000.  

Cory says there is an interest. Jeff says we should make it happen. Discussion about what is in the budget. Tyler states that 1/3rd of the travel budget has been used. Jeff asks where the money would come from. Cory says it is not a lot of money. 

Cory makes a motion that we add golf to the sports program. Jeff seconds it. 

Cliff Peterson makes a comment that his kids have been involved in golf and that the community is non-competitive. Instead, the players are there to get to know each other. He states that it is a good way for our kids to get to know kids of other schools.

All in favor. No opposed.

Superintendent reviews first readings of policies of FBA Admission and Attendance Eligibility and Admissions Req, FBD Coordinating Services for School Age Youth, FDA Health Requirements Vision Screening, FDAC Health Requirements and Services Medical Treatment, FDACB Medical Treatment Student Self Treatment Diabetes, FDACF Medical Treatment Student Self Application of Sunscreen, FDB Health Requirements Suicide Prevention, FED Student Data Protection, FGAB Student Electronic Devices, FH Student Discipline, FHA Safe Schools, FHAF Safe Schools Emergency Safety Interventions, FI Student Fees Fines and Charges, FK School Uniforms.

April makes a motion to approve first reading. Shawn makes a second. All in favor.

April makes a motion to approve second reading of policies ECA Curriculum Required Instruction , ECBB Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed, ECC Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3, ECE Curriculum College Course Work, ECH Curriculum Human Sexuality, EDB Special Programs Dropout Prevention and Recovery, EDG Special Programs Higher Education Savings Options, EEB Instructional Resources Internet Policy, EFB Grading Testing Procedures and Standards. Shawn seconds.  All in favor.

Cory makes motion to approve third reading of policies DGA Classified Employee Evaluation, DHA Orderly School Termination of Employees, DHC Redress of Grievances, WSD Classified Evaluation, DKC Family Medical Leave, DLA Employee Bullying or Hazing, DMA Employee Acceptable Use of Personally Owned Electronic Devices, DMB Employee Acceptable Use of District Electronic Devices, DMC Use of District Email for Political Purposes, New - GI Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy, as listed in agenda. April seconds. Curtis calls to vote. All in favor. 

April makes motion to approve new hires. Jeff seconds. All in favor.

Cory comments on what Scott Ellett has done in the baseball program. Many members of the community and board echo what was said and thank Scott for his work in the program. 

Scott comments that there are many boys eager to begin training. He would like to find someone to help with a smooth transition. Cory presents a Wayne School District coin to honor Scott’s work.

Cory makes a motion to approve employee separations. Jeff seconds. All in favor.

Curtis asks if anyone has any items.

Shawn asks about checkbook for administrators. Tyler comments it has been resolved and isn’t going to work. Shawn then asks about technology problems and that teachers are complaining to him. He asks Andrea Peterson what can be done. Shawn asks what he should tell them. Tyler comments that they should take complaints to Andrea to resolve. Andrea welcomes direct communication. Andrea and Jared talk about various changes that have happened and say they would welcome teachers coming to ask for help. Curtis asks about how specific filters work on iPads. Andrea replies that filters work at home and at school. She explains that many changes happened over the summer. They are also testing a new management system. Jared reiterates that there are a few glitches, but much of it is out of their control. Cherie comments that she sees some of the frustrations of the teachers. There are some things that are different that make it more challenging to use in the elementary setting. Shawn comments that if a teacher wants to use a SmartBoard, it should be their option. Andrea comments that there is no money for computers and that there isn’t money in the budget for both smartboards and computers. 

Curtis comments that there are difficulties and that the proper way to address this is to go through the proper chain. He states that the board needs to be good at pointing people in the right direction. Teachers should go first to tech staff, then Andrea, then Administrator, then Superintendent. Cherie comments on how this particular teacher is using the smartboard. Curtis states that it isn’t this body who solves this problem. 

Jared states that there are some issues that might be coming because of a state mandate in the security framework.

Cory asks about dugouts being built. Do those building them know they will belong to the high school? Yes. April asks if there is communication with Heidi Woolsey (Athletic Director) and Mary Bray. Mary says yes, Heidi says no.

Shawn makes a motion to go to closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 9:04 pm. Cory seconded the motion.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Jeffrey Chappell - Yes

Curtis declares the meeting back in open session at 9:54 pm.

Curtis adjourned the meeting at 9:55 pm.


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