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April 17, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Attendance: April Torgerson, Curtis Whipple, Shawn Davis, Liz Torgerson, Jim Lamb, Randy Shelley, Cory Anderson, Brylee Brown,  David Chappell, Nikki Stringham, Wendy Potter

I. Administration 

1. Pledge of Allegiance 

2. Reverence -Shawn

a. Schedule 

3. Consent Agenda 

a. Approval of Minutes 

b. Accounts Payable 

c. New Hires 

d. Employee Separations 

        Motion to Approve Consent Agenda-April Torgerson, 2nd Motion- Liz Torgerson. All in favor

II. Financial Review 

1. CARES Monitoring Visit 

   CARES Monitoring Visit is an audit of three grants that we have been awarded. They are looking into how WSD is using/spending the money.  Were the ESSER Funds from ESSER I and II used completely?  And then is ESSER III funding going to be used.  Majority of financials uploaded previously so that the audit could be done over the virtual meeting.  Audit went very well.  Procedures were also uploaded previously.  Risk assessment questions only had one critical mark on all the questions.  The question was if WSD had a change in financial staffing in the past year, two years, ect.  Superintendent explained that we are asked this question at every audit.  That will not change until Cory has been here four or five years.

III.  Citizen Comments 

Diena Riddle- Citizen brought up her concerns with the SEL position and that Curtis had tabled the discussion for April 14, with consensus to leave the decision to the superintendent and school administration.  She had concerns that the Webpage said that this meeting was at LES, the Website said it was at Wayne High School and she couldn’t find the agenda posted.  She was confused.  So she texted her Board Member. Her Board Member texted her back and again later that evening to explain in detail that the administration had decided to assist the director by granting her more freedom due to the stress she was feeling while overseeing both the SPED and SEL Programs.  Consequently the two programs will be separate.  

Charleen VanDyke- Three Main concerns:

#1-7-8 grade Combine lunch. She was told last year in meeting that lunches would be separated for the younger kids and the older kids.  She feels children need to eat separately.  

#2-Will there be a public discussion on 4 days school week?  Any town hall meeting to discuss what it will look like.   She is not for or against this decision.  She does have a calendar from other districts who are doing 4 days school week.

#3 Bus Schedule for Four-Day School Schedule.  Currently, she has concerns with how early some students from Teasdale get on the bus and how late they return home.  She feels the 4-day school will impact these young children.  If this had been discussed, where can I find this information?

IV. Information Items 

1. Superintendent Report

Construction update- High School is coming along nicely.  Last week ceramic tile was being placed on walls.  Mud and Tape is being done on the lower level.  2nd level is starting mud and tape.  Painting should start this week/next week.  Masonry is completed on the front, They will now move to the back to finish up there.  After that, they will move to Jessica’s shop to lay the masonry walls between the welding booths.  Asphalt will be installed in June.   Air handler is a hold up with the supply chain.  2 beams will be removed to fit them in place. Possibly a temp cover will be put in place so that they can continue inside.  Entryways/curbit are all poured.   Tentative move in week is the week of July 17, 2024.  Demo of the old school is at the first of July after asbestos is removed. Memorial week teachers will box up rooms.  New gym to be done next Fall 2025.  Demo of house at the end of construction.  Teachers will box up their rooms and their belongings will be put in hallways and by the auditorium.  Pallets will be shrink wrapped.  Decision was made not to use the current gym to store the teachers' classroom material.  The exterior of the old gym will be painted to match the new school.  Previous concern with the matching of the Existing auto shop matching the new shop.  Majority feels that the metal shop matches well.  Option: If we don't like the look, they will give us a credit of 8,000 or we can pay 16,000 to paint so that it all matches.  Concerns with the brown soffit and fascia.  We want it to look good.  Superintendent will bring this up to them.   Old Gym floor will be painted when they do the new gym.  Asbestos removed the week after school is out.  It will take 2 weeks to remove.  Hogan has been great and is very willing to help move into the new school.

Cory and Randy-Meeting in St George- 167 bills were discussed and implementing the new bills.  Also, various discussions on issues that are arising.  NESS Funding was discussed.  Changes were discussed and we are unsure which direction that will go.  1.5 million could benefit WSD if it is passed.  

JLC- A lot of discussion on respecting each other.  USBA to write bills for legislation to work on.  8 things to work on were discussed.  Those will be narrowed down at the next JLC meeting. 

4-day work week- Calendar will go out to the public.  We are on the Committee for Long Licensing agenda for May.  June is when it goes to the Board for approval.  Majority of schools are going to a 4-day school week. Garfield School District going to 4 days.  

2. Board Reports-National School Board Conference

Randy- He was impressed with the Session on Dignity Index.  Very interesting concept of how we see people who have different opinions. Level 1-8.  Open Institute is a great idea to present this with to our district.  

Curtis- Shawn Buchanan was great from Oklahoma.  District was the worst performing and how it was turned around.  TLC -Tenacity, Loyalty, Commitment We need to attach ourselves to the success of our students at Wayne.  It's easy to get side-tracked.  Left very motivated. Curtis learned- #1-How to not let emotion drive my decision #2-Structure- having goals/rules for students.  Rules didn’t change.  #3-Commitment- we all need to recommit often to being dedicated to the cause

Shawn-Ready, Set Govern- Board Self Evaluation-5 Keys #1-Relationships #2-Principle #3-Community Leadership #4- Policy #5-Accountability. Our jobs don't have a beginning and an end.  

Do things weekly that bring you joy. Trust is like paper.  Once it is crumpled it can’t be fixed.  A.I. class- 40% of jobs will be affected by A.I.  A.I. will not replace people.  People who are not willing to use A.I. will be replaced.

“Wendy, how are you feeling about the new school and 6th grade going there? Are you going to be ok?”  Wendy said yes.  “We will be ok.”

April-Public Officials can be held liable to blocking critics on Social Media.  If it is private, put a disclaimer on it saying it is private.  Don’t mix your private with your professional.  You can not pick and choose what you delete.  

Public comment can only be 2 minutes and must be enforced. Just be consistent. 

Cory-Liability #1-Know your boundaries of your authority as a Board.  Board is strong together. #2- Focus on the Board's Policy making Role.  Everything we do, point to policy.  Student Handbook.  Where is it and is it posted online? Addressing social media.  Understand suggestion and law.  #3-Adhere to student discipline policies   #4-Understand the Staff Discipline Process  #5-Review and adhere to Policies on Holiday Celebration.  Example: Prayer vs Not praying.  #6- #7-Guard against Nepotism and Conflicts of Interest.  #8-Understanding Ethical Consideration of Board of Education Members. #9- Clarify the Roles of Boards Members #10- Plan your superintendent Search Process Carefully 

Liz-Board Policy and Leadership-Importance of Well-Educated School Board Members.  Trust and Verify.  Sitting in Trust. Recommended Board Briefs be posted on Website.  

Jim- Nothing

Brylee-Region Drama-Hosted at WHS, WHS placed 2nd behind Milford.  State Drama was the following week.  Two students metaled.  1 for dramatic monologue and the other received the State Cameo Award. State FCCLA- many with awards and one who was elected as a State Officer.  State FFA- lots of awards. 6 Sterling scholars were representing WHS.  3 of them were runners-up.  Juniors took the ACT’s.  Goal was to have an accumulative score of 18.6.  They received 19.3.    Spring Sports are in full swing:  Track, softball and golf.  31 students went to Washington DC on the History trip.  It was a great trip and they learned a lot.  Brylee brought a rough draft of this year’s graduation program for the Board to look over.  April asked Brylee if she had any suggestions, “how do we get the kids excited about testing.”  Maybe an activity after.  The High Schoolers don’t really take it seriously.  Teachers always tell them that it doesn’t count on their grade.  So a lot don’t really try very hard.  Suggestions to make it a competition for school vs another school in the region.  

3. School Fee Schedules for Public Hearing in May

FFA and some have fundraisers.  Cheer fees are high but students pay for that. Cheer organization does do some fundraisers at fair time.  General Fees will eventually be eliminated.  7-8 grade- we can’t charge a fee if we require them to take it.  It is difficult to charge for electives.  We will have a public hearing on the fee schedule.  Ipad Insurance fee is $10 is optional.   Is there a limit to how many clubs students can be involved in and miss school.  There is a policy on the limitations.  

V. Business Items 

1. Policies 

a. First Reading-

School Policy Handbook.  Strengthen by posting online.  Handbooks created with admin and facility and be implemented at the beginning of the school year.  Bring to the superintendent and he would bring policy changes to the open forum.  Super can approve instead of 3 reads at Board Meeting.   Curtis motions to approve 1st read   2nd -Shawn Motion carries-All approve

b. Second Reading-DCFS-Access to Motion to carry-All in favor

2. FF&E Approval for High School- We haven’t received the final quote.  That should come in the next week.  Want to look at the lunch area and tables to accent the commends area.  We would like to use what we have if they are in good condition.  We want to purchase it as soon as possible.  We want FF&E here by July 15th. We can go on walk-throughs anytime.  Just let Kelly with Hogan know prior to coming.   Next Wednesday will be a walk through.  Board meeting May 8th and June 12th motion to change location to Wayne District office.  Curtis motions to approve 2nd -Shawn Motion carries-All approve

VI. Upcoming Events through May 

May 8th - Hogan Construction BBQ - 11:30-12:30 - TBD 

May 8th - Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - Wayne District Office 

May 23rd - Graduation - 6:00pm - HS Gym 

May 28th- Benefit Fair for District Employees.  Venders will be here to answer any questions that we have.

VIII. Adjournment 8:15

(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

Minutes taken by: Tammy Pace

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