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November 8, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


Pledge of Allegiance

Led by April


Given by Cory

Concent Agenda

Motion to Approve Concent Agenda made by Liz , Seconded by Jim. All in Favor

Financial Review

Citizen Comments - None

Information Items

Superintendent Report

Construction Update

School Board Report Cards

          Go to to search for schools information. View Details will give previous year

           LES – Acheivement – Commendable; Growth – Exemplary; Early Literacy – on Grade Level Trending upwards

           WMS - Acheivement – Typlical; Growth – Commendable

   WHS - Acheivement – Typlical; Growth – Exemplary; Postsecondary Readiness – Commendable; Other Measures – Attendance 58%; Enrollment 38%

Board Report

        Shawn – Shawn

Curtis – Nothing

Liz – Nothing

April – Nothing

Jim – Loa Town Meeting Thursday November 9 @ 6:00pm about the LES Road Closure – Jim will be attending Loa

Brylee – Education - Few failing grades, CTE - 4 Teachers (5 Snow attendees); Online Courses are taken by several students in various  courses. Gear-Up @ SUU (Red Riot) Several Students attended and really enjoyed the visit & Tour. Visited WHS graduates that are attending SUU. School Play this weekend. Winter sports start this month. Cross Country success. National FFA.

Meeting Schedule Review – Board Meeting @ 3:00pm

Business Items

            Approve Winter Sport Schedules

                        Liz, Shawn



First Reading

Policy FDEB – 

Policy DHE – 

Motion to Wave 1st & 2nd readings Approve Policy FDEB & DHE made by Liz, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor

Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)

Motion to move into Closed Session @ 4:34pm made by Liz, Seconded by Curtis. 

April – Yes, Liz – Yes, Curtis – Yes, Shawn – Yes, Jim – Yes

Returned to Open Session @5:02pm

Salary Adjustment

            Motion to Approve the Holiday Bonus made by Curtis. Second by Liz. All in favor.


(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

Adjourned at 5:03pm by board chair.

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