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May 10, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance:

Led by April Torgerson


Given by April Torgerson

Approval of Minutes: April 12, 2023

Moved to approve the minutes by Jim, seconded by Curtis, all in favor

Consent Agenda:

Accounts Payable

New Hires

Moved to approve the Consent Agenda by Curtis, seconded by Jim,

Shawn - Question on invoice at Blackburn Recreation. Will report on question at a later date.

Call on motion, all in favor

Financial Review:

Reported by Cory that all the documents were included. Noted that the SEOP reimbursement which was normally $800 was reimbursed this year at $10,000. Substantially more than in recent years.

Citizen Comments



Superintendent Report

Teacher Appreciation Week – Candy Bars and Thank You Note delivered to Staff

Presented latest rendering of the exterior of the new school – Colors changed – Board notified

National Honors Society Induction Ceremony invites extended to board – May 22nd

Band & Choir concert May 15th – mention of reminders for board members

Testing in schools

High School Awards will be May 24th @ 9:00am

Graduation May 25th @ 6:00pm

Middle School Awards May 22nd @ 9:00am

Loa Elementary Graduation 24th @ 1:00pm, Hanksville Elementary Graduation May 22nd

Activities and Hikes – May 23rd & 24th


Item will be discussed next month

Candance Peterson – Counseling Review

Jennifer Christensen – Discussed Funding, Professional Development & Formal Review

Candance reviewed the program and discussed the evaluation

Fraud Risk Assessment

Discussion on Risk range being in 345 range is Low to Very Low

Truth in Taxation Rate Discussion

Discussed TNT and the advantages of doing it every year. Discussed timeline for hearings and the how process works and how the rates will stay the same but the dollars will NOT go down

Basic Levy Change

Basic Levy change by the state gives us a great opportunity to realize an increase in funding. Curtis gave a great explanation about how the State is valuing properties.

Board Training

Jim - discussed the Parent Drop Off area. Presented the board with some estimates. Board decided to move forward with bid process.

Curtis - discussed USBA board meeting. Members of WSD board are Delegate or Alternate. Pre-Delegate Assembly is on August 25th and 26th. Leadership Academy is September 7th – 9th may be limited on attendance. Master Board Assembly certification requested. Legislative committee asking that Boards, Superintendent and Business Administrator commit to at least 3 contacts with legislators. Discussion on reasons for contacts.

Shawn – Mentioned busses. Discussion about Middle School locker rooms.

April – Gave Hadley Taylor a gift for being the Student Board Member.

Hadley – Reviewed HS activities and achievements. Thanked board for opportunity to serve

April excused Liz from meeting for family emergency


Washington Leadership Training – FFA

Discussion around opportunities for kids, policy around out of state trips, fees & waivers and community participation in costs. Discusssion on out of state policy and trips.

Non-Action on item

Public Treasury Board Resolution

Change of names on Resolution because of changes to Board President & Business Administrator

Motion by Shawn to approve new Public Treasury Board Resolution, second by Jim. All in Favor

Insurance Network Changes

Explanation of changes to program.

Motion by Jim to approve the change from Preferred to Advantage and Summit programs, second by Shawn. All in Favor

Approve Trust Lands Plans

Discussion on individual school plans.

Motion by Shawn to approve the State Trust Land Plans for WHS, WMS & LES, second by Jim, All in Favor

Motion to move Student Board Member Selection to closed session.

Student Board Member

Andria Pett - Salary Approval

Discussion had previously on item

Motion by Jim to allow the Superintendent to set the salary for Andria when she is hired, second by Shawn, All in Favor

Salary committee to meet on May 16th. Something will be available for Salary Schedule in June


First Reading

Discussion that two policies contradict each other.

DHE Employee Leave and Pay policies


Motion by Jim to Approve first reading on both policies, second by Shawn, discussion around wording of policy and changes to address, All in Favor

Second Reading


Third Reading

Motion by April to approve policy BE and GC, second by Jim, All in Favor

Motion by April to table policy DFD, second by Jim, All in Favor.

Motion by Shawn to move into Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a), second by Jim.

Jim – Yes

April – Yes

Shawn – Yes

Liz and Curtis not present

Motion by Jim to accept Brylee Brown as Student School Board Member for the 2023-2024 school year, second by Shawn, All in Favor

Adjournment by April at 8:45pm

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