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May 11, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes



Shawn Davis – President
April Torgerson – Vice President
Liz Torgerson – Member
Cory Anderson – Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Shaleen Nelson – Student Board Member

Absent: Curtis Whipple - Member

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of allegiance is recited.

Cory offers a reverence.

Superintendent Shelley recognizes our retirees, Joni Taft and Michelle Brown. He reads bio information and thanks them for their service to the district.

Cory makes a motion to approve the minutes from 4/13/2022.  Liz seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler mentions some summer projects, including a refinish of the high school gym floor. He also discusses briefly the audit review from USBE as well as other three other audits that have happened this year.

Cory makes a motion to pay the bills. April seconds. All in favor. 




Tax Rates

Tyler reviews House Bill 475, particularly the section on small school construction and reviews the qualifications for it, which include being located in counties of the 4th-6th classes, receiving guarantee funds from the state, and raising or maintaining a capital levy to specific levels as described in the grant/loan program. In order to qualify for a 4-to-1 match, it requires a levy of 0.00225. The district currently charges 0.00108. Our district has the third lowest tax rate in the state, after Rich and Park City school districts. We can also qualify for a revolving loan fund if our capital levy rate is .0024. There is some discussion about how that could benefit us going forward.

Superintendent Report

Architect SOIQ: Randy talks about the Statement of Interest and Qualifications for Architectural Services that was issued. A walkthrough will be conducted on Monday with interested firms. The deadline for submittals is May 25th. We have to evaluate proposals based on qualifications and then will enter into negotiations with the highest scoring firm. Final selection is scheduled for June 3rd with board contract approval on June 8th

Superintendent Shelley talks about the programming study and says that current bids in other rural areas are coming in between $400-450 per sq ft. He believes that if we are able to secure the full funding amount, we would likely be able to fund a high school/middle school and a new elementary school. A remodel of the middle school into a district office is also included in the study. Rough size estimates have been included. Once the contract is awarded, architects will be on hand to discuss more detailed needs with staff. 

Randy talks about a tour of some Duchesne school buildings and the ideas that came from the various designs. He speaks about some of the size and design elements. 

PCBL: Superintendent explains personalized competency-based learning and the direction the state is going with it, which ties in to portrait of a graduate and our strategic plan. There will be an expectation in the near future to adopt this. This is a significant lift for our district, requiring some changes to the way we approach teaching and learning. There is a grant available that would provide about $50,000 this year and $100,000 each year for additional years. 

Liz has concerns about implementation and how much work it would take. Randy agrees that it would take significant effort on our part, which he hopes the grant would help cover. 

Nikki Stringham talks about the benefits of competency-based learning and how it has worked wonderfully in her classroom. She explains further about the ins and outs of PCBL and how the students are learning.

Ashlee Jackson asks if it can be adapted at elementary levels and has concerns about the continued importance of test results at a state level. Randy explains that the planning grant is to help us figure it out at all levels and we can adapt or implement at whatever speed suits us best.  

Tyler mentions that the workforce requires competency in job performance, not simply a demonstration that you can pass a test. He states that colleges have also been headed this direction and enjoyed his graduate program which followed this path.

Randy says there are a lot of benefits to this and he would like to see how to make it work for Wayne County.

Travel Reimbursement

Shawn suggests that the rates in our policy should match the state. He says it is better for the district if employees submit receipts. Tyler mentions that they could switch to a per diem at a cost of about $6,000-7,000 per year. The board agrees that they would like to pay mileage and food at the state guidelines and keep the current policy in place to reimburse actual food expenses with submission of a receipt.

Data Review

Randy says we need to focus more on the data in our district. He plans on having this as a regular agenda item. 

Wendy Potter shares that the Acadience test given to K-5 students at both Loa and Hanksville elementaries shows about 75% of our students scored at or above grade level, which exceeds the State’s goal of 60%. She talks about literacy goals in 2nd and 3rdgrade, which were both exceeded as well. She talks about the process of testing and providing support throughout the year. This is the first year for Acadience math assessment, which will provide some baseline data going forward. Sixty-five percent of students are on or above benchmark between Hanksville and Loa Elementaries with a gain of 11% over the course of the year.

Randy talks about the growth that has happened this year. The majority of students have made adequate or better progress when compared to their peers across the state. 


Student Board Member

Members of the board thank Shaleen Nelson for participating in the board during this school year. 

Shaleen explains the general education certificate at Snow College and names those who completed it this year. Two students also graduated with their CNAs. She gives a report on track, golf, and FFA with many participants who will be going to state competitions. 

April makes a motion to appoint Hadlee Taylor as student board member for the 2022-2023 school year. Liz seconds. All in favor. 

Elementary Overnight Field Trip

Ashlee Jackson did a survey with parents of K-2 students regarding the Gooseberry overnight trip and results were very positive. The program is operated by Sevier School District and hosted by the Forest Service. Participation will be joint with Salina Elementary. Wendy and Ashlee suggest that this needs to be something we commit to for the long-run rather than a one-year activity because of the planning that is involved. 

Shawn asks about what you do with children who don’t want to participate. Wendy explains that it would be similar to any other field trip where they can choose to participate or not. This would be the second week in September. 

Shawn asks about the cost. Wendy says that the field trip has been added to the trust land plan. Bussing and food are the main costs involved. 

Ashlee gives further details on parent involvement and parent/student ratios. 

April makes a motion to approve the 3rd grade overnight travel to Gooseberry. Liz seconds. All in favor. 

Land Trust Plan Approval

Liz makes a motion to approve the WMS, WHS, HES, and LES trust land plans. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Construction Manager/General Contractor RFP

Randy talks about the recommendation to hire a construction manager as soon as possible to assist in value engineering and other stages of the project. The CM/GC will submit a proposal to manage the job and will submit a fee as part of their proposal. 

Cory makes a motion to approve the RFP for a CM/GC. Liz seconds. All in favor.


April makes a motion to approve first reading of policy ECA-Curriculum Required. Randy explains that this has been in 1st and 2nd reading before but had some errors regarding number of credit hours required.

April amends her motion to waive first and second reading and approve policy ECA-Curriculum Required Instruction. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve second reading of policies FDAD-Health Requirements Communicable Diseases, FDAF-Concussions and Head Injuries, FDB-Health Requirements Suicide Prevention, FDC-School Breakfast Program, FDEA-Wellness Policy Food Sales, EFC-Grading Participation of Private and Home School Students in Statewide Assessments, FE-Student Records, FEA-Education and Family Privacy, FED-Student Data Protection. Liz seconds. All in favor.  

Shawn asks about where policy FDAF originated. It came from Utah School Boards Association, which references state code. Heidi Woolsey explains the protocol. There is debate about utilizing a trainer. Cory asks Heidi if there has been any discussion at Region 20 about hiring trainers. Heidi says that in many areas, they work with the county to have an ambulance or EMTs onsite in a volunteer capacity.

Liz makes a motion to approve policies CFB-Use of School Facilities Use of Equipment, ECBB-Curriculum Elective Instruction Drivers Ed, ECC-Curriculum Early Learning Plan, ECCA-Curriculum Reading Achievement for K-3, ECCB-Curriculum Mathematics Assessment for K-3, ECE-Curriculum College Course Work, ECG-Curriculum American Heritage, EFA-Grading Progress Reports to Parents, EFB-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards, EFBA-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards Kindergarten Assessment, EFBB-Grading Testing Procedures and Standards Exclusion from Testing and H-Special Education policies. Cory seconds. All in favor.

New Hires

Cory makes a motion to approve new hires pending background check. April seconds. All in favor. 

New Hires include:

Lynsey Shelar – BTS teacher @ LES
Brailey Brian – SPED aide @ WMS


Cory makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 8:20 pm. April seconds. 

Shawn Davis – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes
 Cory Anderson – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes

Open Meeting resumes at 11:07 pm

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 11:07 pm

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