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August 9, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

Wayne School Board Meeting held Aug 9, 2023 @ Wayne High School

Welcome – Shawn

            Excused – April & Liz


Reverence – Curtis

Consent Agenda 

Curtis made motion to Approve with New Hire additions. Seconded by Jim. All in favor 

Financial Review – Changes to Capital Outlay. Includes more than Capital Outlay. 

Citizens Comments

Barbara - Where are we with Narcan?

Curtis contacted Utah Naloxone and they are willing to issue two doses to whomever is willing to take the training. Utah naloxone will provide training. Curtis expounded on his findings. Superintendent will meet with WC Health Department. 

Information Items

New Employees Introductions

    • Wendy introduced - Amanda Covington, Del Funk – Not present Andria Pett, Sharon Burningham, Aundrea Swaner, Julie Oldroyd
    • Nikki introduced - (not present) Melissa Robins, Alex McConnell
    • Superintendent – McKenzie, Jaden Ellett, Present – Tammy Pace, Jared Hallows

Superintendent Report

    • Thank You for all everyone did while he was out.
    • Construction Update – HS; reviewed several pictures showing progress on the project.
    • LES Update on Drop-Off zone; On track for completion before school starts

Delegate Assembly – Aug 25-26 - Canyons School District

Leadership Academy – Sept 7-9 – Zermatt Resort

Opening Institute – Aug 14th - WHS 8:00a

Professional Development – Aug 16th – 8:00a (Lunch 11:30 – LES)

New Teacher Training – Aug 17th

School Starts – Aug 23rd

Luckily, we have most of our positions filled.

Data Review – Nothing offered

Board Reports

Brylee – Report on FCCLA trip. Update on school activities with school starting.

Shawn – Voiced concerns surrounding the move from WMS to LES/WHS Superintendent suggest help from the community, use large trucks and trailers. Technology will have some challenges but things are in review.

Curtis – Nothing

Jim – LES efforts are moving forward and should be on schedule for completion.

Fate of house behind High School 

Discussion around removal of the house and options of uses, ie. parking. Some concerns about risers that may be in area and could be a hazard. Bring back as Business Item in the next board meeting. 

Business Items

Hanksville 5th Grade Students.

Discussion - Students that live in Hanksville need to be with kids own age. Currently one 6th grader and one 5th grader in Hanksville. Concerns around issues around riding on the bus. Possible solutions might be to assigning seats to LES/WMS kids. Consideration of using LES as school of recognition for app WCSD. Consideration of addressing the issue on a case-by-case basis. Size of class, by year, may be the issue to address, especially when class size may merit the need for a second teacher in Hanksville. Moving the student on a blanket basis may be premature. Potential for growth in community, but  Parents need to be involved in the decision and determined in consultation with parents and administration of HES/LES before the year begins. Start Times are being adjusted to allow kids some extra time at home. Potential for a better learning environment for kids in Hanksville. Curtis made a motion to move on. Second by Jim. Passes Unanimous

High School Valedictorian selection policy/procedure

Discussion around the policy. Should the board need to approve this HS policy/procedure? Motion to take a No Action 

Second Reading

FK Curtis motion to approve policy with the elimination of the last sentence. Amended to motion, Jim second. All in favor

Third Reading

DHE  Changed to some of the steps and lanes. Motion last month was to location of some wording in the policy. Motion to move back to 1st reading with changes previously made. Moved by Curtis to make changes.

Jim made motion to move into closed. Seconded by Curtis

Jim - Yes

Curtis - Yes

Shawn - Yes

Moved into Closed Session at 7:41p

Came out of Closed Session at 7:45p

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