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Dec. 8, 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes



Shawn Davis - President
Liz Torgerson – Member
Curtis Whipple - Member
Cory Anderson - Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Shaleen Nelson – Student Board Member

Conducting: Shawn Davis

Absent: April Torgerson – Vice President


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Curtis offers a reverence

Cory makes a motion to approve the minutes from 11/10/2021. Curtis seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler provides a review of the audit. He talks about the financial trend of the district, citing an increase in assets and fund balances, both revenue and expenditure growth, and a 2% decline in enrollment over the last 5 years. 

Liz and Shawn comment on the audit. Shawn talks about the facilities and how we are trying to improve things for the teachers and students.

Curtis makes a motion to pay the bills. Cory seconds. All in favor.


Daniel Palmer asks the board what their top priority is for benefitting the kids for the rest of the school year and how can parents help. Shawn responds that the main focus is to keep schools open and provide opportunities if they need to study at home. Liz adds that the board met today to discuss the strategic plan and discussed core values of integrity, empathy, capacity, data-driven, and sustainability. 

Curtis thanks Daniel for bringing the focus back to kids and that the strategic planning process needs to continue. 


Snow College – Technical College Information

Stacee McIff talks about some of the changes at Snow College. Technical colleges are now under the umbrella of universities and Snow College will serve as the technical college for central Utah.

Stacee explains that technical programs are designed to align with industry and train students to fill those jobs. Many high school students don’t see themselves as college students. The program is designed to help bridge the gap between CTE programs and business. It also provides lower tuition rates, college credit, and financial aid. 

She describes the Learn and Work program, which helps provide training for adults to get back to work or get college credit. This program is free through a grant. 

Student Board Member Report

Shaleen talks about the sporting events going on at the high school right now.

Superintendent Report

Superintendent Shelley thanks those who have been involved in the strategic plan to date. He says that the goal is to have a plan moving forward that we can all focus on. By the end of the year, it should be easy to answer the question of what is our priority. 

Randy states that he has spoken with Senator Owens regarding our facilities needs. Senator Owens reached out to Congressman Stewart and said he was surprised about the percentage of public lands in our county. Approximately 97% of the property is in public lands with 75% of the private land in green belt. Senator Owens was confident that we could receive some help with our buildings but it would take time. Further discussion has happened with the governor’s office and the governor’s budget included significant funding for facilities needs. Our architect continues to work on drawings for facilities for our district.

Randy talks about the school fees report. The risk assessment provided a 3, which means moderate risk. The section that scored lowest was the portion of students not participating in fee waivers. 

Superintendent Shelley reviews policy GC, which covers use of facilities as a civic center. He says that administrators have met to discuss the needs and resolution of conflicts. Curtis asks if there is enough clarity in the policy. Randy talks about the process of scheduling and says it places a lot of pressure on building principals to make the determination. The discussion continues about the utilization and scheduling of the gyms. Curtis suggests that the administrators discuss how the policy can be modified to meet needs and provide better clarity. Shawn suggests the board should address the policy over the next couple months. Liz and Cory will work with staff on addressing the policy. 

Cory comments that anyone can address a school district policy and make recommendations to the board.



Curtis makes a motion to approve first reading of policies CBF-Exceptions to Standard Procurement Processes, CBG-Contracts and Contract Limitations, and CCA-School Construction Bidding. Liz seconds. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve second reading of policies BBC-Board Members Vacancies on the Board, BEB-Board Meetings Recordings and Minutes, BEC-Closed Meetings, BEE2-Board Meetings Electronic Meetings, BM-Charter Schools Charter School Sponsorships, CAD-District Audit Committee, CAE-Capital Outlay Reporting, CAF-Financial Reporting, CBA-General Procurement Policies, CBB-Awarding Contracts by Bidding, CBD-Awarding Contracts by Request for Proposals, CBE-Small Purchases. Curtis seconds. All in favor.

Curtis makes a motion to approve policies BAB-Board Fiscal Responsibilities, CAG-District Fiscal Responsibilities, CAH-Program Accounting, CBK-Child Nutrition Program Procurement, GBA-Board of Education Hotline, GD-Parent Access to Curriculum. Liz seconds. All in favor. 

New Hires

Liz makes a motion to approve new hires pending background check. Curtis seconds. All in favor.

New Hires:

Kiley Tourigny – custodian at WHS

Charity Jackson – paraprofessional at HES

Employee Separations

Cory makes a motion to approve employee separations.  Liz seconds. All in favor.

Other Items

Shawn asks about scoreboards at the middle school, mentions getting a valve fixed, and asks for recommendations on training at the USBA conference.

Curtis asks if we need to hold a January board meeting. Cory suggests that we do. It may be held as a school visit. The board will also meet on January 28th in a work session to continue working on the strategic plan.


Curtis makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 7:29 pm.  Cory seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes
April Torgerson joins via phone at 7:30 pm.
Tyler is excused at 8:13 pm
Open Meeting resumes at 8:42 pm
Shawn adjourns the meeting at 8:42 pm
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