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October 11, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Wayne School Board Meeting - October 11, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance

Led by April


Given by Randy

Concent Agenda

Motion to Approve Concent Agenda made by Liz, Seconded by Curtis. All in Favor

Financial Review

Discussed Audit and bringing Heather O. on to assist for a short time with some processes and quarterly reports and deadlines.

Citizen Comments

Barbara was extactic to hear that the board had had some training and were schedued for more.

Information Items

Superintendent Report

Prevention Night was held in September 

Regional Legislative Dinner – Nov 1, 2023 Board Member, Superintendent & Business Adm. The Summer BBQ will be held during the summer for entire board 

State Risk Management Premium will increase 167% ($50K). Total Insured Value will increse 234% 

Teacher Licensing discussion at USSSA Meeting. 

Construction color meeting will be held October 19th @11:00a in Hogan Construction trailer

Building update. Steel has been erected. Floor is being place to be poured October 25-26

Concerns about the north entrance were addressed. Question about power

Reschedule Site Visit - Middle School

November 8th – Meet at WMS at 2:00p

Schedule December 13th – Attend NSBA Virtual Conference – 1-4:30p at the District Office. Bd meeting at 5:00p. January Board Meeting at the HS 2:00p with board meeting at 4:00p

Board Report

Shawn – Board Books out earlier

Curtis – Announced that he will be running for the Vice-President position with USBA. This is a great opportunity for Wayne School District.

Liz – Community Council WMS – BYE (Best Year Ever) is a program that the Middle School has put together focusing on traditions, class challenges, trivia, and use of cross curricular projects. 8th – Holocost Museum in Gunnison. 6th Grade – Surface, 7th Grade Anasazi State Park. Work with Student Council. Cross Country is doing good. HOPE Squad. Policy FGD – Interogations and Searches. Discussed if we want to review for next board meeting. Liz will send out info. 

April – Larsen Perkins talked about gettting an afternoon program going with the schools to teach life skills. This is tied to 4H and must be Middle School students. Would need district employee and/or a parent to assist. 

Business Items

FY24 Budget Approval

Motion to Approve FY24 Budget made by Curtis, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor

Altria Settlement Offer Packet - Wayne County School District

Motion to Approve Altria Settlement made by Jim, Seconded by Liz. All in Favor

Security & Audio Enhancements @ HES

Motion to Approve Security & Audio Enhancements up to $20K made by Curtis, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor

Approval of TSSA Plans

Motion to Approve TSSA Plans made by Jim, Seconded by Liz. All in Favor

LEA Specific License Approvals

Motion to Approve LEA Specific Licenses made by Liz, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor

Prevention Coordinator Position

Motion to Approve the Prevention Coordinator Position for 1 year with a review at the end of the school year by the board to assess future benefit to the district made by Shawn, Seconded by Liz. 4 in Favor, Jim Lamb Abstained.


First Reading

Policy CKB - Discussion on revisions to policy.

Motion to wave 1st and 2nd reading Approve CKB with stated changes made by Jim, Seconded by Liz. All in Favor

Policy DHE - Discussion on revisions to policy.

Motion to wave 1st and 2nd reading Approve DHE with discussed changes made by Curtis, Seconded by Jim. All in Favor

Next Meeting 

Discussion on board schedule and the locations the meetings will be held.

Motion to Approve changes to the Board Schedule made by Jim, Seconded by Shawn. All in Favor


Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)

Motion to move into Closed Session @  pm made by Shawn, Seconded by Liz. 

April – Yes 

Liz – Yes

Curtis – Yes

Shawn – Yes

Jim – Yes


(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

Returned to Open Session @9:40pm

Adjourned at 9:40pm by board chair.

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