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May 8, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Curtis Whipple, Shawn Davis, Liz Torgerson, Jim Lamb, Randy Shelley, Cory Anderson, Brylee Brown, David Chappell, Nikki Stringham, Wendy Potter

I. 6:00 Administration 

1. Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Reverence - Curtis

3. Consent Agenda 

a. Approval of Minutes 

b. Accounts Payable 

c. New Hires 

d. Employee Separations Motion to approve Consent Agenda -Shawn, 2nd-Curtis   All in favor

II. 6:05 Financial Review 

1. FY25 Legislative Estimates- Shawn asked: Where are we at with finances for the new high school?  We have spent down the bonds.  Last 3 months was about 3 million.  We will have used about half of our budget in June or July.  New school will cost the full amount that we had budgeted.  They will not charge more than what we were budgeting.  Construction meeting was today.  We will have enough to finish the new gym. 

Cory-Funding estimate for next year.  Major funding cut this year from the legislature.  Line 36- This is flexible allocation.  This is one time use. This funding was higher for FY24 so more funds were awarded.  Local funds- Cory has questions in this category.  Local taxes went up.  Property taxes went up.  So why is this category so low? Cory has reached out to the state to see why this is low. He is waiting to hear back.  Another category that is lower is the WPU.  WPU is how the state determines how much money each school should receive based on the needs of its students.  An average student receives one WPU.  At risk and SPED students can add another WPU to their total. We are 72 WPU’s less than last year.  1WPU per student.  $4500 x 72 = 326,605 loss.   Formula used to figure WPU funds hasn’t changed.   

2. FY25 Preliminary Budget- “Estimated Budget” for next year.  Numbers are not a lot different from last year.  Cory proposes not a lot of changes. We are hoping to bring in some more revenue next year with the new kitchen at the high school.  We get more money from the state for students who are on Free or Reduced Lunches.  Tammy took a couple minutes to explain that Hanksville will continue to apply to be a CEP school (Free Breakfast/Lunch for the school) because of the high Direct Certification of their students.  CEP Program is NOT available for the other schools, due to the lower percentage of students who are Direct Certified at the Elementary and High School.  We would be losing money if we offered CEP or Provision 2 Free lunches to the whole district.  CEP loss= $75,000 and Provision 2 loss= $45,000.  Tammy recommends encouraging families to apply.  She will work with parents to get more to sign up next school year.  

3. Insurance Report - USBA Insurance group.  Premiums have been lower than the claims.  New program- We have a rate decrease by .5%. We will not have an insurance increase for next year.  This is the first time in several years that we have not had an increase.  Other districts are seeing a substantial increase. 

III. 6:15 Citizen Comments -none 

IV. Employee Recognition- MarJean Davis retiring 35 years.  She is going out at the top of her game.  She is excellent and we appreciate all she has done over the years.   

V. 6:25 Information Items 

1. Superintendent Report - 

JLC Meeting- What are the priorities?  Lots of discussion at this meeting trying to decide what 3 topics that will go to the delegate assembly.   

1- Funding framework.  If FGR-10 will the funding be there?  

2- Economic Stabilization Account   500,000 we put towards the new school.  This last year, 30 million was awarded from the State.  We applied but were not awarded this year.  The State had talked about instead of a grant, it would be moved to a loan.  Decision at state level to leave it as a grant.   

3-Why fund education? Curtis read the principles that public education fulfills. Bill that passed will have a lot of amendments to it due how it was written and how hard it will be to enforce ALL the changes that the legislature passed.  One thing in this bill is that schools will have to have a safety officer in schools next year.  Bill is going into effect in May, Some in December.  Bill is very long and unreasonable.  Discussed the requirements in the bill for Bullet proof glass in all the schools.  This is very expensive to upgrade our older schools.  The bill is very long and written all over the place. Is very hard to get clarification when we read it. We can’t start implementing this bill fast enough or before they start to change things.  

Construction- West side of the building, paint is done on the main floor.  Tile workers are working hard.  Offices are next to be painted.  Lots of good progress.  May 28th- Moving Day-Boxing up all rooms.  Classrooms will be on pallets and placed in the hallway between the gym and the auditorium.  Abatement-removal of asbestos elbow will have to happen before the demo of old school.   FFE expenses - desk and chairs are ordered.  Office desks and spaces will have them here and installed on July 15.  Looked over pictures from Wednesday’s walk-through.  Precast steps should be here in a few weeks.  ETA on asphalt is End of June or first of July.  NESS funding superintendent   Reps were selected.

4-day week - Randy presented to the committee on May 3rd.  Committee voted to approve.  They would also like to see the longitude testing data and also our attendance plan.  National problem-Attendance.  Committee requests that we come back and report progress in December 2025.  Language Arts 52% is well above average.  Super will send information that the State wants.  Middle school is right at level.  ACT comparison- scores are on the rise.   David has looked at different districts we are comparable to. Graduation rate has been looked at.  Attendance          

2. Salary Negotiations- Salary Committee needs to be put together to follow policy.  Recommended 2 new members to replace those who have left.  Possibly a Hanksville rep and a bus driver.  List was emailed out that included all current members.   

3. Board Reports- 

Jim- Went to FFA Banquet. It was very well attended.   Agriculture had 19 students on pathways.  CTE is funded on CTE involvement.  Region Track Meet at Escalante today.  13 students were at track  

Brylee-Trying to finish testing, Region track was today. Region Golf Boys-1st, Girls- 2nd.   FFA Banquet.  National Honors Society- 26 students were recognized. Upcoming-Senior Sneak May 9-11- St George, Golf, Movie, Dixie Rock.  Graduation, Rodeo- State in June. 

4. Student Board Member Recognition-Brylee Brown

5. Candance Peterson - Counseling Review

1. A College Fair with 50 vendors held in Bryce Canyon.  Middle School snow college and running a business.  The Counseling Review went very well. CCR- they were impressed with how many parents/student meetings.  Pathways- we are above other schools our size.  FASFA has been difficult this year.  $51,000 in scholarships from the local community.  Decision Day activity-Seniors got to announce what their decision for the future is after graduation.  Student government- Motivational Speaker.  She works with amazing people.  How does the College academic advisor from SUU impact our students?  Current advisor has been wonderful to work with and very helpful for our seniors.  She has been helping students with paperwork, questions, and scholarships. 

2. Teacher of the Year- Rural school conference selected Trena Barlow as CUES Teacher of the year.  She has great results with her students. Thank you, Trena. 

VI. 7:00 Business Items

1. School Fees- See Fee Schedule  

 - Public Comment-None   Motion to approve Fee Schedule - Curtis – 2nd  Jim.  All in favor.  Passed

2. Approve Trust Lands Plans   Motion to approval all schools - Curtis Shawn - 2nd All in favor.  Passed

3. Student Board Member- Discuss in closed.  

4. Policies 

a. First Reading Policy CKB Travel - Changes will be smoother in office. Board needs to fill out travel requests.  Cory will train the board in future on how to fill out a travel request.  Motion to approve 1st reading Policy CKB- Jim   Curtis Second.  All Approved.   

b. Second Reading- Policy-Handbook Development- Motion to approve second reading of Handbook Development Policy – Curtis.  2nd-Shawn  All in favor

c. Third Reading   Policy-Access to Students by Law Enforcement.  Motion to approve Policy- Access to Students by Law Enforcement- Curtis   Jim- 2nd    All approved.   Passed.

VII. Upcoming Events 

May 22nd - Hogan Construction BBQ - 11:30am - New HS Parking Lot 

May 23rd - Graduation - 6:00pm - HS Gym 

May 27th - Memorial Day Holiday 

May 28th - Benefit Fair - WHS Foyer - 8am-2pm 

May 28th - May 31st - Packing Up HS and Moving 

Jun 12th - Board Meeting - DO 

VIII. 8:00 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) IX. 9:00 Adjournment  

(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

Minutes taken by: Tammy Pace 

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